▼NAgility | |
▼NSdk | |
►NModel | |
►NActivities | |
CActivitiesSummaryResults | Contains the ActivitiesSummaryResults Results. |
CActivityCountFilter | JobActivityFilter class |
CActivityField | The Activity Field |
CActivityFieldValue | Uniquely identifies the Activity. |
CActivityList | Specifies the activity count and activity summary. |
CActivityNotification | Activity Notification class. |
CActivitySettings | ActivitySettings class |
CActivityType | ActivityType class |
CAdhocActivity | Represents the active job to which an adhoc activity is to be added with details like resources and priority. |
CAlertActivity | Represents the active job to which an alert activity is to be added with details like resources and priority. |
CCompletedActivitiesFilter | CompletedActivitiesFilter class |
CJobActivitiesSummary | Job Activities Summary. |
CJobActivitiesSummaryCollection | A collection of type JobActivitiesSummary class. |
CJobActivity | Represents the details of the activity that is taken. |
CJobActivityCountFilter | JobActivityCountFilter class |
CJobActivityFilter | Represents the search criteria to filter the activities. |
CJobActivityFilter2 | Represents the search filter criteria for activities such as activity status, job ids, and end due date. |
CJobActivityFilter3 | Represents the search filter criteria for activities such as activity status, job ids, and end due date. |
CJobActivityIdentity | Represents an activity in a job. |
CJobActivityIdentity2 | Represents an activity in a job. |
CJobActivityIdentityCollection | A collection of type JobActivityIdentity class. |
CJobActivityInfo | Represents the activity information such as job id, process and node id. |
CJobActivityInfo2 | Represents the activity information such as job id, process and node id. |
CJobActivityInfo3 | Represents the activity information such as job id, process and node id. |
CJobActivityInfo4 | Represents the activity information such as job id, process and node id. |
CJobActivityInfoCollection | A collection of type JobActivityInfo class. |
CJobActivityOutput | Represents the cost, output variables and set time for the completed activity. |
CJobActivityQueryFilter | Contains the search filter criteria for GetWorkQueueWithQuery and GetActivitiesWithQuery |
CJobActivitySummary | Represents the summarized view of all the job activities. |
CJobActivitySummary2 | Represents the summarized view of all the job activities along with the associated case. |
CJobActivitySummary2Collection | A collection of type JobActivitySummary2 class. |
CJobActivitySummaryCollection | A collection of type JobActivitySummary class. |
CJobActivitySummaryFilter | Represents the search criteria to filter the activities. |
CJobActivityWithDocumentsOutput | JobActivityWithDocumentsOutput extended class that supports documents |
CMetaDataFilter | MetaDataFilter class |
CMetaDataFilterInfo | MetaDataFilterInfo class |
CMetaDataFilterInfoCollection | A collection of type MetaDataFilterInfo class. |
CNextActivity | Represents the details of the next activity in the work queue. |
CProcessActivityIdentity | Uniquely identifies the activity in a process map. |
CProcessActivityIdentityCollection | A collection of type ProcessActivityIdentity class. |
CScoreFilter | ScoreFilter class |
CTakeNextActivityFilter | Represents the filter criteria to take the next activity. |
CWorkQueue | Represents the summarized view of all the job activities for a specified resource with additional details like priority and duedate. |
CWorkQueue2 | Represents the summarized view of all the job activities for a specified resource. |
CWorkQueueOverview | Represents the overview of the workqueue. |
CWorkQueueOverviewFilter | Represents the search criteria to filter the workload of the specified resource. |
CWorkSummary | Represents the summarized information of individual and /or combined work of a resource. |
CWorkSummaryFilter | Represents the options to filter the work summary. |
CWorkSummaryFilter2 | Represents the options to filter the work summary2. |
►NAnnotations | |
CAnnotation | Annotation class. |
►NAssets | |
CAssetIdentity | AssetIdentity class |
►NAttachments | |
CAttachment | Attachment class. |
►NAudit | |
CAuditCategorisations | AuditCategorisations class |
CAuditCategory | AuditCategory class |
CAuditCategoryCollection | A collection of type AuditCategory class. |
CAuditEntry | AuditEntry class |
CAuditEntry2 | Specifies the properties if AuditEntry2 class. |
CAuditEntry2Collection | A collection of type AuditEntry2 class. |
CAuditEntryCollection | A collection of type AuditEntry class. |
CAuditLevel | AuditLevel class |
CAuditLevelCollection | A collection of type AuditLevel class. |
CAuditType | AuditType class |
CAuditTypeCollection | A collection of type AuditType class. |
►NAuthentication | |
CAuthenticationProvider | AuthenticationProvider class |
CAuthenticationProviderCollection | A collection of type AuthenticationProvider class. |
CAuthenticationProviderIdentity | The Authentication Provider Identity |
CAuthenticationProviderIdentityCollection | A collection of type AuthenticationProviderIdentity class. |
CAuthenticationProviderSettings | AuthenticationProviderSettings class |
CAuthenticationProvidersForSignIn | class AuthenticationProvidersForSignIn class |
CClaimTypeMapping | ClaimTypeMapping class |
CLogOnSettings | LogOnSettings class |
CUserClaim | UserClaim class |
CUserClaimCollection | A collection of type UserClaimCollection class. |
CUserClaimMappings | UserClaimMappings class |
CUserClaimRule | UserClaimRule class |
CUserClaimRuleCollection | A collection of type UserClaimRuleCollection class. |
CUserClaimRules | UserClaimRules class |
►NBusinessCalendar | |
CTimeCategory | |
CTimeCategoryCollection | A collection of type TimeCategory class. |
►NBusinessCalendars | |
CTimeCategoryIdentity | Uniquely identifies a time category. |
►NBusinessEvents | |
CAlertDefinitionIdentity | Event Identity class. |
CAlertDefinitionIdentityCollection | A collection of type AlertDefinitionIdentity class. |
CAlertExportOptions | AlertExportOptions class. |
CEventDefinitionIdentity | Event Identity class. |
CEventDefinitionIdentityCollection | A collection of type EventDefinitionIdentity class. |
CTargetDefinitionIdentity | Event Identity class. |
CTargetDefinitionIdentityCollection | A collection of type TargetDefinitionIdentity class. |
►NBusinessRules | |
CBusinessRuleIdentity | BusinessRuleIdentity class. |
CBusinessRuleInput | BusinessRuleInput class. |
CBusinessRuleInputCollection | A collection of BusinessRuleInput objects. |
CBusinessRuleOutput | BusinessRuleOutput class. |
CBusinessRuleOutputCollection | A collection of BusinessRuleOutput objects. |
CBusinessRuleRuntimeIdentity | BusinessRuleRuntimeIdentity class. |
►NCapture | |
►NFormatting | |
CFieldFormatter | Formatter class - abstract base class for all Formatters |
CFormatterIdentity | FormatterIdentity class |
CFormattingResult | FormattingResult class |
►NManageConfigurableKeys | |
CHotKeyMapping | HotKeyMapping class |
►NPdfGeneration | |
CPdfGenerationProfileIdentity | PdfGenerationProfileIdentity class |
►NScanning | |
CScanVrsProfile | ScanVrsProfile class |
CScanVrsProfileCollection | A collection of type ScanVrsProfile class. |
CScanVrsProfileIdentity | ScanVrsProfileIdentity class |
CScanVrsProfileIdentityCollection | A collection of type ScanVrsProfileIdentity class. |
►NSeparation | |
CSeparationProfileIdentity | SeparationProfileIdentity class |
►NValidation | |
CFieldValidationResult2 | FieldValidationResult2 class |
CFieldValidationResult2Collection | A collection of FieldValidationResult2 objects. |
CReviewValidationResult | ReviewValidationResult class |
CTableCellValidationResult | TableCellValidationResult class |
CTableCellValidationResultCollection | A collection of TableCellValidationResult objects. |
CValidationResult | ValidationResult class |
CValidationResultCollection | A collection of ValidationResult objects. |
CValidator | Validator class - abstract base class for all Validators |
CValidatorIdentity | ValidatorIdentity class |
►NVariant | |
CActivityVariantIdentity | ActivityVariantIdentity class |
CActivityVariantInfo | ActivityVariantInfo class. |
CDocumentVariantInfo | DocumentVariantInfo class. |
CVariantFieldIdentity | VariantFieldIdentity class |
CVariantFieldIdentityCollection | A collection of VariantFieldIdentity objects. |
CVariantIdentity | VariantIdentity class |
CVariantSummary | VariantSummary class |
CVariantSummaryCollection | A collection of type VariantSummary class. |
CBarcode | Barcode class. |
CBarcodeCollection | A collection of type Barcode class. |
CBinaryData | BinaryData Class |
CCaptureAnnotation | CaptureAnnotation class. |
CCaptureAnnotationCollection | A collection of type CaptureAnnotation class. |
CCaptureProjects | Capture Forms Class |
CClassificationGroupIdentity | ClassificationGroupIdentity class. |
CClassificationResult | ClassificationResult class. |
CClassificationResultCollection | A collection of ClassificationResult objects that each represent a document type with a corresponding confidence level. |
CDeletionResult | DeletionResult class |
CDocument | Document class. |
CDocumentCollection | A collection of type Document class. |
CDocumentDataInput | DocumentDataInput class. |
CDocumentDataInput2 | DocumentDataInput class. |
CDocumentDataInput2Collection | A collection of type DocumentDataInput2 class. |
CDocumentDataInputCollection | A collection of type DocumentDataInput class. |
CDocumentFields2 | DocumentFields2 class |
CDocumentFields2Collection | A collection of type DocumentFields2 class. |
CDocumentFieldValue | DocumentFieldValue class |
CDocumentFieldValueCollection | A collection of type DocumentFieldValue class. |
CDocumentGroupIdentity | DocumentGroupIdentity class. |
CDocumentGroupSummary | DocumentGroupSummary class |
CDocumentGroupSummaryCollection | A collection of Model.Capture.DocumentGroupSummary objects. |
CDocumentIdentity | DocumentIdentity class. |
CDocumentIdentity2 | DocumentIdentity2 class. |
CDocumentIdentity2Collection | A collection of type Model.Capture.DocumentIdentity2 objects. |
CDocumentIdentityCollection | A collection of type Model.Capture.DocumentIdentity objects. |
CDocumentImage | DocumentImage class. |
CDocumentSortResult | DocumentSortResult class. |
CDocumentSourceFile | DocumentImage class. |
CDocumentSummary | DocumentSummary class. |
CDocumentSummaryCollection | A collection of type DocumentGroupSummary class. |
CDocumentSystemProperties | DocumentSummary class. |
CDocumentTypeIdentity | DocumentTypeIdentity class. |
CDocumentTypeIdentityCollection | A collection of type DocumentTypeIdentity class. |
CFieldAlternative | FieldAlternative class. |
CFieldAlternative2 | FieldAlternative class. |
CFieldAlternative2Collection | A collection of FieldAlternative2 objects. |
CFieldAlternativeCollection | A collection of FieldAlternative objects. |
CFieldAlternatives | FieldAlternatives class. |
CFieldAlternatives2 | FieldAlternatives2 class. |
CFieldAlternatives2Collection | Represents a collection of FieldAlternatives2 objects |
CFieldAlternativesCollection | A collection of FieldAlternatives objects. |
CFieldIdentity | FieldIdentity class. |
CFieldIdentityCollection | A collection of FieldIdentity objects. |
CFieldProperties | FieldProperties Class |
CFieldPropertiesCollection | A collection of type FieldProperties class. |
CFieldPropertiesIdentity | FieldPropertiesIdentity Class |
CFieldPropertiesIdentityCollection | A collection of type FieldPropertiesIdentity class. |
CFieldSystemProperties | DocumentSummary class. |
CFieldSystemProperty | FieldSystemProperty Class |
CFieldSystemPropertyIdentity | FieldSystemPropertyIdentitym class |
CFieldSystemPropertyIdentityCollection | A collection of type FieldSystemPropertyIdentity class. |
CFolder | Folder class. |
CFolderCollection | A collection of type Folder class. |
CFolderFieldValue | FolderFieldValue class |
CFolderFieldValueCollection | A collection of type FolderFieldValue class. |
CFolderIdentity | FolderIdentity class. |
CFolderTypeIdentity | FolderTypeIdentity class. |
CImageSummary | Page class. |
CKfsScanCreateNewJobInputs | KfsScanCreateNewJobInputs class |
CKfsScanCreateNewJobOutputs | KfsScanCreateNewJobOutputs class |
CLockedItem | LockedItem class. |
CLockedItemCollection | A collection of type LockedItem class. |
CLockedItemIdentity | LockedItemIdentity class |
CPage | Page class. |
CPageCollection | A collection of Page objects. |
CPageData | PageData class. |
CPageData2 | PageData2 class. |
CPageData2Collection | A collection of PageData2 objects. |
CPageDataCollection | A collection of PageData objects. |
CPageImageData | PageImageData class. |
CPageIndex | PageIndex class. |
CPageIndexCollection | A collection of PageIndex objects. |
CPageProperties | PageProperties Class |
CPagePropertiesCollection | A collection of type PageProperties class. |
CPagePropertiesIdentity | PagePropertiesIdentity Class |
CPagePropertiesIdentityCollection | A collection of type PagePropertiesIdentity class. |
CPageRectangle | PageRectangle class. |
CPageRectangleCollection | A collection of type PageRectangle class. |
CPageRendition | PageData class. |
CPageRenditionCollection | A collection of PageData objects. |
CPageSummary | Page class. |
CPageTextOcr | PageTextOCR class |
CPageTextOcrCollection | A collection of type PageTextOcr class. |
CProjectIdentity | ProjectIdentity class. |
CProjectIdentityCollection | A collection of type ProjectIdentity class. |
CRejectedPages | RejectedPages class. |
CReportingData | ReportingData class. |
CRowIndex | RowIndex class. |
CRowIndexCollection | A collection of RowIndex objects. |
CRuntimeDocument | RuntimeDocument class |
CRuntimeDocument2 | RuntimeDocument2 class |
CRuntimeDocument2Collection | A collection of type RuntimeDocument2 class. |
CRuntimeDocumentCollection | A collection of type RuntimeDocument class. |
CRuntimeField | RuntimeFieldm class |
CRuntimeField2 | Runtime Field class along with system properties |
CRuntimeField2Collection | A collection of type RuntimeField2 class. |
CRuntimeField3 | RuntimeField3 class |
CRuntimeField3Collection | A collection of type RuntimeField3 class. |
CRuntimeFieldCollection | A collection of type RuntimeField class. |
CRuntimeFieldIdentity | RuntimeFieldIdentity class. |
CRuntimeFieldIdentityCollection | A collection of RuntimeFieldIdentity objects. |
CRuntimeFieldValue | RuntimeFieldValue class |
CRuntimeFieldValueCollection | A collection of RuntimeFieldValue objects. |
CRuntimeTableCell | RuntimeTableCell class. |
CRuntimeTableCell2 | RuntimeTableCell2 class. |
CRuntimeTableCell2Collection | A collection of type RuntimeTableCell2 class. |
CRuntimeTableCell3 | RuntimeTableCell3 class. |
CRuntimeTableCell3Collection | A collection of type RuntimeTableCell3 class. |
CRuntimeTableCellCollection | A collection of type RuntimeTableCell class. |
CRuntimeTableColumn | RuntimeTableColumn class. |
CRuntimeTableColumnCollection | A collection of type RuntimeTableColumn class. |
CRuntimeTableRow | RuntimeTableRow class. |
CRuntimeTableRowCollection | A collection of type RuntimeTableRow class. |
CSplitDocumentInfo | SplitDocumentInfo Class |
CSplitDocumentInfoCollection | A collection of Model.Capture.SplitDocumentInfo objects. |
CTableFieldIdentity | TableTableFieldIdentity class- represents identity details of a table field in a document |
CTextLine | TextLine class. |
CTextLineCollection | A collection of type TextLine class. |
CWord | Word class. |
CWordCollection | A collection of type Word class. |
CWordUpdate | WordUpdate class. |
CWordUpdateCollection | A collection of type WordUpdate class. |
►NCaseProcesses | |
CCaseIdentity | Uniquely identifies a case job. |
CCaseInitialization | Represents the information to initialize a case with input variables and start date. |
CCaseNoteFilter | Represents whether to retrieve the notes for the associated jobs of the specified case. |
CCaseSummary | Uniquely identifies a case job. |
CCaseWithDocumentsInitialization | CaseWithDocumentsInitialization extended class that supports runtime documents |
CLinkedCase | Represents the linked details for a source case and target case. |
CLinkedCaseCollection | A collection of type LinkedCase class. |
►NCategories | |
CCategory | Represents the category details such as identity, description, parent category, and resource access list. |
CCategoryFilter | Represents the filter criteria that can be applied to retrieve the categories. |
CCategoryIdentity | Uniquely identifies the category in TotalAgility system. |
CCategorySummary | Represents the summarized view of a category. |
CCategorySummaryCollection | A collection of type CategorySummary class. |
►NChecklists | |
CChecklistItemIdentity | ChecklistItemIdentity class |
CChecklistTemplateIdentity | ChecklistTemplateIdentity class |
►NCommon | |
CDynamicInlineText | DynamicInlineText class |
CPropertyValueSource | PropertyValueSource class |
►NDashboards | |
CDashboardExportImportOptions | DashboardExportImportOptions class |
CDashboardIdentity | DashboardIdentity class |
CDashboardIdentityCollection | A collection of type DashboardIdentity class. |
►NDocumentContainer | |
CDocumentContainerIdentity | DocumentProcessRule class |
CDocumentProcessBasicRule | DocumentProcessBasicRule class |
CDocumentProcessBusinessRule | DocumentProcessBusinessRule class |
CDocumentProcessRule | DocumentProcessRule class |
CDocumentProcessRuleCollection | A collection of type DocumentProcessRule class. |
CDocumentProcessRuleData | DocumentProcessRuleData class |
►NEmail | |
CEmailAttachment2 | EmailAttachment2 class |
CEmailAttachment2Collection | A collection of type EmailAttachment2 class. |
CEmailInfo2 | EmailInfo2 class |
►NEntities | |
CEntityDefinitionIdentity | EntityDefinitionIdentity class |
CEntityIdentity | EntityIdentity class |
►NForms | |
►NEvents | |
CFuzzyDatabaseField | Represents a Fuzzy Database Field |
CFuzzyDatabaseFieldCollection | A collection of FuzzyDatabaseField objects. |
CFuzzyDatabaseFieldMapping | Represents mapping on FuzzyDatabaseField |
CFuzzyDatabaseFieldMappingCollection | A collection of FuzzyDatabaseFieldMapping objects. |
CFuzzyDatabaseIdentity | Represent a fuzzy database uniquely |
CFuzzyRecordItem | Represents a Fuzzy Database Field |
CFuzzyRecordItemCollection | A collection of FuzzyRecordItem objects. |
CSearchQuery | Represents SearchQuery class |
CSearchResult | Represents SearchResult class |
►NFormVariants | |
CFormElement | FormElement class |
CFormElementCollection | A collection of type FormElement class. |
CFormElements | FormElements class |
CFormVariant | FormVariant class |
CFormVariantElement | FormVariantElement class |
CFormVariantElementCollection | A collection of type FormVariantElement class. |
CFormVariantElements | FormVariantElements class |
CFormExportOptions | FormIdentityEntity class |
CFormFilter | FormFilter class |
CFormFilter2 | FormFilter2 class |
CFormIdentity | FormIdentityEntity class |
CFormIdentityCollection | A collection of type FormIdentity class. |
CFormImportOptions | FormIdentityEntity class |
CFormSummary2 | FormSummary2 class |
CFormSummary3 | FormSummary3 class |
CFormSummary3Collection | A collection of type FormSummary3 class. |
CFormSummary4 | FormSummary4 class |
CFormSummary4Collection | A collection of type FormSummary4 class. |
CFormTypeIdentity | FormTypeIdentity class |
CSiteIdentity | SiteIdentity class |
►NGroupings | |
CGrouping | Grouping class. |
►NIntegration | |
►NSoftpro | |
CDocumentRecipient | DocumentRecipient class |
CDocumentRecipientCollection | A collection of type DocumentRecipient class. |
CGeneratedDocumentTemplateSettings | GeneratedDocumentTemplateSettings class |
CSignDocTemplateIdentity | SignDocTemplateIdentity class |
CSignDocTemplateIdentityCollection | A collection of type SignDocTemplateIdentity class. |
CSignDocTemplateSettings | SignDocTemplateSettings class |
CSigningDocument | SigningDocument class |
CSigningDocumentCollection | A collection of type SigningDocument class. |
CSigningDocumentField | SigningDocumentField class |
CSigningDocumentFieldCollection | A collection of type SigningDocumentField class. |
CSigningMethodCollection | A collection of type SigningMethodFilter class. |
CSigningMethodFilter | Signing Method class |
CIntegrationAddInIdentity | IntegrationAddInIdentity class. |
CIntegrationSiteDetails | IntegrationSiteDetails class. |
CIntegrationSiteIdentity | IntegrationSiteIdentity class. |
CIntegrationSiteIdentity2 | IntegrationSiteIdentity2 class. |
►NJobs | |
CJobCount | Specifies the job count for the job status. |
CJobCountCollection | A collection of type JobCount class. |
CJobCountFilter | Specifies the criteria to retrieve the job count based on job statuses and job type. |
CJobDocument | Job Document |
CJobDocumentCollection | A collection of type JobDocument class. |
CJobDocumentIdentity | Job Document Identity |
CJobDocumentIdentityCollection | A collection of type JobDocumentIdentity class. |
CJobDocumentRule | Job Document Rule |
CJobDocumentRuleCollection | A collection of type JobDocumentRule class. |
CJobDocumentTypeRuleResult | JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput class |
CJobDocumentTypeRuleResultCollection | A collection of type JobDocumentTypeRuleResult class. |
CJobEvent | Uniquely identifies the process event. |
CJobEventCollection | A collection of type JobEvent class. |
CJobExceptionFilter | Filter criteria to retrieve job exception maps. |
CJobExceptionSummary | JobExceptionSummary class |
CJobExceptionSummaryCollection | A collection of type JobExceptionSummary class. |
CJobField | The Activity Field |
CJobFilter | Specifies the criteria to retrieve the job information. |
CJobFilter2 | Specifies the criteria to retrieve the job information. |
CJobFilter3 | JobFilter3 class |
CJobFilter4 | JobFilter4 class |
CJobHistory | Contains the job history information. |
CJobHistoryCollection | A collection of type JobHistory class. |
CJobHistoryFilter | Specifies the criteria to retrieve job history based on activity type, resource and associated jobs. |
CJobIdentity | Uniquely identifies the job. |
CJobIdentityCollection | A collection of type JobIdentity class. |
CJobInfo | Contains the job information. |
CJobInfoCollection | A collection of type JobInfo class. |
CJobInitialization | Contains the job initialization information. |
CJobInitialization2 | TODO: Update summary. |
CJobList | Specifies the job count and job summary. |
CJobMilestone | Specifies the job milestone details. |
CJobMilestoneCollection | A collection of type JobMilestone class. |
CJobNote | Specifies the job note information. |
CJobNoteCollection | A collection of type JobNote class. |
CJobNoteFilter | Specifies the criteria to retrieve the job notes based on notetype id, resource and resource filter. |
CJobProgressOutput | Returns the job progress details of the recently executed job. |
CJobProperties | Contains the information of job properties. |
CJobProperties2 | Contains the information of job properties with additional details of languageinfo, supportinginfo and workqueue definition. |
CJobQueryFilter | JobQueryFilter class |
CJobRole | Specifies the roles associated with the job. |
CJobRole2 | Specifies the roles associated with the job. |
CJobRole2Collection | A collection of type JobRole2 class. |
CJobRoleCollection | A collection of type JobRole class. |
CJobsSummary | JobsSummary class |
CJobsSummary2 | JobsSummary2 class |
CJobsSummary2Collection | JobsSummary2Collection class. |
CJobsSummaryCollection | JobsSummaryCollection class. |
CJobsSummaryResults | Contains the JobsSummary Results. |
CJobSummary | JobSummary class |
CJobSummaryCollection | A collection of type JobSummary class. |
CJobSummaryFilter | Specifies the criteria to retrieve the job summary information. |
CJobWithDocumentInitialization | Contains all initialization variables defined in a process map along with the document collection. |
CJobWithDocumentsInitialization | |
CJobWithDocumentsInitialization2 | JobWithDocumentsInitialization2 class. |
CJobWithDocumentsProgressOutput | JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput class |
CJobWithDocumentsProgressOutput2 | JobWithDocumentsProgressOutput2 class |
COnHoldOptions | Specifies the hold job information. OnHoldType member indicates whether we are using the Date member or the Period members to specify the activation date/period. |
CPurgeJobsOptions | Specifies the criteria to purge job. |
CSubJobIdentity | Uniquely identifies the sub job for a parent job. |
CSubJobProperties | Specifies the sub job properties for a parent job. |
CSyncJob | Specifies synchronous job identity and variable values. |
CSyncJobWithDocument | SyncJobWithDocument class |
CSyncJobWithDocuments | SyncJobWithDocuments class |
CUpgradeJobFilter | UpgradeJobFilter class |
►NJobSchedulers | |
CJobSchedule | JobScheduler class |
CJobScheduleIdentity | JobSchedulerIdentity class |
►NLookups | |
CLookup | static data list |
CLookupCollection | A collection of type Lookup class. |
CLookupIdentity | static data list identity class |
CLookupIdentityCollection | A collection of type LookupIdentity class. |
►NMilestones | |
CMilestoneIdentity | Uniquely identifies the milestone in a map or job. |
CMilestoneSummary | Represents the summary view of a milestone that is defined in a business process. |
CMilestoneSummaryCollection | A collection of type MilestoneSummary class. |
►NNavigation | |
CNavigationMenuIdentity | NavigationMenuIdentity class. |
CParamMapping | ParamMapping class |
►NNodes | |
CJobNodeIdentity | Uniquely identifies the node in a job using job id, node id or node name and Embedded Process Count (EPC). |
CNodeIdentity | Node Identity class. |
►NPackage | |
CImportPackageParameter | when stream class is used only one paramter can be passed, hence this class is used to combine all paramters to one parameter |
CImportPackageResult | this class consists of the package information to be returned. |
CPackageExportOptions | package related options |
CPackageExportOptions2 | Package related options. |
CPackageImportOptions | This class has options for importing. |
CPackageImportOptions2 | This class has options for importing. |
CPackageImportOptions3 | This class has options for importing. |
►NPersonas | |
CPersonaIdentity | PersonaIdentity class |
►NProcesses | |
CBudget | Represents the cost to complete the activities in a business process. |
CCompilationErrorCollection | A collection of type CompilerError class. |
CCompilerError | PrecompileProcess Error |
CExportedProcess | Represents the information of an exported process such as file name and process. |
CExportedProcessCollection | A collection of type ExportedProcess class. |
CExportedProcessData | Represents the information of an exported process such as file name and process. |
CImportErrorsInfo | ExportedProcess class |
CImportWarningsInfo | |
CPrecompileResults | PrecompileProcess Error |
CProcessesSummaryFilter | Contains the filter criteria to retrieve the processes. |
CProcessException | Process Exception class. |
CProcessExportOptions | Provides various options to export a process. |
CProcessExportOptions2 | Provides various options to export a process. |
CProcessFilter | Contains the filter criteria to retrieve the processes. |
CProcessFilter2 | ProcessFilter2 class |
CProcessFilter4 | Contains the filter criteria to retrieve the processes. |
CProcessIdentity | Uniquely identifies the process map. |
CProcessIdentityCollection | A collection of type ProcessIdentity class. |
CProcessImportError | Represents the information of errors and warnings when a process fails to import. |
CProcessImportError2 | Represents the information of errors and warnings when a process fails to import. |
CProcessImportErrorCollection | A collection of type ProcessImportError class. |
CProcessImportOptions | Contains various options to import a process. |
CProcessImportOptions2 | Contains various options to import a process. |
CProcessInfo | Contains the methods to retrieve the process information. |
CProcessInfo2 | ProcessInfo2 Class |
CProcessInitialization | Contains methods to initialize the process variables. |
CProcessInitializationOptions | Provides properties to evaluate XML variables and XML expressions. |
CProcessNote | Process Note class. |
CProcessNoteCollection | A collection of type ProcessNote class. |
CProcessSummary | Provides the summary view of the business processs. |
CProcessSummary2 | Provides the summary view of the business processs. |
CProcessSummary2Collection | A collection of type ProcessSummary2 class. |
CProcessSummary3 | Provides the summary view of the business processs. |
CProcessSummary3Collection | A collection of type ProcessSummary3 class. |
CProcessSummary4 | Represents summary of a process. |
CProcessSummary4Collection | A collection of type ProcessSummary4 class. |
CProcessSummaryCollection | A collection of type ProcessSummary class. |
CProcessViewerData | Specifies the job properties, customize and restart access details, and maps the details with runtime status in XML format. |
CThreadPool | ThreadPool class. |
CThreadPoolIdentity | Thread pool class. |
CXpdlImportErrorCollection | A collection of type XpdlImportError class. |
►NProductivity | |
CTeamProductivityInfo | Represents the team productivity. |
►NQueries | |
CActivityQueryResult | Specifies the Activity list for the query with columns configured in Query. |
CActivityQueryResult2 | Specifies the Activity list for the query with columns configured in Query. |
CActivitySortOptions | Activity Sort Options Class which holds the details for Sorting |
CActivitySortOptionsCollection | A collection of type ActivitySortOptions class. |
CJobQueryResult | Specifies the job list for the query with columns configured in Query. |
CJobQueryResult2 | Specifies the job list for the query with columns configured in Query. |
CJobSortOptions | Job Sort Options class which holds the details for Sorting. |
CJobSortOptionsCollection | A collection of type JobSortOptions class. |
CQueryIdentity | Uniquely identifies the query. |
CWorkQueueQueryResult | Contains the workqueue results for a specified query. |
CWorkQueueQueryResult2 | Specifies the Activity list for the query with columns configured in Query. |
►NReports | |
CReportExportOptions | FormIdentityEntity class |
CReportIdentity | ReportIdentity class |
CReportIdentityCollection | A collection of type ReportIdentity class. |
CReportImportOptions | FormIdentityEntity class |
►NResources | |
CAvailableResources | Represents the resources who doesn't have any task to perform. This also includes the loaned resources. |
CCalendarAuditLogEntry | Represents an entry in the calendar audit log. |
CCalendarAuditLogEntryCollection | A collection of type CalendarAuditLogEntry class. |
CCalendarAuditLogFilter | Represents the filter criteria to retrieve the audit log for a calendar. |
CCaseParticipant | Represents an external resource in TotalAgility system. |
CCaseParticipant2 | Represents an external resource in TotalAgility system. |
CDelegate | Delegate class. |
CDelegateInfo | Contains the information of a delegate. |
CDelegateInfoCollection | A collection of type DelegateInfo class. |
CDelegationOptions | Contains various options to delegate the task. |
CDynamicResourceInfo | Represents the information of dynamic resource in XML format. |
CLdapResource | LdapResource Class |
CLdapResourceCollection | A collection of type LdapResource class. |
CLdapSynchonizationErrors | LdapSynchonizationErrors class |
CLdapSynchronizationData | LdapSynchronizationData class |
CLdapSynchronizationResult | LdapSynchronizationResult class |
CLdapSynchronizationSettings | LdapSynchronizationSettings class |
CLoggedOnUser | Represents the current session logged on details of the user. |
CLoggedOnUserCollection | A collection of type LoggedOnUser class. |
CNetTimeForResource | SupervisorFilter class |
CNoteIdentity | Uniquely identifies the note. |
CNoteIdentityCollection | A collection of type NoteIdentity class. |
COnLoanResourceAvailability | OnLoanResourceAvailablity class. |
CResourceAccess | Represents the information such as access type, permission type and identity of the resource. |
CResourceActivityFilter | ResourceAvailabilityFilter class. |
CResourceAvailability | ResourceAvailability class. |
CResourceAvailabilityCollection | A collection of type ResourceAvailability class. |
CResourceExtensionField | ResourceExtensionField class |
CResourceFilter | Represents the filter criteria that can be applied to retrieve the resources. |
CResourceFilter2 | Represents the filter criteria that can be applied to retrieve the resources. |
CResourceIconSettings | Represents the icon URLs for a specified resource. |
CResourceIdentity | Uniquely identifies the resource. |
CResourceIdentity2 | Uniquely identifies the resource. |
CResourceIdentity2Collection | A collection of type ResourceIdentity2 class. |
CResourceIdentityCollection | A collection of type ResourceIdentity class. |
CResourceOnLoan | Represents the resource who has been loaned. |
CResourceOnLoanCollection | A collection of type ResourceOnLoan class. |
CResourceProcessSkillLevel | Represents the skill level of a specified resource for a specified process. |
CResourceProcessSkillLevelCollection | A collection of type ResourceProcessSkillLevel class. |
CResourceSearchFilter | Represents the search filter criteria to retrieve a group of resources. |
CResourceSummary | Represents the summarized view of a resource. |
CResourceSummaryCollection | A collection of type ResourceSummary class. |
CResourceTimeFilter | ResourceTimeFilter class. |
CSkillLevelHistory | SkillLevelHistory class |
CSkillLevelHistoryCollection | A collection of type SkillLevelHistory class. |
CSubordinate | Represents a resource who is reporting to another resource. |
CSubordinateCollection | A collection of type Subordinate class. |
CSubordinateFilter | Represents the search criteria to filter subordinates for a specified resource. |
CSubordinateFilter2 | Represents the filter criteria that can be applied to retrieve the resources. |
CSupervisorFilter | Represents the search criteria to filter supervisors for a specified resource. |
CUpdatedCaseParticipant | Represents an external resource in TotalAgility system. |
CWorkerGroupResource | Represents the worker group resource in TotalAgility. |
CWorkerGroupResource2 | Represents the worker group resource in TotalAgility without associated resources. The UpdateWorkerGroup2 Resource API will not update associated members to avoid performance issues, to update members AddWorkerGroupResourceMember and RemoveResourceFromGroup can be used. |
CWorkerResource | Represents a resource in TotalAgility system. |
CWorkerResource2 | Represents a Worker Resource in TotalAgility system. |
CWorkPatternAuditLogEntry | Represents an entry in the work pattern audit log. |
CWorkPatternAuditLogEntryCollection | A collection of type WorkPatternAuditLogEntry class. |
CWorkPatternAuditLogFilter | Represents the filter criteria to retrieve the audit log for a work pattern. |
CWorkPatternIdentity | |
CWorkPatternIdentityCollection | |
►NRetentionPolicy | |
CRetentionPolicyFailure | RetentionPolicyFailure class |
CRetentionPolicyFailureCollection | A collection of type RetentionPolicyFailure class. |
CRetentionPolicyFailureFilterCriteria | RetentionPolicyFailureFilterCriteria class |
CRetentionPolicyFailureType | RetentionPolicyFailure class |
CRetentionPolicyFailureTypeCollection | RetentionPolicyFailureTypeCollection class |
►NRoles | |
CRole | Defines the process roles. |
CRoleCollection | A collection of type Role class. |
CRoleIdentity | Uniquely identifies the role. |
►NServer | |
CCustomSorting | CustomSorting class |
CLanguage | Contains language details |
CLanguageCollection | A collection of type Language class. |
CLocalisationIdentity | LocalizationIdentity class |
CLocalisationIdentityCollection | A collection of type LocalisationIdentity class. |
CNote | |
CNoteCollection | |
CNoteFilter | |
CNoteInfo | |
CNoteType | Note type class |
CRegularExpressionIdentity | RegularExpressionIdentity class |
CScriptLanguage | TODO: Update summary. |
CServerIdentity | Uniquely identifies a particular server. |
CServerSettings | ServerSettings class |
CServerSettings2 | ServerSettings2 class |
CServerSettingsSummary | ServerSettingsSummary class |
CServerVariablesFilter | ServerVariablesFilter Class. |
CSkillLevel | SkillLevel class. |
CStringCollection | |
►NSkins | |
CSkinEvaluationOptions | Specifies the re-evaluation options whether to update live activities and / or variables. |
CSkinIdentity | Uniquely identifies the skin in TotalAgility system. |
CSkinIdentityCollection | A collection of type SkinIdentity class. |
►NSpaPackages | |
CPackageImportResult | PackageImportResult class |
CSpaPackageIdentity | Uniquely identitifes the variable. |
CSpaPackageImportOptions3 | SpaPackageImportOptions3 class |
CSpaPackageImportResult | SpaPackage Import Result |
CSpaPackageItemImportError< TIdentityClass > | Represents SpaPackageItemImportOptions class |
CSpaPackageItemImportErrorCollection< TIdentityClass > | SpaPackageItemImportErrorCollection Class |
►NStates | |
CState | Represents an action that needs to be performed for a state when the case reaches to the specified percentage. |
CStateCollection | A collection of type State class. |
CStateHistory | Specifies the state change (resource identity, state identity and performed time). |
CStateHistoryCollection | A collection of type StateHistory class. |
CStateIdentity | Contains the state information of the business process. |
CStateIdentityCollection | A collection of type StateIdentity class. |
►NTargets | |
CDuration | Contains the properties to specify the time frame. |
►NUsers | |
CLogonState | Provides the logon state of a user. |
CSession | Uniquely identifies the session. |
CSession2 | Uniquely identifies the session based on the reserved license. |
CUserEmailIdentity | Represents the email address and the logon protocol of the user. |
CUserIdentity | Uniquely identifies the user. |
CUserIdentity2 | UserIdentity2 class |
CUserIdentityWithPassword | Uniquely identifies the user with a password. |
CUserSession | Uniquely identifies the session based on the persona. |
►NVariables | |
CInputVariable | Specifies the variable details such as id and value. |
CInputVariableCollection | A collection of type InputVariable class. |
CJobVariable | JobVariable class |
CJobVariableCollection | A collection of type JobVariable class. |
CJobVariableHistory | Specifies the job variable information. |
CJobVariableHistoryCollection | A collection of type JobVariableHistory class. |
CJobVariableHistoryFilter | Specifies the criteria to retrieve the variable history based on the performed date. |
COutputVariable | Output Variable |
COutputVariableCollection | A collection of type OutputVariable class. |
CSessionVariable | SessionVariable Class |
CSessionVariableCollection | |
CSessionVariableFilter | |
CSessionVariableIdentity | SessionVariableIdentity Class |
CUpdatedVariable | Specifies variable values that needs to be updated. |
CUpdatedVariableCollection | A collection of type UpdatedVariable class. |
CVariableAssociation | Uniquely identifies the variable association. |
CVariableAssociationCollection | |
CVariableIdentity | Uniquely identitifes the variable. |
CVariableIdentity2 | Uniquely identifies the variable. |
CVariableIdentityCollection | A collection of VariableIdentity objects. |
CVariableMapping | Variable Mapping class. |
CVariableMappingCollection | A collection of type VariableMapping class. |
CVariableSummary | Represents the summary view of a variable. |
CVariableSummaryCollection | A collection of type VariableSummary class. |
CVariableValue | Specifies the variable value and confirms its existence. |
CVariableValue2 | Specifies the variable value2 and confirm its existence. |
CVariableValue2Collection | A collection of type VariableValue2 class. |
CVariableValueCollection | |
►NWorkAllocation | |
CAutoWorkAllocationOptions | Represents the option to automatically allocate the work. |
CWorkAllocationRule | |
CWorkAllocationRuleData | WorkAllocationRuleData Class |
CWorkAllocationRuleIdentity | Represents the work allocation rule. |
CWorkAllocationRuleIdentityCollection | A collection of type WorkAllocationRuleIdentity class. |
►NWorkQueueDefinitions | |
CFieldFilter | FieldFilter class |
CFieldFilterInfo | FieldFilterInfo Class. |
CFieldFilterInfoCollection | A collection of type FieldFilterInfo class. |
CWorkQueueDefinition | WorkQueue Definition class |
CWorkQueueDefinitionField | WorkQueue Definition Field class |
CWorkQueueDefinitionFieldCollection | A collection of type WorkQueueDefinitionField class. |
CWorkQueueDefinitionFieldSummary | WorkQueue Definition Field class |
CWorkQueueDefinitionFieldSummaryCollection | A collection of type WorkQueueDefinitionFieldSummary objects. |
CWorkQueueDefinitionIdentity | WorkQueue Definition Identity class |
CTimePeriod | Represents the time in days, hours, minutes and seconds. |
►NServices | |
CActivityService | Provides methods to manage the activities such as allocate, reassign, take, complete, save, update, reset and cancel, and to retrieve activities of the current user’s work queue. |
CBusinessCalendarService | Provides methods to manipulate business calendar settings. |
CBusinessRuleService | Provides methods to work with business rules. Currently only exposes ExecuteBusinessRule method. |
CCaptureDocumentService | Provides methods for validating documents, configuring documents, pages and fields etc. |
CCaptureKfsService | Provides methods to create scan jobs and perform other functions related to MFP devices. |
CCaseService | Provides methods to create case process, case fragment for a case process, update the status of case process and manage properties for case process and case fragment. |
CCategoryService | Provides methods to create, update, delete and retrieve the categories. |
CChecklistService | Provides methods to work with checklist variables. Currently only the ReviewChecklistVariables method is exposed. |
CDocumentSetService | Provides methods for adding document, updating the document status and evaluationg document, of a document set. |
CDocumentTypeVariantService | Provides methods to manage Document Variants and Activity Variants. |
CDynamicResourceService | Provides methods to manage dynamic resource variables, allowing resources for an activity to be updated when executing a job. |
CFormService | Provides methods to return information related to forms |
CFormVariantService | Provides methods to return information related to forms |
CJobService | Provides methods for creating jobs, updating the status of jobs and managing job properties. |
CPackageService | Provides methods to import and export packages |
CPersonaService | Provides methods to manage the user persona |
CProcessService | Provides methods to manage processes, configure process properties, and return process information. |
CResourceService | Provides methods to manage resources and resource notes, delegate work between resources, and get working dates/times for a resource. |
CServerService | Provides methods that deal with job scheduling and session variables |
CSigningService | Provides methods for working with SignDoc templates and packages. |
CUserService | Provides methods to log users on and off and manage their settings. |