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CompositePrintLayout Enumeration

Specifies the layout used in the ImageCompositePrintDocument when printing.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Imaging.WinControls
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage.WinControls (in Atalasoft.dotImage.WinControls.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum CompositePrintLayout
  Member nameDescription
FullPage Image will fill the entire page to the extent of the minimum margins.
Inch80x100 A single image printed per page at 8" x 10" portrait, or 10" x 8" landscape.
Cm20x25 A single image printed per page at 20cm x 25cm portrait, or 25cm x 20cm landscape.
Inch50x70 Two images printed per page at 7" x 5" portrait, or 5" x 7" landscape.
Cm13x18 Two images printed per page at 18cm x 13cm portrait, or 13cm x 18cm landscape.
Inch40x60 Two images printed per page at 6" x 4" portrait, or 4" x 6" landscape.
Cm10x15 Two images printed per page at 15cm x 10cm portrait, or 10cm x 13cm landscape.
Inch40x60BestFit Three images printed per page at 4" x 6", with the third image rotated to fit.
Cm10x15BestFit Three images printed per page at 10cm x 15cm, with the third image rotated to fit.
Inch35x50 Four images printed per page at 3.5" x 5" portrait, or 5" x 3.5" landscape.
Cm9x13 Four images printed per page at 9cm x 13cm portrait, or 13cm x 9cm landscape.
Wallet Nine wallet sized images printed per page (2.5" x 3.125").
ContactSheet Thirty-five images printed per page (1.4" x 1.12").
See Also