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IOcrFactory Interface

Summary description for OcrFactory.
IOcrFactory provides a uniform interface for the construction of page element objects for the process of OCR.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Ocr
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr (in Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.dll) Version: (.NET 4.6.2, x86)
public interface IOcrFactory

The IOcrFactory type exposes the following members.

Public methodOcrBarcodeRegion(Rectangle, String, OcrBarcodeSymbologies)
Construct a page element to represent a barcode.
Public methodOcrBarcodeRegion(PolygonF, String, OcrBarcodeSymbologies)
Construct a page element to represent a barcode.
Public methodOcrDocument
Construct a new OcrDocument object.
Public methodOcrFormElementRegion(Rectangle)
Constructs a new OcrFormElement for this page.
Public methodOcrFormElementRegion(PolygonF)
Constructs a new OcrFormElement for this page.
Public methodOcrGlyph(IOcrGlyphAccessor, Rectangle, Int32)
Public methodOcrGlyph(IOcrGlyphAccessor, Rectangle, Int32, Color)
Public methodOcrImageRegion(Rectangle, AtalaImage)
Construct a new page element to represent an image in a document.
Public methodOcrImageRegion(AtalaImage, Boolean)
Construct a new page element to represent an image in a document.
Public methodOcrImageRegion(PolygonF, AtalaImage)
Construct a new page element to represent an image in a document.
Public methodOcrLine
Construct a new page element to represent a line of text in a document.
Public methodOcrPage(AtalaImage)
Public methodOcrPage(Int32, Int32, Dpi)
Public methodOcrTableRegion(Rectangle)
Construct a page element to represent a table.
Public methodOcrTableRegion(PolygonF)
Construct a page element to represent a table.
Public methodOcrTextRegion(Rectangle)
Construct a page element to represent text.
Public methodOcrTextRegion(PolygonF)
Construct a page element to represent text.
Public methodOcrTextRegion(Rectangle, OcrTextRotation)
Construct a page element to represent text.
Public methodOcrWord
Construct a new page element to represent a word of text in a document.
See BasicOcrFactory for a simple class that implements IOcrFactory.
See Also


BasicOcrFactory Class