Activate or Deactivate a Database

You have to activate a fuzzy database so that it can be accessed from Kofax Transformation Modules. To disable the access of an activated database you need to deactivate it.

Important In order to change the settings of a selected database, or to rename or delete it, the database must be deactivated.
Important If a database that is used in production is deactivated, search requests from a Kofax Transformation Modules application result in an error and the batch is sent to Kofax Capture Quality Control.

You can select multiple databases that have the database status Ready in order to activate them and multiple ones that have the database status Ready or Error to deactivate them. If the selected databases have different Activated/Deactivated statuses then the status of the first selected database defines the status that is assigned to all databases (for example, if the first database is activated all selected databases are deactivated).

  1. Select a fuzzy database you want to activate or deactivate from the list of Available Databases.
  2. Click Activate Activate button or Deactivate Deactivate button for the selected fuzzy database.

    An icon is displayed in front of the database in the list of Available Databases to indicate whether the database is activated or deactivated.