List of all the RecAPI settings

The settings of the RecAPI can be modified through Settings Manager Module. These settings can be separated into two sets. One contains the settings that existed in the previous version of the CSDK. In most of these cases there are API functions for modifying them, but they can also be changed using the StsMan. (E.g. Kernel.Decomp.PageDesc and kRecGetPageDescription, kRecSetPageDescription.) The other set contains the new settings that generally can be changed only through StsMan calls.

Global settings

These settings are global in scope, i.e. they are available from KernelAPI, RecAPIPlus and even the IPRO level (see the separate IPRO documentation).

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Global.UILanguage STRING GLOBAL English See kRecSetUILang.
Processing.Mode ENUM (PROCESSING_MODE) DEFAULT PROCESSING_NORMAL Switching between processing modes. See description of PROCESSING_MODE.

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Settings of KernelAPI

These settings are defined in the KernelAPI level. Of course, they are available at all levels based on KernelAPI, such as RecAPIPlus, or IPRO (see the separate IPRO documentation).

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Timeout INT DEFAULT 180000 See kRecSetTimeOut and description of timeout handling.
Kernel.Timeout.Hard INT DEFAULT 10000 See description of timeout handling.

Top of page.

Settings of the Image File Handling Module

These settings are used by Image File Handling Module.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Imf.CompressionLevel INT DEFAULT 3 For FF_PDF, FF_PDF_MRC, FF_JPG, FF_JPG2K, DTXT_IOTPDF and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC output formats this setting specifies the compression level to be used. This setting can be changed by kRecSetCompressionLevel. See also the details about usage.
Kernel.Imf.CompressionTradeoff ENUM (COMPRESSION_TRADEOFF) DEFAULT COMPRESSION_ADVANCED For FF_PDF and FF_PDF_MRC output formats this setting specifies the compression method to be used. This setting can be changed by kRecSetCompressionTradeoff. See also documentation of COMPRESSION_TRADEOFF for details.
Kernel.Imf.DataStream.Save BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This setting allows the saving operations (any kRecSaveImg* and also any kRecConvert2DTXT*) to save the DataStream if possible. See: Using images without decompression.
Kernel.Imf.DataStream.TryToLoad BOOL DEFAULT FALSE If this setting is true, the standard image loading functions (kRecLoadImg, kRecLoadImgF) load the DataStream if possible, otherwise they load the decompressed image. See: Using images without decompression.
Kernel.Imf.DefaultDPI INT DEFAULT 300 If an input image file does not contain DPI information, Engine considers as if it would be DefaultDPI.
Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.DefaultLosslessMode INT DEFAULT 1 This selects the actual default lossless-mode for JBIG2-config. It has no effect if lossless mode is forced by the below setting Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.ForceLosslessMode!=0.
  • 1: normal symbol-based lossless mode (~registers a single common symbol-dictionary entry for pixel-by-pixel identical occurences of the same connected component)
  • 2: "non-reusing" symbol-based lossless mode (~registers separate symbol-dictionary entries even for pixel-by-pixel identical occurences of the same connected component) (experimental, mode 1 is recommended instead)
  • 3: generic region encoding based lossless mode (~full-page bitmap with arithmetic compression)
Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.ForceLosslessMode INT DEFAULT -1 This forces the use of a specific JBIG2 lossless mode or lets lossy/lossless modes to be selected by the config-logic used in previous OPSDK-versions.
  • -1: default behaviour (currently: behaves as 1),
  • 0: does not force lossless instead of lossy (lets LossyMode and DefaultLosslessMode to select the actual lossy & lossless modes)
  • 1: forces use of normal symbol-based lossless mode
  • 2: forces use of "non-reusing" symbol-based lossless mode (experimental, mode 1 is recommended instead)
  • 3: forces use of generic region encoding based lossless mode
Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.GenRecEnc.IgnoreWhitePageMargin BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This setting has effect on generic region-based encoding only. If set to true, only the minimal bounding box of the relevant (black) pixels will be explicitly encoded (the default pixel color is white, so the white page margin can be implicitly represented). If set to false, the whole page-image will be explicitly encoded (including the white page margin).
Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.LossyMode INT DEFAULT -1 This selects the actual symbol-based lossy-mode for JBIG2-config. It has no effect if lossless mode is forced by the above setting Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.ForceLosslessMode!=0.
  • -1: default behaviour (currently: behaves as 1)
  • 0: original mode - used in previous OPSDK-versions
  • 1: safer mode - tries to prevent 6-8 mixes in problematic cases
Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.MaxCCNumLossless1 INT DEFAULT 32768 If according to the actual config the current input would be compressed using lossless-mode 1 and the number of connected components of the input is greater than the configured MaxCCNumLossless1 value, the generic region-based lossless-mode will be selected instead.
Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.MaxCCNumLossless2 INT DEFAULT 32768 If according to the actual config the current input would be compressed using lossless-mode 2 and the number of connected components of the input is greater than the configured MaxCCNumLossless2 value, the generic region-based lossless-mode will be selected instead.
Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.MaxCCNumLossy0 INT DEFAULT 32768 If according to the actual config the current input would be compressed using lossy-mode 0 and the number of connected components of the input is greater than the configured MaxCCNumLossy0 value, the actually configured lossless-mode will be selected instead.
Kernel.Imf.JBIG2.MaxCCNumLossy1 INT DEFAULT 32768

If according to the actual config the current input would be compressed using lossy-mode 1 and the number of connected components of the input is greater than the configured MaxCCNumLossy1 value, the actually configured lossless-mode will be selected instead.

Kernel.Imf.JPG.GrayQualityMult INT DEFAULT -1 This may be a percentage value between 1 and 100, or -1. This setting influences the compression of grayscale images when saving into JPEG or JPEG2000 files. For grayscale images the quality percentage is multiplied by this value. In default case the multiplier is 0.8. See also kRecSetJPGQuality.
Kernel.Imf.JPG.Orientation ENUM (JPG_ORIENTATION) DEFAULT JPG_ORIENTATION_USEEXIF For details see the documentation of the enum type.
Kernel.Imf.JPG.Quality INT DEFAULT -1 See kRecSetJPGQuality.

For details see the documentation of the enum type.

Kernel.Imf.PDF.Author USTRING DEFAULT (empty string)

Author field of the PDF document properties. See also the setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.EnableMetaData.

Kernel.Imf.PDF.BWFormat INT DEFAULT 3 Default compression format for B/W images with both MRC and non-MRC PDF. Possible values: 2 - TIFF-G4, 3 - JBIG2. This setting is to be used for the newer FF_PDF, FF_PDF_MRC, DTXT_IOTPDF and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats. For older formats use the below setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.BWFormat.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.ColorFormat INT DEFAULT 1 Default compression format for Color images with both MRC and non-MRC PDF. Possible values: 0 - JPEG, 1 - JPEG2000. The size of the resulting file may be smaller using JPEG2000. This setting is to be used for the newer FF_PDF, FF_PDF_MRC, DTXT_IOTPDF and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats. For older formats use the below setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.ColorFormat.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Compatibility ENUM (IMF_PDFCOMPATIBILITY) DEFAULT IMF_PDF16 PDF compatibility.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Creator USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Creator name field of the PDF document properties. This is written into the generated PDFs. If it's an empty string, the string "OmniPage CSDK 21" will be used. See also the setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.EnableMetaData.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.CustomMetaData USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) This setting can contain custom meta-data in an XMP XML subtree. In this case the meta-data XML of the output PDF file will contain also this subtree beside the tags of the PDF document properties. See also the setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.EnableMetaData.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.DefaultImageAltTextPattern USTRING DEFAULT L"image $I - page $P" Default alt-text string-pattern for images when generating PDF/A-[123]a output, if otherwise no specific alt-text is explicitly specified for the related image-zone. [Special patterns: $P - insert page ID, $I - insert image ID]
Kernel.Imf.PDF.EnableMetaData BOOL DEFAULT FALSE If this setting is TRUE, a document-level meta-data is written into the output PDF file. This meta-data is an XMP XML stream, containing the fields of the PDF document properties. It can contain custom meta-data as well.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Keywords USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Keywords field of the PDF document properties. See also the setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.EnableMetaData.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Linearized BOOL DEFAULT FALSE If this setting is TRUE, the saved PDF will be a linearized PDF.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.LoadFlags INT DEFAULT IMF_PDF_NO_TAGS See kRecSetImfLoadFlags.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.LoadOriginalDPI BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See the details on the resolution of the rendered bitmap.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.ConsolidationStrength INT DEFAULT 3 This setting determines the consolidation of the background layer. In the case of 0 there is no consolidation. Higher value means stronger consolidation. Maximum value is 3. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.DilatationSteps INT DEFAULT 1 This setting determines the number of dilatation steps used during the creation of background layer. Possible values: 0-2. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.JPGQuality INT DEFAULT -1 This sets the quality level of background layer (JPEG or JPG2000) in FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC output. This is a value between 1 (min) and 100 (max) or -1 (predefined JPG quality of compression level 3). This setting is to be used for the mentioned newer output formats. For older formats use the below setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.JPGQualityBGMIN (also GOOD and MAX).
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.Method INT DEFAULT 0 This setting switches between background layer creation method #0 and #1. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.Smoothing BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This setting determines whether smoothing algorithm is used during backgorund layer creation or not. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.SubSampleRate INT DEFAULT 0 This setting specifies the rate of subsampling used during creation of background layer. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
The possible values can be 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. The setting expresses a rate how the resolution of the background MRC layer will be decreased. For example, applying a SubSampleRate value of 3 results in a resolution for the layer, which is one third of the original. Accordingly, selecting higher number for the SubSampleRate will have an effect on the quality of the image (since the resolution will be lower and because of applying the MRC technology).
A value of zero (i.e. the default) means that the CSDK itself will determine the SubSampleRate values.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.BWFormat INT DEFAULT 3 Default compression format for B/W images with both MRC and non-MRC PDF. Possible values: 2 - TIFF-G4, 3 - JBIG2. This setting is to be used for the older FF_PDF_MIN, FF_PDF_MRC_MIN, (also GOOD and SUPERB) and DTXT_PDFIOT formats. For newer formats use the above setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.BWFormat.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.ColorFormat INT DEFAULT 1 Default compression format for Color images with both MRC and non-MRC PDF. Possible values: 0 - JPEG, 1 - JPEG2000. The size of the resulting file may be smaller using JPEG2000. This setting is to be used for the older FF_PDF_MIN, FF_PDF_MRC_MIN, (also GOOD and SUPERB) and DTXT_PDFIOT formats. For newer formats use the above setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.ColorFormat.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.EnableMultipleFG INT DEFAULT 1 This setting enables the use of multiple foregorund layers. Possible values: 0 and 1. In the case of 0 the PDF has a coloured (or gray) background layer, a coloured (or gray) foreground layer and a selector layer. The value 1 enables more than one monochrome foreground layer. In this latter case there are no selector layer.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.FGLayer.JPGQuality INT DEFAULT -1 This sets the quality level of foreground layer (JPEG or JPG2000) in FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC output. This is a value between 1 (min) and 100 (max) or -1 (predefined JPG quality of compression level 3). This setting is to be used for the mentioned newer output formats. For older formats use the below setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.JPGQualityFGMAX.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.FGLayer.Method INT DEFAULT 1 This setting switches between foreground layer creation method #0 and #1. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.FGLayer.SubSampleRate INT DEFAULT 0 This setting specifies the rate of subsampling used during creation of foreground layer. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
The possible values can be 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. The setting expresses a rate how the resolution of the foreground MRC layer will be decreased. For example, applying a SubSampleRate value of 3 results in a resolution for the layer, which is one third of the original. Accordingly, selecting higher number for the SubSampleRate will have an effect on the quality of the image (since the resolution will be lower and because of applying the MRC technology).
A value of zero (i.e. the default) means that the CSDK engine itself will determine the SubSampleRate values.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.JPGQualityBGMIN INT DEFAULT 50 This sets the quality level of background for JPEG and JPG2000 image compression within MRC PDF using MRC_MIN in every possible output converter level (see FF_PDF_MRC_MIN, IMF_MRCLEVEL_MIN and Converters.Text.PDF*.UseMRC). This is a percentage value between 1 (min) and 100 (max) or -1 (meaning default). This setting is to be used for the mentioned older output formats. For newer formats use the above setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.JPGQuality.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.JPGQualityBGGOOD INT DEFAULT 75 This sets the quality level of background for JPEG and JPG2000 image compression within MRC PDF using MRC_GOOD in every possible output converter level (see FF_PDF_MRC_GOOD, IMF_MRCLEVEL_GOOD and Converters.Text.PDF*.UseMRC). This is a percentage value between 1 (min) and 100 (max) or -1 (meaning default). This setting is to be used for the mentioned older output formats. For newer formats use the above setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.JPGQuality.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.JPGQualityBGMAX INT DEFAULT 75 This sets the quality level of background for JPEG and JPG2000 image compression within MRC PDF using MRC_SUPERB or MRC_LOSSLESS in every possible output converter level (see FF_PDF_MRC_SUPERB, IMF_MRCLEVEL_SUPERB and Converters.Text.PDF*.UseMRC). This is a percentage value between 1 (min) and 100 (max) or -1 (meaning default). This setting is to be used for the mentioned older output formats. For newer formats use the above setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.BGLayer.JPGQuality.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.JPGQualityFGMAX INT DEFAULT 50 This sets the quality level of foreground for JPEG and JPG2000 image compression within MRC PDF using MRC_SUPERB or MRC_LOSSLESS in every possible output converter level (see FF_PDF_MRC_SUPERB, IMF_MRCLEVEL_SUPERB and Converters.Text.PDF*.UseMRC). This is a percentage value between 1 (min) and 100 (max) or -1 (meaning default). This setting is to be used for the mentioned older output formats. For newer formats use the above setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.MRC.FGLayer.JPGQuality.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.Selector.Method INT DEFAULT 0 This setting switches between selector layer creation method #0 and #1. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
Kernel.IMF.PDF.MRC.SelLayer.SubSampleRate INT DEFAULT 0 This setting specifies the rate of subsampling used during creation of selector layer. This is used by FF_PDF_MRC and DTXT_IOTPDF_MRC formats.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFA BOOL DEFAULT FALSE Deprecated. Use Kernel.Imf.PDF.Compatibility instead.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EnableAdd BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Enables adding or modifying text annotations. See the section Saving new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EnableAssemble BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Enables assembling the document. See the section Saving new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EnableCopy BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Enables copying text and graphics of the document. Copy permission includes also extract permission. See the section Saving new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EnableExtract BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Enables extracting text and graphics of the document for supporting accessibility to users with disabilities. See the section Saving new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EnableForms BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Enables filling in forms and signing the document. See the section Saving new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EnableModify BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Enables modifying the contents of the document. See the section Saving new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EnablePrint BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Enables printing permission flag. See the section Saving new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EnablePrintQ BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE

If printing is enabled, this flag enables higher quality printing as well. See the section Saving new encrypted PDF files.

Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.EncryptMetaData BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE If this setting is TRUE, the meta-data of the output PDF file will be encrypted.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.Type ENUM (IMF_PDFENCRYPTION) DONTSAVE IMF_PDFSECURITY_NONE Specifies the encryption mode used at saving a PDF.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.OwnerPassword USTRING DONTSAVE (empty string) The permissions (or owner, or master) password to be used at saving a new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.OwnerPassword8Bit STRING DONTSAVE (empty string) The permissions (or owner, or master) password to be used at saving a new encrypted PDF files. This is used without any conversion. Use it if you know what you are doing, otherwise use the USTRING version above.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.ProcessPassword USTRING DONTSAVE (empty string) This is the password for opening an existing PDF to be modified and saved.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.ProcessPassword8Bit STRING DONTSAVE (empty string) This is the password for opening an existing PDF to be modified and saved. This is used without any conversion. Use it if you know what you are doing, otherwise use the USTRING version above.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.UserPassword USTRING DONTSAVE (empty string) The open (or user) password to be used at saving a new encrypted PDF files.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.PDFSecurity.UserPassword8Bit STRING DONTSAVE (empty string) The open (or user) password to be used at saving a new encrypted PDF files. This is used without any conversion. Use it if you know what you are doing, otherwise use the USTRING version above.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Producer USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Producer name field of the PDF document properties. This is written into the generated PDFs. If it's an empty string, the product name set by the functions kRecInit or RecInitPlus will be used. If the product name is not set, the string "OmniPage CSDK 21" will be used. See also the setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.EnableMetaData.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Resolution INT DEFAULT 0 See the details on the resolution of the rendered bitmap.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.SplitMaxPages INT DEFAULT 0 If this is not 0, OPSDK tries to generate output files containing at most the specified number of pages instead of one file. The name of the output files are generated from the User-specified filename using ordinal numbers.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.SplitMaxSize INT DEFAULT 0 If this is not 0, OPSDK tries to generate output files having their size lower than the specified bytes instead of generating one file. The name of the output files are generated from the User-specified filename using ordinal numbers. In some cases the resulted sizes may be over the specified one depending on the content of the pages.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Subject USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Subject field of the PDF document properties. See also the setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.EnableMetaData.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Title USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Title field of the PDF document properties. See also the setting Kernel.Imf.PDF.EnableMetaData.

Top of page.

Settings of the Scanner Module

These settings are used by Scanning Module.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Scanner STRING INFO | DONTSETTODEFAULT | SLINK (empty string) Node name of the currently selected scanner under setting Scanners. It is set by kRecSetScannerSelected. For details, see Different ways of adjusting scanner settings.
Kernel.Scanner.Bps INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent (RSDII_BW). Bits per sample setting (see RSDII). It is set by kRecSetScanBitsPerSample.
Kernel.Scanner.Brightness INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent (50). Brightness setting as a percentage (0...100). It is set by kRecSetScanBrightness or kRecSetScanBrightnessVal.
Kernel.Scanner.BrightnessVal INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent. Brightness setting of the scanner. It is set by kRecSetScanBrightness or kRecSetScanBrightnessVal.
Kernel.Scanner.Contrast INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent (50). Contrast setting as a percentage (0...100). It is set by kRecSetScanContrast or kRecSetScanContrastVal.
Kernel.Scanner.ContrastVal INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent. Contrast setting of the scanner. It is set by kRecSetScanContrast or kRecSetScanContrastVal.
Kernel.Scanner.Dropout INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent (RSDLC_WHITE). Dropout setting (see RSDLC). It is set by kRecSetScanDropout.
Kernel.Scanner.Duplex INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent (RSDDX_SINGLE). Duplex setting (see RSDDX). It is set by kRecSetScanDuplex.
Kernel.Scanner.GetParamsFromScanner BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Scan parameters are retrieved from the scanning system. It is set by kRecSetScanParamSource.
Kernel.Scanner.IgnoreErrors BOOL DONTSAVE FALSE Ignore errors in the kRecSetScanParamsBySettings function. It is set by kRecSetScanErrorMode.
Kernel.Scanner.Left INT DONTSAVE 0 Left margin in 1/1200 inches. It is set by kRecSetScanArea.
Kernel.Scanner.Length INT DONTSAVE 14031 or 13200 Difference between the bottom and top margins in 1/1200 inches. It is set by kRecSetScanArea.
Kernel.Scanner.Name STRING INFO | DONTSAVE (Scanner dependent) Name of the currently selected scanner. It is set by kRecSetScannerSelected.
Kernel.Scanner.Orientation INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent (RSDOR_NORMAL). Orientation setting (see RSDOR). It is set by kRecSetScanOrientation.
Kernel.Scanner.PaperLength INT DONTSAVE 14031 or 13200 Paper length in 1/1200 inches. It is set by kRecSetScanPaperSize.
Kernel.Scanner.PaperSource INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent. Paper source setting (see RSDPS). It is set by kRecSetScanPaperSource.
Kernel.Scanner.PaperWidth INT DONTSAVE 9921 or 10200 Paper width in 1/1200 inches. It is set by kRecSetScanPaperSize.
Kernel.Scanner.Resolution INT DONTSAVE 300 Resolution setting in DPI. It is set by kRecSetScanResolution.
Kernel.Scanner.StartMode INT DONTSAVE Scanner dependent. Start mode setting (see RSDST). It is set by kRecSetScanStartMode.
Kernel.Scanner.Top INT DONTSAVE 0 Top margin in 1/1200 inches. It is set by kRecSetScanArea.
Kernel.Scanner.Width INT DONTSAVE 9921 or 10200 Difference between the right and left margins in 1/1200 inches. It is set by kRecSetScanArea.
Scanners STRING INFO | DONTSETTODEFAULT (empty string) This is the root of the setting subtrees of all the scanners initialized so far. Each such scanner has a separated subtree containing similar nodes. The settings of the selected scanner can be accessed from its own subtree or through the above settings Kernel.Scanner.*. kRecSetScannerSelected fills the subtree of the selected scanner. kRecGetScanners creates the subtrees of all the scanners included in the scanner init file. The value of this setting is the real name of the selected scanner. For details, see Different ways of adjusting scanner settings.

Top of page.

Settings of the Image Handling Module

These settings are used by Image Handling Module during its operations.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Img.Binarization.Brightness INT DEFAULT 50 See kRecSetImgBrightness.
Kernel.Img.Binarization.PrimaryMode ENUM (IMG_CONVERSION) DEFAULT CNV_NO See kRecSetImgConvMode.
Kernel.Img.Binarization.SecondaryMode ENUM (IMG_CONVERSION) DEFAULT CNV_AUTO See kRecSetImgBinarizationMode.
Kernel.Img.Binarization.SecondaryMode.AutoMethod ENUM (IMG_BINARIZATION_METHOD) DEFAULT BIN_AUTO This setting specifies which binarization algorithm is used when the Kernel.Img.Binarization.SecondaryMode setting is CNV_AUTO. In default the algorithm depends on the source of the image (scanned, camera, screen-capture), and on the performance settings.
Kernel.Img.Binarization.Threshold INT DEFAULT 128 See kRecSetImgThreshold.
Kernel.Img.BlankPage.Margin.Bottom INT DEFAULT 0 This determines how many pixel rows are skipped by blank page detection at the bottom of the image.
Kernel.Img.BlankPage.Margin.Left INT DEFAULT 0 This determines how many pixel rows are skipped by blank page detection at the left side of the image.
Kernel.Img.BlankPage.Margin.Right INT DEFAULT 0 This determines how many pixel rows are skipped by blank page detection at the right side of the image.
Kernel.Img.BlankPage.Margin.Top INT DEFAULT 0 This determines how many pixel rows are skipped by blank page detection at the top of the image.
Kernel.Img.BlankPage.Sensitivity INT DEFAULT 50 This determines the sensitivity of the blank page detection algorithm. It can be between 0 and 100. 100 is the most sensitive way, when some little spots may cause that the image is considered as non-blank.
Kernel.Img.BookSize.X INT DEFAULT 0 See kRecCreateBookPages.
Kernel.Img.BookSize.Y INT DEFAULT 0 See kRecCreateBookPages.
Kernel.Img.Camera.EstimateResolution BOOL DEFAULT TRUE In cases of camera images this setting determines whether Preprocess estimates the resolution of the image based on character sizes or not.
Kernel.Img.Deskew.Mode ENUM (IMG_DESKEW) DEFAULT DSK_2D See kRecSetImgDeskew
Kernel.Img.Deskew.Padding INT DEFAULT -1 This setting specifies the pixel-values used for filling the empty areas generated at the corners of the image during 2D deskewing. -1 means white. Otherwise deskew uses only the lower byte of the value. For B/W images it can be only 0 (white) and 255. For grayscale images the value used as a gray-level (i.e. 255 is white).
Kernel.Img.Deskew.SkewDetect.MinLetterNum INT DEFAULT 20 It is used by automatic deskew. If the number of letters on the page is less than this value, the program does not detect the skew of the image.
Kernel.Img.Deskew.Slope INT DEFAULT 0 See kRecSetImgSlope
Kernel.Img.Despeckle.Halftone INT DEFAULT -1 This setting switches on and off the special despeckle algorithm for detecting and removing halftone or dithering type noises. 0 means off, 1 means on. In case of -1 the current preprocessing trade-off (Kernel.OcrMgr.TradeOff.PreProc) determines whether this halftone detection and removal is applied or not. It is not applied if trade-off is TO_FAST. See also details in the section Despeckle for halftone images.
Kernel.Img.DespeckleMode BOOL DEFAULT TRUE See kRecSetImgDespeckleMode.
Kernel.Img.DropoutColor.Blue INT DEFAULT 29 See kRecSetDropoutColorWeights.
Kernel.Img.DropoutColor.Green INT DEFAULT 150 See kRecSetDropoutColorWeights.
Kernel.Img.DropoutColor.Red INT DEFAULT 77 See kRecSetDropoutColorWeights.
Kernel.Img.EnableInterpolation BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This is used by deskew and kRecTransformImg (if the image is being made smaller). These functions use interpolation on 8-bit grayscale and 24-bit true-color images if this setting is TRUE. Interpolation is slower but gives better image quality.
Kernel.Img.FaxCorrectionEnabled BOOL DEFAULT TRUE See kRecSetFaxCorrection.
Kernel.Img.ForceTestRecognition INT DEFAULT 0 This is used by autorotation. In order to detect whether the image is upside-down the program may perform a test-recognition on a small part of the image. If this setting is FALSE, the program first tries to detect the orientation of the image by a simpler algorithm and applies test-recognition only if the first algorithm can not detect it. If this setting is TRUE, autorotation always performs test recognition.
Kernel.Img.Invert ENUM (IMG_INVERT) DEFAULT INV_AUTO See kRecSetImgInvert.
Kernel.Img.KeepOriginalImage BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg.
Kernel.Img.LineOrder ENUM (IMG_LINEORDER) DEFAULT TOP_DOWN See kRecSetImgFormat.
Kernel.Img.Max.Pix.X INT DEFAULT 8400 This is used by image loading functions: maximum enabled image size (in x direction) in pixels. If the size of the image is greater than this value, image loading returns IMG_SIZE_ERR error.
Kernel.Img.Max.Pix.Y INT DEFAULT 8400 This is used by image loading functions: maximum enabled image size (in y direction) in pixels. If the size of the image is greater than this value, image loading returns IMG_SIZE_ERR error.
Kernel.Img.Min.Pix.X INT DEFAULT 16 This is used by image loading functions: minimum enabled image size (in x direction) in pixels. If the size of the image is less than this value, image loading returns IMG_SIZE_ERR error.
Kernel.Img.Min.Pix.Y INT DEFAULT 16 This is used by image loading functions: minimum enabled image size (in y direction) in pixels. If the size of the image is less than this value, image loading returns IMG_SIZE_ERR error.
Kernel.Img.ReconstructAngle INT DEFAULT 35 See Reconstruct algorithm.
Kernel.Img.Resolution.Restore BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See the notes about changing resolution of the images at kRecPreprocessImg.
Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement ENUM (IMG_RESENH) DEFAULT RE_AUTO See kRecSetImgResolEnhancement.
Kernel.Img.Rotation ENUM (IMG_ROTATE) DEFAULT ROT_AUTO See kRecSetImgRotation
Kernel.Img.ScreenCapture ENUM (IMG_SCREENCAPTURE) DEFAULT SCR_NO See the description of screen capture processing.
Kernel.Img.StraightenTextLines BOOL DEFAULT TRUE Used by automatic 3D-deskew (i.e. when the deskew mode is DSK_3D). If this setting is TRUE, 3D-deskew performs text line straightening (see also Digital camera input).
Kernel.Img.Thumbnail.BitsPerPixel INT DEFAULT 24 See kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo.
Kernel.Img.Thumbnail.Color INT DEFAULT 0 See kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo.
Kernel.Img.Thumbnail.Size.X INT DEFAULT 100 See kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo.
Kernel.Img.Thumbnail.Size.Y INT DEFAULT 100 See kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo.
Kernel.Img.ViewDownsample BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See kRecSetImgDownsample.
Kernel.Img.Whiteboard.Strength INT DEFAULT 50 Strength of correction used by kRecEnhanceWhiteboardImg. The value must be between 0 and 100. Higher value causes greater modification on the image.
Kernel.LegalPleading BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See the handling of legal documents.
Kernel.OcrMgr.RetainColor ENUM (RETAINCOLOR) DEFAULT RETAINCOLOR_YES See kRecSetRetainColor.

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Settings of the Zone Handling Module

These settings are used by the Zone Handling Module during its operations.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Decomp.EnableNonGrid BOOL DEFAULT TRUE See kRecSetNongriddedTableDetect.
Kernel.Decomp.FindRotatedText BOOL DEFAULT TRUE Used by DCM_STANDARD method of auto zoning on Western languages. If this setting is TRUE, DCM_STANDARD performs vertical (left and right rotated) text detection. See vertical text support.
Kernel.Decomp.ForceSingleColumn BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See kRecSetForceSingleColumn.
Kernel.Decomp.LineDetection.EnhanceGrayImage INT DEFAULT 0 This setting has an effect on line detection during the zoning process. When this setting is set, the zoning algorithm can find the pale rule lines better. The setting has no effect on black and white images. Possible values:
  • 0: the algorithm works in the cases of CCJK languages only (default).
  • 1: the algorithm works for any languages.
  • 2: the algorith does not work.
Kernel.Decomp.Method ENUM (IMG_DECOMP) DEFAULT DCM_AUTO See kRecSetDecompMethod.
Kernel.Decomp.PageDesc ENUM (see Page Descriptor defines) BITFIELD LZ_GRAPHICS_NO | LZ_TABLE_NO | LZ_COLUMN_NO See kRecSetPageDescription.

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Settings of the Form Recognition Module

These settings are used by the Form Recognition Module during its operations.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Form.ContinueOnMissingRefAnchors BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting affects the behavior of kRecFindFormTemplate when one or more reference anchors was/were not found.
If it is FALSE, then the template matching fails when any reference anchor was not found.
If it is TRUE, then the confidence value is reduced, and if the confidence value is greater than or equal to the threshold specified by Kernel.Form.MatchingConfidence setting then the matching succeeds.
Kernel.Form.MatchingConfidence INT DEFAULT 65 During kRecFindFormTemplate a confidence value is calculated for each template. If this confidence value is lower than the value of the setting, the given template is considered as non-matching. Its value can be between 0 and 100.
Kernel.Form.UseLetters BOOL DEFAULT TRUE If this setting is FALSE or HPAGE does not contain letters, kRecFindFormTemplate recognizes those parts of the image, where anchors may occur (i.e. the union of the anchor locations including drifts). If it is TRUE and HPAGE contains letters, kRecFindFormTemplate does not recognize the image, but uses the existing letters instead.
Kernel.Form.UseLinesOnMatching BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This determines whether to use the lines around the zones for a better fit.

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Settings of the Recognition Module

These settings are used in tuning the recognition engines. See Recognition Module.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.OcrMgr.DefaultFillingMethod ENUM (FILLINGMETHOD) DEFAULT FM_OMNIFONT See kRecSetDefaultFillingMethod.
Kernel.OcrMgr.DefaultRecognitionModule ENUM (RECOGNITIONMODULE) DEFAULT RM_AUTO See kRecSetDefaultRecognitionModule.
Kernel.OcrMgr.DetectFillingMethod BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting is useful when the input image could be a dotmatrix printed page.
Kernel.OcrMgr.DisableFullPostProc INT DEFAULT -1 The 1 value of this setting switches off the steps of Post-Processing (e.g. background and foreground color detection, rule line and frame detection, bullet recognition, font attribute detection, DropCap and Superscript/Subscript detection end-of-paragraph marking, language consolidation. The -1 value means that the performance settings decide about Post-Processing.
Kernel.OcrMgr.FontSizeCon BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This determines whether the font size consolidation is to be run. It may be disabled when the integrating application uses PLUS engines, because PLUS engines have their own font size consolidation algorithm.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Images.KeepOcrImage BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This is used by the recognition process. If it is TRUE the OCR image (II_OCR) is not deleted after recognition. It is recommended to set this setting TRUE for creating image-on-text PDF output.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Pages INT INFO | DONTSAVE 0 Number of recognized pages since the last call to kRecInit.
Kernel.OcrMgr.PDF.ProcessingMode ENUM (PDF_PROC_MODE) DEFAULT PDF_PM_AUTO PDF processing mode. See PDF recognition and PDF_PROC_MODE.
Kernel.OcrMgr.PDF.RecognitionMode ENUM (PDF_REC_MODE) DEFAULT PDF_RM_ALWAYSRECOGNIZE PDF recognition mode. See PDF recognition and PDF_REC_MODE.
Kernel.OcrMgr.PDF.TradeOff ENUM (RMTRADEOFF) DEFAULT TO_BALANCED When the recognition mode is RM_OMNIFONT_PLUS2W or RM_OMNIFONT_PLUS3W, this can affect the speed of recognition of normal PDF files (non-image-only PDF). This setting is designed for speeding up the general trade-off (Kernel.OcrMgr.TradeOff). If the general trade-off is faster than PDF trade-off, the general one is the dominant.
Kernel.OcrMgr.PreferAccurateEngine BOOL DEFAULT TRUE RM_AUTO recognition module means RM_OMNIFONT_PLUS3W for filling method FM_OMNIFONT by default. A FALSE value for this setting modifies this situation and prefers the less accurate but faster RM_OMNIFONT_PLUS2W. This setting has no effect when other filling methods or RM values are set. See also kRecSetDefaultRecognitionModule and its notes.
Kernel.OcrMgr.PreferFastEngine BOOL DEFAULT TRUE RM_AUTO recognition module means RM_OMNIFONT_PLUS3W for filling method FM_OMNIFONT by default. A FALSE value for this setting modifies this situation and prefers the less accurate but faster RM_OMNIFONT_PLUS2W. This setting has no effect when other filling methods or RM values are set. See also kRecSetDefaultRecognitionModule and its notes.
Kernel.OcrMgr.SureText BOOL DEFAULT FALSE If this setting is TRUE, the OCR engine and the standard zoning apply a lower probability to classifying a shape as noise instead of a character. It may be useful when the zones contain a small number of characters and the User is sure the shapes in the zones are characters. However, it is only a hint for the OCR engines and the zoning.
Kernel.OcrMgr.TradeOff.PreProc ENUM (RMTRADEOFF) DEFAULT -1 This setting specifies the trade-off setting used by preprocessing. Its default value is -1, which means that preprocessing uses the general trade-off setting (Kernel.OcrMgr.TradeOff above, see also: kRecSetRMTradeoff) . In addition it can be set to TO_FAST, TO_BALANCED and TO_ACCURATE allowing to use specific trade-off setting for preprocessing. See also kRecPreprocessImg.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Training.FileName STRING DEFAULT (empty string) See kRecSetTrainingFileName.
Kernel.RPP.OutputFileName INT DEFAULT 0 Specifies how kRecProcessPagesEx generates output documents. In case of 1 separate output file is generated for each input file. 0 means one output file containing all the pages.
Kernel.RPP.RecThreadCount (supported on: Windows) INT DEFAULT -1 This determines the maximum number of recognition threads started by kRecProcessPagesEx and RecProcessPagesEx. In case of -1 (also 0) the maximum number of threads is equal to the number of virtual CPU's (including hyper threads), but less than or equal to 4.

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The settings of the Asian Recognition Engine Module

These settings are used by the Asian Recognition Engine Module during its operations.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Img.Deskew.EnabledForArabic BOOL DEFAULT FALSE If it is switched on, the deskew mode DSK_AUTO works for Arabic language similarly to the Western languages. If it is switched off, the DSK_AUTO will be the same as DSK_NO for Arabic language.
Kernel.Img.Rotation.EnabledForArabic BOOL DEFAULT TRUE If it is switched on, the rotation mode ROT_AUTO works for Arabic language similarly to the Western languages. If it is switched off, the ROT_AUTO will be the same as ROT_NO for Arabic language.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Asian.CHTIncludesHKSCS BOOL DEFAULT FALSE If it is switched on and Chinese Traditional (LANG_CHT) OCR language is selected, the Asian Recognition Module recognizes characters also from Hong Kong character set. This may cause some decreasing of the accuracy of Chinese Traditional OCR.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Asian.ConvertFullWidthToHalfWidth BOOL DEFAULT TRUE If it is switched on, the full width Latin characters will be replaced with their half width counterparts.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Asian.ConvertPunctuationToHorizontal BOOL DEFAULT TRUE If it is switched on, the vertical punctuation marks will be replaced with their horizontal counterparts.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Asian.Engine ENUM (ASIANENGINE) DEFAULT AE_AUTO This setting specifies the engine required to run during CCJK recognition. AE_AUTO means it is determined by the trade-off settings. See details about the setting of the performance of OCR and the CCJK trade-off.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Asian.FullCharacterSet BOOL DEFAULT FALSE If it is switched on, the Asian Recognition Module works with a greater recognizable character set. It is not applicable for Korean and Arabic languages.

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The settings of the BAR Recognition Engine Module

These settings are used by the BAR Recognition Engine Module during its operations.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.OcrMgr.BarBinary BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting forces the barcode modules to create binary output without any character conversion or formatting. See also Binary output and DTXT_BINARY.
Kernel.OcrMgr.BarCheckBarTypes.Enable.C39_C39EXT BOOL DEFAULT FALSE

Since Code39 and Code39 Extended barcode types are incompatible kRecCheckBarTypes function does not allow to enable them together. Sometimes it could be useful if the recognition engine could automatically decide what the real type of the printed barcode is. This setting makes BAR engine capable to accept both BAR_C39 and BAR_C39_EXT together, thus it can find out the more likely barcode type.

For example, the string "ARM/CHAIR" is read by BAR_C39 as "ARM/CHAIR". However, if BAR_C39_EXT type is enabled, the result is "ARM#HAIR" because the sequence "/C" is equal to '#' in BAR_C39_EXT. So generally the engine cannot automatically decide which recognition mode could be. Another example is the string "2+3". '+' is a modificator character which modifies the upper case letter to lower case in BAR_C39_EXT. Thus this mode results a NO_TXT_WARN because "+3" is not a valid full ASCII character combination.

If this setting is TRUE, the result is "2+3" despite of "+3" is not a valid full ASCII combination, since it is a valid string in BAR_C39!

Kernel.OcrMgr.BarEnable1D2D BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This setting enables searching 1D and 2D barcodes on a page at the same time.
Kernel.OcrMgr.BarEnableFamily BOOL DEFAULT TRUE See the details here.
Kernel.OcrMgr.BarFastMode BOOL DEFAULT FALSE TRUE value of this setting switches on a faster operation of BAR Module for supporting batch separation.
Kernel.OcrMgr.BarTypes SET (BAR_TYPE) DEFAULT BAR_EAN, BAR_ITF, BAR_C39, BAR_C128, BAR_CB See also kRecSetBarTypes.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Codes.CtrlOffset INT DEFAULT 0xE000 Recognized control codes (in most cases from binary barcodes) are returned with this offset added to their value. E.g. 0x001F is returned as 0xE01F by default. See details.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.2of5.CDX BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables checksum verification for BAR_2of5. If this is TRUE, the result contains only barcodes having correct checksum.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.4STATE.AusPost.CustomerEncoding ENUM (AUSPOST_ENC) DEFAULT AUSPOST_ENC_CHARACTER This determines the encoding method supposed to be used at generating the Australian Post barcode.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.EAN.SUPPL BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables supplement recognition of EAN 8 and EAN 13 barcodes (BAR_EAN).
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.MinHeight INT DEFAULT 120 Minimum height of valid barcode in 1/1200 inches. It can be useful to avoid some misrecognitions.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.MinLength INT DEFAULT 3 Minimum length of valid barcode. It can be useful to avoid some misrecognitions.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.M2of5.CDX BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables checksum verification for BAR_MAT25. If this is TRUE, the result contains only barcodes having correct checksum.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.MSI.CDX BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables checksum verification for BAR_MSI. If this is TRUE, the result contains only barcodes having correct checksum. MSI uses one or two check digits, which may be calculated in a number of different ways. It is itself the barcode generator application who selects which algorithm is implemented. OPSDK can recognize only check digits created by Luhn algorithm.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.UPCA.SUPPL BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables supplement recognition of UPC A barcodes (BAR_UPC_A).
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.UPCE.SUPPL BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables supplement recognition of UPC E barcodes (BAR_UPC_E).
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.ITF.CDX BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables checksum verification for BAR_ITF. If this is TRUE, the result contains only barcodes having correct checksum.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.C39.CDX BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables checksum verification for BAR_C39. If this is TRUE, the result contains only barcodes having correct checksum.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.C39.SST BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables start-stop character transmission for BAR_C39.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.C39.FA BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables full ASCII recognition mode for BAR_C39.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.C128.CDT BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This setting enables check digit transmission for BAR_C128.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.MinBarLines INT DEFAULT 14 If the number of bars in a barcode is less than this value, the barcode is omitted.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.MaxBars INT DEFAULT 25 Size of buffer used to store the recognized barcodes per zone. This is used as the upper limit of the recognized barcodes per zone.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.UseOriginalImage BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This setting makes possible of using image without despeckle. In generally, it is useful for barcode recognition not to run despeckle on the image. Sometimes despeckle algorithm changes the width of barcode lines and it can cause inadequate dimension ratio of narrow and wide bars.
The same setting exists also for 2D barcodes (Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar2D.UseOriginalImage).
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar2D.OneBarInZones BOOL DEFAULT FALSE Its TRUE value means that there is only one 2D barcode in the zone.
Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar2D.UseOriginalImage BOOL DEFAULT TRUE See the description of the same setting of 1D barcodes above.

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The settings of the HNR Recognition Engine Module

These settings are used by the HNR Recognition Engine Module during its operations.

This recognition module is supported on: Windows.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Ocr.HNR.box_height INT DEFAULT 0 See kRecSetHnrParams.
Kernel.Ocr.HNR.box_space INT DEFAULT 0 See kRecSetHnrParams.
Kernel.Ocr.HNR.box_width INT DEFAULT 0 See kRecSetHnrParams.
Kernel.Ocr.HNR.Database ENUM (HNR_STYLE) DEFAULT STYLE_EURO See kRecSetHnrStyle.
Kernel.Ocr.HNR.icrMethod ENUM DEFAULT 1 Possible values: 0 - Fewer rejected characters in the output, more misrecognized, but overall a higher number of correctly recognized characters; 1 - More rejected characters in the output, fewer misrecognized characters, but a lower number of correctly recognized characters.
Kernel.Ocr.HNR.Spaces BOOL DEFAULT TRUE See kRecSetHnrParams.

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The settings of the MAT Recognition Engine Module

These settings are used by the MAT Recognition Engine Module during its operations.

This recognition module is supported on: Windows.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Ocr.MAT.SpecParam STRING DEFAULT (empty string) This contains the path of the INI file containing the single/multi line mode selection.

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The settings of the OMR Recognition Engine Module

These settings are used by the OMR Recognition Engine Module during its operations.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Ocr.OMR.Code.Filled INT DEFAULT '1' This setting determines the character indicating the filled checkboxes in LETTER::code.
Kernel.Ocr.OMR.Code.FilledinError INT DEFAULT '2' This setting determines the character indicating the filled in error (shaded) checkboxes in LETTER::code.
Kernel.Ocr.OMR.Code.Unfilled INT DEFAULT '0' This setting determines the character indicating the unfilled checkboxes in LETTER::code.
Kernel.Ocr.OMR.Fill BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See kRecSetOmrParams.
Kernel.Ocr.OMR.Frame ENUM (OMR_FRAME) DEFAULT FRAME_AUTO See kRecSetOmrParams.
Kernel.Ocr.OMR.ZoneCorrection BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See the Accuracy Issues.

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The settings of the RER Recognition Engine Module

These settings are used by the RER Recognition Engine Module during its operations.

This module is supported on: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Ocr.RER.UseParamFile STRING DEFAULT (empty string) The recognition module can be fine-tuned through the INI file specified this setting.

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Settings of the Character and Code Page Handling Module

These settings are used by the Character and Code Page Handling Module during its operations.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.Chr.CodePage ENUM DEFAULT -1 (auto code page) See kRecSetCodePage.
Kernel.Chr.CodePage.Default ENUM DEFAULT Windows: code page of the current OS, Linux and Mac: UTF-8 This setting specifies the current code page when the value of the above setting Kernel.Chr.CodePage is -1.
Kernel.Chr.DefaultFilter INT DEFAULT FILTER_ALL See kRecSetDefaultFilter.
Kernel.Chr.FilterPlus USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) See kRecSetFilterPlus.
Kernel.Chr.LanguagesPlus USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) See kRecSetLanguagesPlus.
Kernel.Chr.Missing INT DEFAULT '^' (0x005E) See kRecSetMissingSymbol.
Kernel.Chr.Rejected INT DEFAULT '~' (0x007E) See kRecSetRejectionSymbol.
Kernel.Languages SET (LANGUAGES) DEFAULT LANG_ENG See kRecSetLanguages.
Kernel.OcrMgr.DetectSingleLanguage BOOL DEFAULT FALSE See kRecSetSingleLanguageDetection.

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The settings of the Spell Checking Module

These settings are used by the Spell Checking Module during its operations.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.OcrMgr.Spell.CorrectionEnabled BOOL DEFAULT TRUE Retained only for compatibility.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Spell.SpellEnabled BOOL DEFAULT TRUE See kRecSetSpell.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Spell.SpellLang ENUM (LANGUAGES) DEFAULT LANG_AUTO See kRecSetSpellLanguage.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Spell.UserDictionary.FileName STRING DEFAULT (empty string) See kRecSetUserDictionary.
Kernel.OcrMgr.Spell.VerticalDictionaries STRING DEFAULT (empty string) See kRecSetVerticalDictionaries.

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Settings of the Direct TXT Module

These settings are used by the Direct TXT Module during its operations. The first table below contains the settings used by at least two DTXT output converters. The detailed description of the module contains setting lists for each converter.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.DTxt.IncludeSinglePageBreak BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This is only for backward compatibility. If the value of this setting is TRUE and the output is a single page text document, DTXT puts a page break (determined by the setting Kernel.DTxt.PageBreak) at the end of the file.
Kernel.DTxt.IntelByteOrder BOOL DEFAULT TRUE Bigendian or Littleendian
Kernel.DTxt.PageBreak USTRING DEFAULT \f This is the string that separates pages.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.LineBreak USTRING DEFAULT \r\n This is a unicode string setting the end-of-line mark.
Kernel.DTxt.UnicodeFileHeader USTRING DEFAULT \xFEFF This is the file header for a Unicode text file, it identifies the Unicode Text file.

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Settings of the DTXT Simple Text converter

This table contains the settings used only by DTXT Simple Text (DTXT_TXTS). There are some settings that are shared for more than one DTXT converter. They are documented in a common table above. See also the complete list of settings used by DTXT Simple Text converter.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.DTxt.txt.BeginCell USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) This is a unicode string setting the prefix for each cell.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.CellLineBreak USTRING DEFAULT \v This is a unicode string setting the end-of-line mark inside a cell.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.CellSeparator USTRING DEFAULT \t This is a unicode string setting the separator string between cells.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.EndCell USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) This is a unicode string setting the postfix for each cell.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.IgnoreSpaceAtEOL BOOL DEFAULT FALSE Ignore white spaces at end of line.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.ZoneSeparator USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) This is a unicode string setting the separator string between zones.

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Settings of the DTXT CSV converter

This table contains the settings used only by DTXT CSV converter (DTXT_TXTCSV). There are some settings that are shared for more than one DTXT converter. They are documented in a common table above. See also the complete list of settings used by DTXT CSV converter.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.DTxt.csv.BeginField USTRING DEFAULT " This is the prefix for each data field.
Kernel.DTxt.csv.EndField USTRING DEFAULT " This is the postfix for each data field.
Kernel.DTxt.csv.EndOfCellLineAsFieldSeparator BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This creates separate field for each line of text in a text cell.
Kernel.DTxt.csv.EndOfLineAsFieldSeparator BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This creates a separate field for each line of text in a text zone.
Kernel.DTxt.csv.EndOfRecord USTRING DEFAULT \r\n This is the unicode string that sets the end of record mark.
Kernel.DTxt.csv.FieldSeparator USTRING DEFAULT , This is a unicode string setting the field separator mark.
Kernel.DTxt.csv.RecordSeparator ENUM DEFAULT 0 This enum controls what is a record. "Line" (0) means each line is a discrete record, "Zone" (1) means each zone is a discrete record, "Page" (2) means each page is a record

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Settings of the DTXT Formatted Text converter

There are some settings that are shared for more than one DTXT converter. They are documented in a common table above. DTXT Formatted Text converter (DTXT_TXTF) uses only such settings. See also the complete list of settings used by DTXT Formatted Text converter.

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Settings of the DTXT PDF Image-on-text converter (Searchable PDF)

This table contains the settings used only by DTXT PDF Image-on-text converter (DTXT_PDFIOT) (supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X). There are some settings that are shared for more than one DTXT converter. They are documented in a common table above. See also the complete list of settings used by DTXT PDF Image-on-text converter.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.BWFormat ENUM DEFAULT 3 (JBIG2) Specifies the compression used in PDF output for B/W images. 2 for "TIF_G4" or 3 for "JBIG2".
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.BWMaxDPI INT DEFAULT 0 Maximum allowed DPI for B/W images, 0 means no restriction.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.BWQuality ENUM (IMF_IMAGEQUALITY) DEFAULT IMF_IMAGEQUALITY_MIN Specifies the quality of JBIG2 compression used in PDF output. The value IMF_IMAGEQUALITY_GOOD is equivalent to IMF_IMAGEQUALITY_MIN.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.ColorFormat ENUM DEFAULT 1 (JPG2000) Specifies the compression used in PDF output for 24-bit color images. 0 for "JPEG" or 1 for "JPG2000".
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.ColorMaxDPI INT DEFAULT 0 Maximum allowed DPI for color images, 0 means no restriction.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.ColorQuality ENUM (IMF_IMAGEQUALITY) DEFAULT IMF_IMAGEQUALITY_MIN Specifies the quality of JPEG and JPEG2000 compression used in PDF output.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.CompressContentStream BOOL DEFAULT TRUE the content streams in the output will be compressed.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.Linearized BOOL DEFAULT FALSE the output will be also a linearized PDF.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.PDFA BOOL DEFAULT FALSE Deprecated. Use Kernel.Imf.PDF.Compatibility instead.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.SplitMaxPages INT DEFAULT 0 If this is not 0, DTXT tries to generate output files containing at most the specified number of pages instead of one file. The name of the output files are generated from the User-specified filename using ordinal numbers.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.SplitMaxSize INT DEFAULT 0 If this is not 0, DTXT tries to generate output files having their size lower than the specified bytes instead of generating one file. The name of the output files are generated from the User-specified filename using ordinal numbers. In some cases the resulted sizes may be over the specified one depending on the content of the pages.
Kernel.DTxt.PDF.UseMRC ENUM (IMF_MRCLEVEL) DEFAULT IMF_MRCLEVEL_NO This specifies the MRC compression level of the written PDF file.
Kernel.Imf.PDF.Compatibility ENUM (IMF_PDFCOMPATIBILITY) DEFAULT IMF_PDF16 PDF compatibility.

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Settings of the DTXT XML converter

This table contains the settings used only by DTXT XML converter (DTXT_XMLCOORD). There are some settings that are shared for more than one DTXT converter. They are documented in a common table above. See also the complete list of settings used by DTXT XML converter.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Kernel.DTxt.txt.Author USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Use this setting to specify Author. Available in XSD XML output only.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.Comment USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Use this setting to specify Comment. Available in XSD XML output only.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.Company USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Use this setting to specify Company. Available in XSD XML output only.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.SchemaLocation USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Use this setting to insert a schema location into the XML file. Available in XSD XML output only.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.Subject USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Use this setting to specify Subject. Available in XSD XML output only.
Kernel.DTxt.txt.Title USTRING DEFAULT (empty string) Use this setting to specify Title. Available in XSD XML output only.
Kernel.DTxt.xml.InsertCharacters BOOL DEFAULT FALSE When it is set, the XML converter writes nodes for each letter.
Kernel.DTxt.xml.XSD BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This is a boolean setting used to switch between the old (XDR) and new (XSD) schema.

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Settings of the DTXT Binary converter

There are some settings that are shared for more than one DTXT converter. They are documented in a common table above. DTXT Binary converter (DTXT_BINARY) uses only such settings. See also the complete list of settings used by DTXT Binary converter.

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Settings of the RecAPIPlus

This API level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

Settings of Simple Multipage Document Handling

These settings are used by the Simple Multipage Document Handling module during its operations.

This module is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
APIPlus.ConvertTimeout INT DEFAULT INFINITE This is the timeout setting of the output conversion step both in simple workflows and in one step functions. It is useful when a longer conversion time is predictable (e.g. higher number of pages, etc.).
APIPlus.FreehPageAfterInsert BOOL DEFAULT TRUE If this setting is FALSE, the HPAGE is not deleted during RecInsertPage and RecUpdatePage. In this case there is no connection between the HPAGE and the HDOC after the functions return, i.e. modifications on either do not affect on the other. In addition the HPAGE should be freed manually.

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Settings of the One Step Functions

These settings are used by the One Step Functions module during its operations.

This module is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
APIPlus.ConvertTimeout INT DEFAULT INFINITE This is the timeout setting of the output conversion step both in simple workflows and in one step functions. It is useful when a longer conversion time is predictable (e.g. higher number of pages, etc.).
APIPlus.ProcessPagesEx.DetectOpenBook BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This sets whether RecProcessPagesEx should detect book pages during image loading or not.
APIPlus.ProcessPagesEx.NewDocAtBlankPage BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This sets whether RecProcessPagesEx should create a new document at processing a blank page or not.
APIPlus.ProcessPagesEx.NewDocForEachImg BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This sets whether RecProcessPagesEx should create a new document for each input image or not.
Kernel.RPP.RecThreadCount (supported on: Windows) INT DEFAULT -1 This determines the maximum number of recognition threads started by kRecProcessPagesEx and RecProcessPagesEx. In case of -1 (also 0) the maximum number of threads is equal to the number of virtual CPU's (including hyper threads), but less than or equal to 4. See RecSetOCRThreadCount.

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Settings of the Layout Retention Output

These settings are used by the Layout Retention Output module during its operations.

This module is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
APIPlus.Output.Append BOOL DEFAULT TRUE This determines whether RecConvert2Doc appends or overwrites the output file if that has already exists.
APIPlus.Output.FindHeaderFooter BOOL DEFAULT FALSE This specifies whether the headers and footers are detected or not. True is for detection.
APIPlus.Output.OutputLevel ENUM (OUTPUTLEVEL) DEFAULT OL_AUTO Level of the Layout Retention. See also RecSetOutputLevel.
APIPlus.Output.TextFormat USTRING DEFAULT Converters.Text.RTF2000 Name of the output text format (name of the converter, see converter settings). See RecSetOutputFormat.

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Settings of the Formatter

This module is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

Name Type Flags Default value Description
Formatter.df.mode INT DEFAULT DFM_Lite Document formatter mode. See DocFormatter_Mode. BOOL DEFAULT TRUE Deprecated. BOOL DEFAULT TRUE When it is FALSE page formatter does not search for hyperlinks or footnotes. BOOL DEFAULT TRUE When it is FALSE page formatter does not search for bulleted paragraphs. BOOL DEFAULT TRUE Deprecated. BOOL DEFAULT FALSE When it is set, the page formatting process of the output conversion does not modify the original order of the zones.

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Settings of the converters

The converter settings of the RecAPI.