Rename a Database

In order to rename a selected fuzzy database the Rename Database window is displayed. Note that you can only rename a fuzzy database that is not activated. That means an activated fuzzy database must be deactivated first. Before an activated database can be deactivated any search requests for this database need to be finished. Further search requests for the deactivated database result in an error and the batch is sent to Kofax Capture Quality Control.

  1. Select a fuzzy database from the list of Available Databases you want to rename.
  2. If necessary, click Deactivate to disable the selected database for further access.

    The icon in front of the selected database changes.

  3. Click Rename and type a new name for the database.
  4. Update the mapping from the database on the client side.
  5. Click OK to close the window.

    The list of Available Databases is updated.