Manage Identities

Use this feature to add users who can read the messages sent as Restricted Permission Message (RPMSG) files.

RPMSG files are used to deliver e-mails using the Rights-Managed Email Object Protocol. This protocol controls e-mail access and usage permissions. The content of an RPMSG email is stored as an encrypted file attachment to the email.

You can use the Rights-Managed Email Object Protocol to specify restrictions, such as forwarding, printing, copying, and providing access to only specific users. As the rights management information is encoded in the e-mail, these restrictions are independent of the device where the e-mail is received.

You can view an RPMSG file using Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Web App (OWA), and Azure Information Protection Viewer. However, to open a protected message, the application may need to obtain a Use License from the server, using Publishing License encoded in the RPMSG file. You can then decrypt the RPMSG message using the Use License.

Data in the RPMSG file is stored in a Compound File Binary format. This format allows storing multiple complex content objects in a single binary file. When an application like Microsoft Outlook detects an RPMSG file in e-mail, it transparently decodes it and renders a message inside along with following the access rules specified in the file.

The RPMSG files are transferred over e-mail or the internet using the application/x-microsoft-rpmsg-message multipurpose internet mail extensions (MIME) type.