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IServerExtractor Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

void login (LoginCredentials loginCredentials, ICompletionListener< String > completionListener)
void extractData (ServerExtractionParameters serverExtractionParameters, ICompletionListener< String > completionListener)
void cancelExtraction ()

Detailed Description

Specifies the interface required to satisfy RTTI/KTA dependencies.

Member Function Documentation

void cancelExtraction ( )

Cancel an outstanding extraction process. If this method is called while no extraction is outstanding a ErrorInfo#KMC_EV_CANCEL_OPERATION_SUCCESS exception is thrown directly.

If cancellation was not possible, the listener is called with results and/or Exception as normal.

If cancellation was successful, the listener is called with null results, and ErrorInfo#KMC_EV_CANCEL_OPERATION_SUCCESS as the exception.

void extractData ( ServerExtractionParameters  serverExtractionParameters,
ICompletionListener< String >  completionListener 

Extracts the data from the given images in the ServerExtractionParameters. If extraction fails ExtractionServerException will be thrown with a proper message and code.

serverExtractionParameters- The data extraction parameters.
completionListener- A completion listener, return result as well as Exception if it fails.
void login ( LoginCredentials  loginCredentials,
ICompletionListener< String >  completionListener 

Login to the server and returns sessionID, required for KtaServer. If login fails ExtractionServerException will be thrown with a proper message and code.

Login not required for RttiServer, An ErrorInfo#KMC_GN_LOGIN_NOT_APPLICABLE exception will be thrown directly.

loginCredentials- Contains the username, password, and serverUrl.
completionListener- A completion listener, return result as well as Exception if it fails.

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