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PdfContentDigestMethod Enumeration

When a document is signed, this enum determines the hashing algorithm that is used to create the detached message digest that will embedded in the file.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.PdfDoc.DigitalSignatures
Assembly:  Atalasoft.PdfDoc (in Atalasoft.PdfDoc.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum PdfContentDigestMethod
  Member nameDescription
SHA1 The sha-1 message digest is a 160 bit hash.
SHA256 The sha-256 message digest is a 256 bit hash using the general SHA-2 algorithm
SHA384 The sha-384 message digest is a 384 bit hash using the general SHA-2 algorithm
SHA512 The sha-256 message digest is a 512 bit hash using the general SHA-2 algorithm
See Also