Tungsten Automation

Kofax Import Connector 2.11.0 Fix Pack 4

Build date: August 20, 2024

© 2024 Tungsten Automation. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.


You can install Kofax Import Connector to apply the features added and resolve the issues listed below.

Note: To install Kofax Import Connector successfully, an existing full installation of Kofax Import Connector 2.11.0 is required.

If you need to install the full product, see Kofax Import Connector Installation Help for instructions.

Issues resolved in this fix pack

ID Issue Solution

The EML file was incorrectly converted to MHT instead of TIFF.

Upgraded a third-party component with this fix pack.

The Kofax Import Connector integrated with Tungsten TotalAgility 7.11 had security vulnerabilities using 7-Zip version 23.01.

Upgraded the 7-Zip version from 23.01 to 24.07 to fix the reported security vulnerabilities CVE-2023-52168 and CVE-2023-52169.

Previous fix packs

This section includes the features added and issues resolved in the previously released fix packs.

Features added

ID Description
2111573 The order of documents extracted from the portfolio PDF can be changed to ascending or the order in which the documents were imported into the portfolio PDF.
2107942 The conversion of Visio file format .vsdx is supported.
2098727 The SMTP import sources support OAuth 2.0 Client credentials for Exchange Online.

The EMLConversionEngine, HTMLConversionEngine, and MHTConversionEngine parameters are added to the KFXConverter.ini file to enhance document conversion.


  • By default, the value of these parameters is set to 1 to use the standard conversion engine. Set the value to 2 to use the new conversion engine.
  • While upgrading from previous versions of Kofax Import Connector, copy these parameters from the default.ini file to the KFXConverter.ini file.

2060318 Added support for RPMSG files. For more information see, Manage Identities in KC Plug-In Help.
1990271 Added support for polling folders from Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 Bucket using REST protocol. For more information see, Access AWS S3 Bucket via REST in KC Plug-In Help.

Issues resolved

ID Issue Solution

KFXConverter failed to convert PDF files of version 1.6 when the third-party component reported false post-analysis errors

Enhanced the conversion to ignore post-analysis errors.

KFXConverter failed to convert PDF files created using Libre Office 7.4 when the third-party component reported false post-analysis error.

Enhanced the conversion to ignore post-analysis errors.

KFXConverter failed to convert PDF files of version 1.4. The following error message was displayed:

"Document Conversion failed with exit code: 1"

Upgraded a third-party component.
2111581 Fax import took longer than expected when RightFax did not retain the DID/DNIS of the delayed faxes. The DID/DNIS of the delayed faxes are retained and the remaining faxes are imported.
2109140 Attachment names with special characters, such as a colon (:), were not displayed in the message body of the imported mail when the mail subject was used as an EML/MSG attachment name. Special characters are now supported in the attachment names.
2101418 KC Plug-In failed when two processes tried to update the log file simultaneously. The access to the shared objects (log file) is enhanced; two processes can update the same log file simultaneously.
2090881 Document conversion from VCF to TIFF/PDF failed. Upgraded a third-party component.
2090012 When the "FitTableWidthToPage" parameter was set to False, some email contents were lost during the EML to PDF conversion.

Added a new conversion engine for better results.

By default, the value of the new parameter "EMLConversionEngine" is set to 1 to use the standard conversion engine. Set the value to 2 to use the new conversion engine.


While upgrading from previous versions of Kofax Import Connector, copy this parameter from the default.ini file to the KFXConverter.ini file.

Features added

ID Description
2095226 VRS version is supported.

PDF upscaling or downscaling is supported using VRS. The following parameters are added to set the minimum and maximum PDF page dimensions (height and width) for scaling:

  • Maximum Resize Height: The maximum height of the PDF page to which the PDF is downscaled.

  • Maximum Resize Width: The maximum width of the PDF page to which the PDF is downscaled.

  • Minimum Resize Height: The minimum height of the PDF page to which the PDF is upscaled.

    Note: The value should be less than the Maximum Resize Height value.

  • Minimum Resize Width: The minimum width of the PDF page to which the PDF is upscaled.

    Note: The value should be less than the Maximum Resize Width value.

  • These parameters are available under the PDF Scale To section in Import settings > VRS Settings > VRS parameters.


  • To scale to the maximum page size, the maximum resize width and height cannot be '0'
  • To scale to the minimum page size, the minimum resize width and height cannot be '0'.
  • The aspect ratio of the output file is maintained based on the input file.

2085158 MS Graph supports Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud (GCC) High endpoint URLs.

Issues resolved

ID Issue Solution
2101817 Unable to add the MS Graph import connector to Message Connector passive inputs when the "Resource Owner Password Credentials (Deprecated)" grant type was used. Fixed the issue with MS Graph mailbox to support the "Resource Owner Password Credentials (Deprecated)" grant type.

Document conversion failed with an error message similar to the following when unknown tags were detected:

Convert: Unknown field with tag 32934 (0x80a6) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory' @ warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/964.

Unknown tags are ignored and listed as warnings in the log file.

Feature added

ID Description
2095207 Acro form PDF files are supported for conversion.

Issues resolved

ID Issue Solution
2095032 Document field mapping was not saved and removed after the service restart. Now, document field mapping is saved.

Sometimes, email import failed using MS Graph, and an error message similar to the following was displayed:

"The message has no content"

Functionality is updated to verify if there are any attachments in an email for import.

2085207 The Message Connector configuration tool failed due to a time-out error. The default time-out value has been increased.
2083525 KC Plug-In Help did not contain information about the maximum document size allowed for web service input. KC Plug-In Help is updated to add the maximum document size limit for web service input.
2067117 After installing Kofax Import Connector 2.10.0 fix 19676, the logos were missing in the PDF post-conversion. Enhanced the functionality to retain PDF logos post-conversion.

known issue

ID Description
2101817 Unable to add the MS Graph import connector to Message Connector passive inputs when the "Resource Owner Password Credentials (Deprecated)" grant type is used.

Applies to

This fix pack includes the features added and issues resolved in Kofax Import Connector

Files included

This fix pack includes the following files.

File name Version
KCPlugin- version
KCPlugin- NA
MC- version
ReadMe-KofaxImportConnector- NA

Install this fix pack

For best results, install the fix pack during off-peak processing hours.

  1. Verify that the following applications/services are not running.
  2. Extract the contents of the .zip file on the computer where Kofax Import Connector is installed.
  3. Run MC- and follow the on-screen instructions.

    Note: To update a single instance or multiple instances of Message Connector on a cluster node:

    1. Open Command Prompt and navigate to the directory containing the update.
    2. Execute the following commands:
      • Instance 1: msiexec /update MC- KOFAXPRODUCTVERSION= /qb /l*vx MC- /n {ED3A11FC-AEED-43E3-ACB9-346251589F42}
      • Instance 2: msiexec /update MC- KOFAXPRODUCTVERSION= /qb /l*vx MC- /n {BECAC22C-F193-4D6F-BE5D-99AD080E776F}
      • Instance 3: msiexec /update MC- KOFAXPRODUCTVERSION= /qb /l*vx MC- /n {F6C1303A-7A09-4F2E-AF46-F063E03331F9}

  4. On the computers where KC Plug-In is installed:

    1. Close Kofax Capture Administration.
    2. Run KCPlugin- and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Restart any applications or services that were stopped prior to installing the fix pack.
  6. Verify that the KC Plug-In and the Message Connector services are running.

Remove this fix pack

For best results, remove the fix pack during off-peak processing hours.

  1. Verify that the following applications/services are not running.
  2. To uninstall Message Connector:
    1. In Control Panel, select Programs and Features > View installed updates.
    2. On the list of updates, in the Name column, select MC fix pack MC-
    3. Right-click and select Uninstall.
  3. To uninstall KC Plug-In:

    You cannot uninstall the fix pack for KC Plug-In. You must uninstall Kofax Import Connector and install it again without the fix pack.

  4. Restart any applications or services that were stopped prior to removing the fix pack.