Classes | Defines | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Image Handling Module

Image handling tools. More...


struct   _IMG_INFO
  Structure of an image containing basic physical information. More...
  Basic physical information of a compressed image buffer. More...
struct   CUT_INFO
  Structure for book images. More...
  Information about preprocessing. More...
struct   RLINE
  Structure of a line. More...


#define  PHOLE_DETECT   1
  Detect punch holes. It is combinable with PHOLE_REMOVE.
#define  PHOLE_REMOVE   2
  Remove punch holes. It is combinable with PHOLE_DETECT.
#define  CONVIMG_PALETTE   1
  Create palette image.
#define  CONVIMG_ERRDIFF   2
  Use error diffusion to simulate shades.


typedef struct _IMG_INFO  IMG_INFO
  Structure of an image containing basic physical information.
  Pointer to a structure IMG_INFO.
typedef const IMG_INFO LPCIMG_INFO
  Const pointer to a structure IMG_INFO.
  Basic physical information of a compressed image buffer.
  Pointer to a structure COMPRESSED_IMG_INFO.
  Const pointer to a structure COMPRESSED_IMG_INFO.
typedef struct RECPAGESTRUCT *  HPAGE
  Handle of a page in memory.
  Image conversion types.
  Pointer to an enum type IMG_CONVERSION.
  Color type.


  Image compression types. More...
  Image resolution for JPEG files. More...
  Image orientation for JPEG files. More...
  CNV_AUTO = 0,
  Image conversion types. More...
enum   IMG_ROTATE {
  ROT_AUTO = 0,
  ROT_FLIPPED = ROT_NO + 0x80,
  Available image transformations (rotation and/or mirroring). More...
  TOP_DOWN = 0,
  Image line order. More...
enum   IMG_PADDING {
  Image padding. More...
  COLOR_RGB = 0,
  Image color order. More...
enum   IMG_RESENH {
  Image resolution enhancement. More...
enum   IMG_INVERT {
  INV_NO = 0,
  Image inversion mode. More...
enum   IMG_DESKEW {
  DSK_2D = 0,
  Image deskewing mode. More...
  Image stretching mode. More...
  Preprocessing of screen captures. More...
  Index of each image type in HPAGE. More...
  Flags for the structure PREPROC_INFO. More...
  Switching between processing modes. More...
  Determining the area to be filled by kRecFillImgArea. More...
  Despeckle method used by kRecForceDespeckleImg. More...
enum   ERO_DIL_TYPE {
  ERO_DIL_3 = 0,
  Type of neighborhood used by kRecImgErosion and kRecImgDilatation. More...
enum   IMG_FLAGS {
  Image flags. More...
  Retain color. More...


RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgDownsample (int sid, INTBOOL downsample)
  Changing the view downsample setting.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgDownsample (int sid, INTBOOL *pdownsample)
  Getting the value of view downsample setting.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg (int sid, INTBOOL preserve)
  Changing the keep original image setting.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetPreserveOriginalImg (int sid, INTBOOL *pPreserve)
  Getting the value of the keep original image setting.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetFaxCorrection (int sid, INTBOOL corr)
  Changing the fax correction setting.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetFaxCorrection (int sid, INTBOOL *pCorr)
  Getting the value of fax correction setting.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo (int sid, const IMG_INFO *pThumbnail, REC_COLOR color)
  Changing the thumbnail image info settings.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetThumbnailImgInfo (int sid, IMG_INFO *pThumbnail, REC_COLOR *pColor)
  Getting the value of thumbnail image info settings.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgBinarizationMode (int sid, IMG_CONVERSION BWConversion)
  Setting secondary image conversion mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgBinarizationMode (int sid, LPIMG_CONVERSION pBWConversion)
  Getting secondary image conversion mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgBrightness (int sid, int Brightness)
  Setting brightness.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgBrightness (int sid, int *lpBrightness)
  Getting brightness.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgThreshold (int sid, int Threshold)
  Setting the binarization threshold.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgThreshold (int sid, int *pThreshold)
  Getting binarization threshold.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgInvert (int sid, IMG_INVERT ImgInvert)
  Setting inversion mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgInvert (int sid, IMG_INVERT *lpImgInvert)
  Getting inversion mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgDeskew (int sid, IMG_DESKEW _ImgDeskew)
  Setting deskew mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgDeskew (int sid, IMG_DESKEW *pImgDeskew)
  Getting deskew mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgSlope (int sid, int Slope)
  Setting the slope.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgSlope (int sid, int *lpSlope)
  Getting the slope.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgRotation (int sid, IMG_ROTATE imgRotate)
  Setting rotation mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgRotation (int sid, IMG_ROTATE *lpImgRotate)
  Getting rotation mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgFormat (int sid, IMG_LINEORDER lineord, IMG_PADDING padding, IMG_RGBORDER ord)
  Setting image format.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgFormat (int sid, IMG_LINEORDER *plineord, IMG_PADDING *ppadding, IMG_RGBORDER *pord)
  Getting image format.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgStretchMode (int sid, IMG_STRETCHMODE ImgStretchMode)
  Setting stretching mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgStretchMode (int sid, IMG_STRETCHMODE *pImgStretchMode)
  Getting stretching mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgResolEnhancement (int sid, IMG_RESENH res)
  Setting resolution enhancement mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgResolEnhancement (int sid, IMG_RESENH *res)
  Getting resolution enhancement mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgDespeckleMode (int sid, INTBOOL bMode)
  Setting despeckle mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgDespeckleMode (int sid, LPINTBOOL lpbMode)
  Getting despeckle mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgConvMode (int sid, IMG_CONVERSION Conversion)
  Setting the primary image conversion mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgConvMode (int sid, IMG_CONVERSION *pConversion)
  Getting primary image conversion mode.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecPreprocessImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage)
  Image preprocessing.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetPreprocessInfo (HPAGE hPage, PREPROC_INFO *pPreprocInfo)
  Returning information about the preprocessing.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecRemovePunchHoles (int sid, HPAGE hPage, LPCRECT ROIs, int nROIs, LPRECT *Holes, int *nHoles, UINT flags, UINT minDiameter, UINT maxDiameter)
  Removing punch holes.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecRemoveBorders (int sid, HPAGE hPage, UINT maxWidth)
  Removing marginal shadows.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecDetectBook (int sid, HPAGE hPage, CUT_INFO *pInfo)
  Detecting facing book pages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecCreateBookPages (int sid, HPAGE hPage, HPAGE *phPage1, HPAGE *phPage2, const CUT_INFO *pInfo)
  Cutting each opened book image into two pages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecResetBookSize (int sid)
  Resetting the stored book page size.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecDetectBlankPage (int sid, HPAGE hPage, INTBOOL *pIsBlank)
  Detecting blank pages.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecAutoCropImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage, int lrMargin, int tbMargin, UINT flags)
  Cropping white border.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecDetectFillingMethod (int sid, HPAGE hPage, FILLINGMETHOD *pocrType)
  Detection of filling method.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecDetectImgSkew (int sid, HPAGE hPage, int *pSlope, IMG_ROTATE *pImgRotate)
  Detecting orientation and skew.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecPutImgArea (int sid, LPCIMG_INFO lpImg, const BYTE *lpBitmap, HPAGE hPage, int xDst, int yDst, LPCSIZE pDstSize)
  Updating image area.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgArea (int sid, HPAGE hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, LPCRECT pSrcRect, LPCSIZE pDstSize, LPIMG_INFO pImg, BYTE **ppBitmap)
  Getting image area.
  Getting image area.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecStartReadImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, LPCRECT pRect, IMG_ROTATE ImgRotation, LPWORD pBytes)
  Starting to read an image line-by-line.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecReadImg (int sid, LPBYTE pBuff)
  Reading an image line-by-line.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecStopReadImg (int sid)
  Stopping to read an image line-by-line.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecStartWriteImg (int sid, LPCIMG_INFO pImg)
  Starting to write an image line-by-line.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecWriteImg (int sid, const LPBYTE pBuff)
  Writing an image line-by-line.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecStopWriteImg (int sid, HPAGE *phPage)
  Stopping the writing of an image line-by-line.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecRotateImgArea (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, LPCRECT pSrcRect, IMG_ROTATE Rotation, LPIMG_INFO lpImg, BYTE **lplpBitmap)
  Copying image area with rotation.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecInvertImgArea (int sid, HPAGE hPage, LPCRECT lpRect)
  Inverting image area.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecClearImgArea (int sid, HPAGE hPage, LPCRECT lpRect)
  Clearing image area.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecFillImgArea (int sid, HPAGE hPage, LPCRECT lpRect, REC_COLOR color, FILLAREA_FLAGS flags)
  Filling image areas with a specified color.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecDeskewImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage, int ImgSlope)
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRec3DDeskewImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage)
  3D deskewing
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecEnhanceWhiteboardImg (HPAGE hPage)
  Enhancing images taken from whiteboards.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecTransformImgByMatrix (int sid, HPAGE hPage, const SIZE *newsize, const double *matrix)
  Performing geometrical transformation determined by a matrix.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecTransformImgByPoints (int sid, HPAGE hPage, const SIZE *newsize, const POINT *pOriginal, const POINT *pTransformed, int nPoints)
  Performing geometrical transformation determined by points.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecIsImgPalette (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, LPINTBOOL pbPal)
  Inquiring about palette of the image.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetImgPalette (HPAGE hPage, const BYTE *pPal)
  Setting palette of the image.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgPalette (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, LPBYTE pPal)
  Getting the palette of the image.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecDespeckleImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage)
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecForceDespeckleImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage, LPCRECT pRect, DESPECKLE_METHOD method, int level)
  Forcing despeckle.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecImgErosion (int sid, HPAGE hPage, ERO_DIL_TYPE type)
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecImgDilatation (int sid, HPAGE hPage, ERO_DIL_TYPE type)
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecConvertImg2BW (int sid, HPAGE hPageIn, IMG_CONVERSION Conversion, int Brightness, int Threshold, IMG_RESENH resolenh, HPAGE *phPageOut)
  Converting an image to a B/W image.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecTransformImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, LPCRECT pSrcRect, LPCSIZE pDstSize, WORD BitsPerPixel, HPAGE *phPageOut)
  Transforming an image.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecTransformImgPalette (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, LPCRECT pSrcRect, LPCSIZE pDstSize, HPAGE *phPageOut)
  Transforming palette-color images.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecCopyImgArea (int sid, HPAGE hPageDst, LPCRECT pRectDst, HPAGE hPageSrc, LPCRECT pRectSrc)
  Copying an image area.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecMergeImgArea (int sid, HPAGE hPageDst, LPCRECT pRectDst, HPAGE hPageSrc, LPCRECT pRectSrc, REC_COLOR tColor)
  Merging areas of images.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecConvertImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage, WORD BitsPerPixel, UINT flags)
  Changing color depth.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecLineRemoval (int sid, HPAGE hPage, const RECT *pRect)
  Removing lines.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecRemoveLines (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, const RECT *pRect)
  Removing lines.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetLineCount (HPAGE hPage, int *pnLines)
  Getting the number of rule lines.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetLineInfo (HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, PRLINE pLine, int nLine)
  Getting rule line information.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetFrameCount (HPAGE hPage, int *pnFrames)
  Getting the number of frames.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetFrameInfo (HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, LPCELL_INFO pFrame, int nFrame)
  Getting frame information.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetDropoutColorWeights (int sid, int wred, int wgreen, int wblue)
  Changing the dropout color weight settings for binarization.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetDropoutColorWeights (int sid, int *pwred, int *pwgreen, int *pwblue)
  Getting the dropout color weight settings.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecDetectDropoutColorWeights (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT *pRect, int *pwred, int *pwgreen, int *pwblue)
  Detecting dropout color weights.
  Removing an image from the page.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecTransformCoordinates (HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiDst, IMAGEINDEX iiSrc, int nP, LPPOINT pPoint)
  Transforming coordinates between images of a page.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecRotateImg (int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMG_ROTATE Rotation)
  Rotating the page.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecCreateImg (int sid, int sizeX, int sizeY, int dpiX, int dpiY, WORD BitsPerPixel, HPAGE *phPage)
  Creating an empty image.
  Removing a page.
  Getting image information.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetImgMetaData (HPAGE hPage, HSETTING *phMetaData)
  Getting additional information about the page.
  Getting the value of image flags.
  Setting the image flags.
  Changing the resolution of an image.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecSetRetainColor (int sid, RETAINCOLOR RetainColor)
  Changing retain color setting.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecGetRetainColor (int sid, RETAINCOLOR *pRetainColor)
  Getting retain color setting.
RECERR RECAPIKRN  kRecImgAutoEnhance (HPAGE hPage, BYTE blackPointred, BYTE whitePointred, BYTE blackPointgreen, BYTE whitePointgreen, BYTE blackPointblue, BYTE whitePointblue)
  Image auto-enhancement.

REC_COLOR flag values

Possible values of REC_COLOR type.

#define  REC_UNDEF_COLOR   0x01000000
  Undefined color.
#define  REC_TRANSPARENT_COLOR   0x02000000
  Transparent color (text on graphics)
#define  REC_DEFAULT_COLOR   0x80000000
  Default color.
#define  REC_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR   0x81000000
  Default background color.
#define  REC_BLACK   0x00000000
  Black color.
#define  REC_WHITE   0x00ffffff
  White color.

Flags of rule lines

See RLINE::flag.

#define  LF_HVMASK   0x03
  Mask of horizontal / vertical flags.
#define  LF_HORZ   0x01
  Horizontal rule line.
#define  LF_VERT   0x02
  Vertical rule line.

Detailed Description

Image handling tools.

The Capture SDK Engine is page-oriented: the basic unit used in processing is typically the image of the page, Most functions require a page (HPAGE) as an input parameter, but some API calls also operate on rectangular areas of the image (zones).

The Image handling module enables the Engine to handle several pages at the same time. The limit on the number of pages depends on the size of available physical memory and the size of the swap file used as virtual memory. The Engine can only manage and process pages within its own memory space: images must be loaded into the Engine first (by the Image File Handling Module, or the Scanning Module). Possible image sources include files, scanning devices or the memory of the integrating application.

HPAGE may contain different representations of the loaded image. These correspond to processing phases (loading, preprocessing, OCR) or to image use (view, thumbnail). The representations can be identified by IMAGEINDEX.

The best resolution for B/W images is 300 or 400 dpi. For grayscale or color images the optimal recogniton resolution is 150 to 300 dpi.

Before quitting, the application should free all pages created in the Image Handling Module (kRecFreeImg).

NOTE: In both the SDK and its documentation coordinates refer to grid-coordinates - i.e. the top or left borders of pixels. Thus a rectangle does not contain the pixels according to its right and bottom coordinates.

CSDK offers pre-recognition functions to apply image pre-processing procedures to images. These will enhance their quality, and yield more accurate auto-zoning and recognition. Preprocessing can include any or all of the following steps:

In addition, image despeckling (kRecSetImgDespeckleMode) and resolution enhancements (kRecSetImgResolEnhancement) are also performed internally so that the above transformations can render better results.

Additional tasks in this module include

The working of Image Handling Module can also be adjusted with settings in some points.

Notes on Deskew and Orientation

Operational conditions

The automatic orientation (ROT_AUTO) and automatic deskewing (DSK_AUTO) algorithm supports the following types of textual content (FILLINGMETHOD):

For the expected result of these automatic algorithms the image should be of good quality and it should include at least one text line which includes a machine printed text of at least 30 characters.

Neither handprinted text nor 9-pin draft dot-matrix printouts can be used for automatic deskewing or automatic orientation of the image.

Angle limits

Detecting the skew (kRecDetectImgSkew) is effective only on images with lower than 15-degree skew. However, the deskew operation uses different limits.

There are lowerlimits of performing deskew, because under these limits deskew does not help to improve accuracy, but may result in lower accuracy. These lower limits depend on the setting RMTRADEOFF as the following:

Under these limits, deskew is not run.

In fast mode, the thresholds are higher, because the used OCR engines are more sensitive to noise on the contours. In accurate and balanced mode, the higher layout accuracy requires lower thresholds (e.g. drawing splitters into a large gridded table).

On grayscale and true-color images an interpolation algorithm can be applied, so the deskewed characters contain less noise. On B/W and palette-color images interpolation cannot be applied, so if the slope is small, deskew method damages the character contours and does not help to improve accuracy.

The upperlimit may also differ. Performing a programmed (DSK_SET) or an immediate (kRecDeskewImg) deskew, the upper limit is 30 degrees.

Reconstruct algorithm

There is a 'reconstruct' algorithm which is performed only on B/W images during deskew, if the slope of the image is less than the setting Kernel.Img.ReconstructAngle.

Normally, when this algorithm is not applied, deskew performs horizontal and vertical shearings on the image. Therefore shearing creates 'steps' on the contours of the characters.

The reconstruct algorithm restores the shapes of the small characters to their original state. So these small characters remain slanted but their positions will be deskewed. In this case, the OCR accuracy is little bit higher than without this reconstruction.

Arabic cases

The deskew and orientation detection work in a different way with Arabic language than in the case of other languages. The working of both operations can be adjusted through settings (Kernel.Img.Deskew.EnabledForArabic and Kernel.Img.Rotation.EnabledForArabic). If these settings are FALSE (in default), the AUTO methods (DSK_AUTO, ROT_AUTO) of these operations for Arabic OCR equal to the case when they are switched off (DSK_NO, ROT_NO). If the settings are TRUE, or the deskew and orientation are not set to AUTO, the working of these methods are the same for both the Arabic and the Western cases.

Digital camera input

OCR can now be performed on images containing texts that were captured by digital cameras with 2 megapixels and above. This is achieved with new pre-processing algorithms. Automatic digital camera preprocessing has three parts:

The following table shows the recommended minimum point size of text for different megapixel values – assuming focus is sharp, contrast is high and images are taken with care, as described below.

A4 (8.27” x 11.69”) A5 (8.27” x 5.85”)
Pixel size in a 300 dpi scan 2481 x 3507 1753 x 2481
2 megapixels (1600 x 1200) 18 pts 12 pts
3 megapixels (2048 x 1536) 14 pts 10 pts
4 megapixels (2272 x 1704) 12 pts 9 pts
5 megapixels (2560 x 1920) 11 pts 8 pts

The point sizes given for the European A4 size are also valid for the American Letter sized page (8.5” x 11”). A5 is similar to half a Letter-sized page.

As a general rule, an upper case letter must have at least 18 pixels vertically. Therefore, when capturing just several lines of large text, for instance from a label or notice, even a simple mobile phone camera under 0.5 megapixels can deliver good recognition if the rules given below are followed.

Of course these pre-processing algorithms can be applied to any image containing text distorted as described, irrespective of the capturing device. Conversely, text well captured by digital camera without distortions and good lighting may be successfully processed by the normal algorithms.

Automatic 3D-deskew

The preprocessing function or method IMG_DESKEW has a new parameter: DSK_3D, in addition to DSK_AUTO, DSK_NO, DSK_SET. When you call the preprocess method with DSK_3D, three-dimensional deskewing runs, as detailed above. If an Asian language (either CCJK, Arabic, Thai or Hebrew) is set for recognition before pre-processing, auto-deskew will not be available.

Manual 3D deskew

This feature can be accessed only from the IVC visual control of the CSDK. Please see the CSDK Visual Controls documentation for details.

How to capture good quality images

  1. Lighting: Clear, even lighting with good contrast is important (no shaded parts).
  2. Stable camera position: Use a tripod or other steadying device.
  3. Camera axis: As close to perpendicular to the page as possible.
  4. Correct distance: Minimum: 20-25 cm / 10-20 inches. In macro mode can be less. For fixed focus cameras, macro mode should be used, if available.
  5. Resolution (pixel density): Depends on camera resolution, distance between camera and page, and character size. The higher the resolution, the sharper the image.

Inverse text and color lines

The detection of colored lines and inverse texts in the recognition process is improved in CSDK 16. Line color is detected only if the retain color setting is set to RETAINCOLOR_YES. See also: Kernel.OcrMgr.RetainColor and kRecSetRetainColor. Inverted text is automatically detected; it requires no special zone type, being expressed simply as a font color/background color combination. White letters on a black background will be detected in all cases; to conserve colored inverse text or backgrounds, RETAINCOLOR_YES must be set.

The line color attribute is stored in the color field of the RLINE structure and can be obtained by the function kRecGetLineInfo.

Despeckle for halftone images

Scanners often have the possibility of specifying whether the type of the document is 'text', 'photo' or 'text/photo' (mixed). When text/photo or photo is selected (and black-and-white scanning is chosen) the scanners apply a halftone or dithering algorithm to simulate gray levels. In this case the scanned image contains a lot of noise and a special despeckle algorithm is required to preprocess it before OCR. This special algorithm can be switched on and off with the setting Kernel.Img.Despeckle.Halftone. See also notes of kRecSetImgDespeckleMode.

Define Documentation


Fill the remaining margins white.

Typedef Documentation

Basic physical information of a compressed image buffer.

This structure specifies the basic infromation about the image to be loaded from compressed memory buffer (kRecLoadImgMC and kRecLoadImgDataStreamMC).

Image conversion types.

Image conversion modes to be applied for conversions from grayscale or color image sources. These values specify how different image types will be converted either during primary image conversion ( loading an image into the Engine) or during secondary image conversion, (an image - already in the Engine's memory space - undergoes an image conversion step).

These modes can be set by kRecSetImgConvMode for primary and by kRecSetImgBinarizationMode for secondary image conversion.
Secondary image conversions are performed on an existing hPage page. This step is activated either directly (from within the kRecConvertImg2BW function) or implicitly. This latter case may occur when the application calls a KernelAPI API function whose operation requires a B/W image but the available image is not a B/W one, making an implicit image conversion necessary.
In primary image conversion, the default conversion type is CNV_NO. In secondary image conversion, the default conversion type is CNV_AUTO.
During primary image conversion CNV_SET and CNV_GLOBAL produce the same results as they do during secondary image conversion. However, CNV_AUTO method is faster in primary than in secondary conversion, but the result is less optimal for OCR. In general, it is true that the most optimal result for OCR can be achieved with the default values of these settings.
typedef struct _IMG_INFOIMG_INFO

Structure of an image containing basic physical information.

See IMG_LINEORDER, IMG_RGBORDER, and IMG_PADDING for more information.

Color type.

This is 24-bit color information. The lower 8 bits are the red component, the next 8 bits are the green one and the third 8 bits the blue one. These components are intensity values from 0 to 255. Black is 0 (REC_BLACK) and white is 0xFFFFFF (REC_WHITE). There are some additional predefined colors: REC_UNDEF_COLOR and REC_DEFAULT_COLOR.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Despeckle method used by kRecForceDespeckleImg.


The applied method is determined automatically. kRecForceDespeckleImg performs the same adaptive noise removal, as kRecDespeckleImg. Level is not used.


Black noise is removed, contours are smoothed. Level can be set between 1 and 4.


White noise is removed, contours are smoothed. Level can be set between 1 and 4.


Despeckle half-tone image. Level can be set between 1 and 4.


3*3 median filtering. Level is not used.


Remove small noise from contours. level is not used. Remove black dots whose width and height are less or equal to the given size. The contours of the other objects are not smoothed. The level parameter specifies the size, it must be between 1 and 256.


Remove white dots whose width and height are less or equal to the given size. The contours of the other objects are not smoothed. The level parameter specifies the size, it must be between 1 and 256.


Remove both black and white dots whose width and height are less or equal to the given size.

Type of neighborhood used by kRecImgErosion and kRecImgDilatation.


Left, upper, and upper-left neighbors are tested.


Left, upper, right and lower neighbors are tested.


All eight neighbors are tested.

Determining the area to be filled by kRecFillImgArea.


Fill the image inside the rectangle.


Fill the image outside the rectangle.


Increase BitsPerPixel of the image if necessary. E.g.: the current image is gray-scale (BistPerPixel = 8) and the fill-color is red: if this flag is set the image is changed to 24-bit true-color, if this flag is not set the fill-color is converted down to gray. This parameter can be combined with FILL_INSIDE or FILL_OUTSIDE.


Index of each image type in HPAGE.

HPAGE may contain several images created from the same page source (e.g. scanner, image file, etc). These image types play different roles: distinct page processing phases run on them. You can refer to these image types using their indices.

Each image type of HPAGE may have different coordinate systems. In the page all the coordinates are stored referring to the coordinate system of the black-and-white image. However, coordinates passing to or getting from the functions can refer to the coordinate system of any image.

Due to the conversions between coordinate systems, a coordinate received from a function may differ from the previously set coordinate.

After preprocessing, rotating or deskewing, the difference between the coordinate systems of the current and original images is a geometric rotating transformation. Thus, if there is a rectangle (possibly a zone) specified with the coordinates from the original image its vertices are converted into the BW image and the bounding rectangle of the resulting points are stored. Therefore, the vertices of the stored rectangle can significantly differ from those of the original one.

The coordinate system of the BW image can differ from that of the current image only in a scalar factor viz. if the current one is not binary and resolution enhancement is used at binarization, the resulting image has a higher resolution.

The OCR and the BW images have the same coordinate systems.

Coordinates are specified in pixels. The origin is always in the top-left corner of the image with the coordinates (0,0). The bottom-right pixel has the coordinates (sx-1, sy-1), where sx is the horizontal and sy is the vertical size of the image in pixels.

When a function gets an IMAGEINDEX for specifying the coordinate system, II_THUMBNAIL cannot be passed. The functions accepting this index are as follows: kRecGetImgArea, kRecStartReadImg, kRecRotateImgArea, kRecIsImgPalette, kRecGetImgPalette, kRecTransformImg, kRecTransformImgPalette, kRecDropImg, kRecGetImgInfo, kRecSaveImg, kRecSaveImgForce, kRecSaveImgF, kRecSaveImgForceF, kRecSaveImgArea, kRecSaveImgAreaF, kRecInsertImgFilePage, kRecMatchImgFileFormat, kRecMatchImgFileFormat, kRecUpdateImgFilePage.

Lifetime of different images:

  • II_ORIGINAL: this is created when the image is loaded (on HPAGE creation). It is automatically deleted during the first operation that modifies the image (e.g. kRecPreprocessImg, kRecRotateImg, etc.). It can be kept by calling kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg. It can also be deleted any time by calling kRecDropImg.
  • II_CURRENT: this is created when the image is loaded (on HPAGE creation). It cannot be deleted even by calling kRecDropImg.
  • II_BW: It is created by the first operation that needs it. Preprocessing, page-layout decomposition and recognition processes always create it, but so does any other function that needs it providing that it receives the image index II_BW and they need this image (e.g. kRecGetImgInfo, kRecGetImgArea, etc.). II_BW can be deleted any time by calling kRecDropImg.
  • II_OCR: It exists exclusively during the recognition process. Even if there has already been an OCR image at the start of recognition, it is always recreated. To keep it, the setting "Kernel.OcrMgr.Images.KeepOcrImage" must be set to TRUE.
  • II_THUMBNAIL: It is created only when the image index II_THUMBNAIL is passed to a function and the function needs this image (e.g. kRecGetImgInfo, kRecGetImgArea, etc.). It can be deleted any time by calling kRecDropImg.

Undefined type.


Background layer. This image exists only for non-image-only PDF and XPS. It contains the background image without the text layer. Used internally by the PID_DECOMPOSITION process.


Original image from scanner or from file. Deskew, rotation, and other image manipulation functions do not modify this image. By default this image exists until II_CURRENT is generated from it and then it is deleted from the HPAGE. If you want to preserve this image, call kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg.


This is the current image. Most functions work on this image. This image always exists. After loading an image it corresponds with the original image. Deskew, rotation, and other image manipulation functions modify this image. To keep compatibility with the previous version of CSDK, use II_CURRENT.


Black-and-white image generated from the current image during pre-processing or implicit secondary image conversion. This image is used e.g. by the PID_DECOMPOSITION process. It can have higher resolution than the current image.


OCR image generated from the BW one by the recognition process. This is a black-and-white image used by the OCR engines. It contains information only inside the zones to be recognized. These zones may be auto-inverted; underlines and graphical elements may be removed from them. The creation method depends on the current page parse, OCR settings and the properties of the zones


Thumbnail image (miniature color image) generated from the current one. Its creation preserves aspect ratio, but the resulting image has the user-given size. Therefore empty areas may be generated at the top and bottom, or the left and right sides of that image. These empty areas will be filled with a given color called thumbnail color. See kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo.


Used internally by output converters.


Number of image types for verifying index validity and creating the image array.

Image compression types.

These types can be used at loading page from compressed memory buffer (kRecLoadImgMC and kRecLoadImgDataStreamMC).

DataStream supports only JPEG and JPEG2000 compression types.

Group 3 Modified TIFF image format.


Standard G3 1D TIFF image format.


Standard G3 2D TIFF image format.


Standard G4 TIFF image format.


Standard JPEG image (file) format.


Standard JPEG2000 image (file) format.


Number of compression types.

Image conversion types.

Image conversion modes to be applied for conversions from grayscale or color image sources. These values specify how different image types will be converted either during primary image conversion ( loading an image into the Engine) or during secondary image conversion, (an image - already in the Engine's memory space - undergoes an image conversion step).

These modes can be set by kRecSetImgConvMode for primary and by kRecSetImgBinarizationMode for secondary image conversion.
Secondary image conversions are performed on an existing hPage page. This step is activated either directly (from within the kRecConvertImg2BW function) or implicitly. This latter case may occur when the application calls a KernelAPI API function whose operation requires a B/W image but the available image is not a B/W one, making an implicit image conversion necessary.
In primary image conversion, the default conversion type is CNV_NO. In secondary image conversion, the default conversion type is CNV_AUTO.
During primary image conversion CNV_SET and CNV_GLOBAL produce the same results as they do during secondary image conversion. However, CNV_AUTO method is faster in primary than in secondary conversion, but the result is less optimal for OCR. In general, it is true that the most optimal result for OCR can be achieved with the default values of these settings.

This affects grayscale or 24-bit color images: a B/W image will be created in the Engine's memory. Image binarization applies an automatic adaptive thresholding algorithm. The kRecSetImgBrightness function can be used to tune the threshold calculation.


This affects grayscale or 24-bit color images: a B/W image will be created in the Engine's memory. Thresholding with a user-defined threshold value, set by the kRecSetImgThreshold function.


There will be no conversion while image loading. The image will be loaded into the Engine's memory without any conversion (i.e. a color image will retain its color attributes).


This affects grayscale or 24-bit color images: a B/W image will be created in the Engine's memory. For image binarization, an automatic thresholding algorithm with a page-level global threshold value is applied.


For a color image: a grayscale image will be created in the Engine's memory. For a B/W or grayscale image: no conversion will be performed while loading the image.


Image deskewing mode.

This setting determines the deskewing mode during image preprocessing.

For additional information about deskew (e.g limits of page angle, Arabic differences) see Notes on Deskew and Orientation.

Automatic 2D deskewing (Default).


Deprecated. Use DSK_2D instead.


No deskewing applied.


Deskew with a given angle set by the kRecSetImgSlope function.


Automatic 3D deskewing applied.


Automatic 2D or 3D deskewing: 2D deskewing applied on scanned images and 3D deskewing applied on digital camera images. see also: IMG_FLAGS


Image flags.

These flags can be inquired by kRecGetImgFlags, and used by kRecPreprocessImg


Source image file is captured by digital camera or phone.


Source image file does not contain resolution info. Default resolution has been set.


Image inversion mode.

Possible inversion modes. This setting determines the inversion mode used by kRecPreprocessImg on the whole image. Note that kRecPreprocessImg inverts the II_BW image only. The inversion means that the II_BW image is changed from white-on-black to black-on-white, because this is needed for successful recognition.


No inversion required.


Image inversion should be performed. The II_BW image is inverted.


Automatically inverts the II_BW image, if necessary (Default): whether the image is inverse is determined during preprocessing.

Image line order.

Line order setting determines the order of the lines in the passed or received buffer on calling kRecLoadImgM, kRecPutImgArea, kRecGetImgArea and kRecRotateImgArea. To specify this setting use kRecSetImgFormat before invoking any of the above functions.


First line is the top line of the image (Default).


First line is the bottom line of the image.

Image padding.

Padding mode setting for the image in the application's memory space. The Padding mode setting determines how the lines in the image are to be padded on calling kRecGetImgArea and kRecRotateImgArea. To specify this setting use kRecSetImgFormat call before invoking any of these functions.


Lines of the image are padded to byte boundaries.


Lines of the image are padded to word (double byte) boundaries (Default).


Lines of the image are padded to double word boundaries.


Image resolution enhancement.

Resolution enhancement means that the resolution of the created II_BW image is larger than the resolution of the II_CURRENT image. The ratio of the enhancement currently can be 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and can be 0.5 on digital camera images when the letters are very large. Resolution enhancement is applied during secondary image conversion step. The actual ratio depends on the Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement and Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement.EnabledforBW settings, the bit-depth and size of the image. Different ratio is applied on camera image and on screen captures. To change the Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement setting, use the kRecSetImgResolEnhancement function.


No resolution enhancement applied.


Apply enhancement, on grayscale and color images the ratio is 2.0, on BW images the ratio is determined by the CSDK.


On non-BW images the ratio of the enhancement depends on the resolution of the image. The ratio is 2.0 if the resolution is less than or equal to 160 DPI, and 1.5 if the resolution is less than or equal to 210 DPI. Otherwise resolution enhancement is not applied. On BW images resolution enhancement is applied if the resolution is less or equal than 210 dpi, the ratio is determined by the CSDK.


On non-BW images the ratio is detected dynamically: it depends on the resolution of the image and on the detected average character size. Resolution enhancement is not applied above 210 DPI. The mentioned character size detection is performed only during image preprocessing, thus without calling kRecPreprocessImgRE_STANDARD is equivalent to RE_LEGACY. On BW images RE_STANDARD is equivalent to RE_LEGACY.


Enhancement depends on the current trade-off setting: if trade-off is TO_FAST use RE_LEGACY, otherwise use RE_STANDARD. RE_AUTO is the default setting.

Image color order.

Possible orders of the composite color components of a 24-bit color image. It defines how the image is to be interpreted on calling kRecLoadImgM, kRecPutImgArea, kRecGetImgAreakRecRotateImgArea and kRecGetImgAreaEx. To specify this setting, use the kRecSetImgFormat call before invoking the above functions (except for kRecGetImgAreaEx).


Defines that the order of the composite color components is R-G-B (Default).


Defines that the order of the composite color components is B-G-R (used for Windows DiBitmap).


Defines that the order of the composite color components is B-G-R-A (blue-green-red-alpha). This value is used only by kRecGetImgAreaEx and kRecLoadImgM.


Defines that the order of the composite color components is A-R-G-B (alpha-red-green-blue). This value is used only by kRecGetImgAreaEx and kRecLoadImgM.


Available image transformations (rotation and/or mirroring).

Rotation is always carried out in 90-degree steps. The following table shows the results of the image transformation using different values.

  • Original image:
    • Transformed image:
      123 369 741 987
      456 258 852 654
      789 147 963 321
      321 147 963 789
      654 258 852 456
      987 369 741 123
Automatic image rotation settings (ROT_AUTO) can only be used with good quality machine-printed texts, but not with images containing 9-pin dot-matrix text or other non-machine printed text.
Mirroring values (those with the suffix FLIPPED) are ignored during image pre-processing kRecPreprocessImg. They are available only through kRecRotateImg and kRecRotateImgArea.
For additional information about rotation (e.g Arabic differences) see Notes on Deskew and Orientation.

Automatic image rotation (Default).


Do not transform the image.


Rotate image to the right (clockwise).


Rotate image down (rotate twice).


Rotate image to the left (anti-clockwise).


Mirror image without rotation (mirrored around the Y-axis).


Mirror image, then rotate to the right.


Mirror image, then rotate twice.


Mirror image, then rotate to the left.

Preprocessing of screen captures.

This enumerates the possible content of the Kernel.Img.ScreenCapture setting. CSDK contains special binarization algorithm that is optimized for processing screen captures. If the images to be processed can include screen capture, you need to set Kernel.Img.ScreenCapture to SCR_AUTO or SCR_YES. We suggest to use SCR_AUTO, because in this case the image is analyzed before the secondary image conversion step, and it is decided whether the normal or the screenshot-optimized algorithm is better. This screenshot-optimized algorithm works better if the input is a lossless grayscale or color image. During the analysis CSDK also examines the characteristics of the image to determine whether the screen optimized algorithm should be used. Note that screenshots are neither deskewed nor autorotated.


Set this if the image is not screenshot (Default).


This is the suggested setting if the set of input images can contain both screenshots and scanned images.


Force using screenshot algorithm.

Image stretching mode.

Possible values for the Image stretching mode setting. This setting is used by the kRecGetImgArea function if the destination rectangle size is definitely smaller than the source one. The setting specifies how the pixels of the input image are combined to get the resulting image during the operation of this function.


Deletes eliminated pixels. Information in the eliminated pixels is not preserved (Default).


Uses the OR operator to combine eliminated pixels with the remaining ones. This mode preserves black pixels at the expense of white pixels. (Assuming that black is coded as 1.)


Uses the AND operator to combine eliminated pixels with the remaining ones. This mode preserves white pixels at the expense of black pixels.


If the image is B/W, 4-bit grayscale or 8-bit grayscale use 256-level grayscale to combine eliminated pixels. This results in an output of an 8-bit grayscale bitmap. If the image is palette-color or 24-bit color, use 24-bit color to combine eliminated pixels. This produces an output of a 24-bit color bitmap. Note, that if the destination rectangle size is greater than the source rectangle size, the BitsPerPixel of the output bitmap will be the same as the BitsPerPixel of the input image. Use the returned IMG_INFO from kRecGetImgArea to obtain the correct BitsPerPixel value of the created bitmap.

Image orientation for JPEG files.

Possible values of Kernel.Imf.JPG.Orientation setting. This setting specifies the orientation of the image when JPEG file is loaded.


Do not use the orientation tag of the EXIF info.


Apply the orientation tag of the EXIF info if exists.

Image resolution for JPEG files.

Possible values of Kernel.Imf.JPG.Resolution setting. This setting specifies how to set image resolution if the header of the input JPEG file does not contain DPI information.


Use the resolution specified by Kernel.IMF.DefaultDPI setting.


If JPEG header does not contain resolution info, read the resolution tag of the EXIF info if exists.

Flags for the structure PREPROC_INFO.


Fax-correction applied.


II_BW image inverted.


3D deskew applied.


Line straightening applied by 3D deskew.


Halftone image, see kRecSetImgDespeckleMode

Switching between processing modes.

Generally, a load-prerprocess-zoning-recognition-conversion workflow is built up to do anything it can for the best result of any type of output. However, there are some cases when certain steps can be skipped. E.g. if the required output is an ePub document, it is not important to do any true page formatting. The setting Processing.Mode can switch on such a restricted processing mode.


This is the normal workflow and the default setting.


This is the e-book mode. If this mode is switched on, the real position of the paragraphs are not important. The whole document is a flowing text with strongly normalized (not exact) linespacing. If a paragraph breaks across pages, their parts are connected. Footnotes and their references are marked. Of course any output format can also be used in this mode, but some of them do not fulfil all their original requirements due to these restrictions. E.g. in a true-page mode Word output the paragraph positions may be different from their original ones.

Retain color.

The recognition result can contain color information about letters, lines, frames, etc. The retain color setting indicates whether the color information from the image is used or not.

The page layout decomposition and recognition are faster when color is not retained, but the result of zoning may be worse (e.g. an indistinct graphic may vanish or zones with different background colors may be merged)

All the resulting items contain a white background and a black foreground color.


The real color of the given item is used in the result. This is the default value.


The color of the given item is determined in the BW image of the page (II_BW).

Function Documentation

RECERR RECAPIKRN kRec3DDeskewImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage 

3D deskewing

The kRec3DDeskewImg function performs 3D deskew on the II_CURRENT image of the given page. The function tries to correct the skew and perspective distortion of an image taken by a digital camera. Parallel text lines are transformed to be horizontal and column edges are transformed to be vertical. The algorithm does not detect that a page is upside down therefore the transformed image may remain upside down. If there are BW (II_BW) and thumbnail (II_THUMBNAIL) images they are deskewed as well.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of page containing the image(s) to be deskewed.
Return values:
The 3D deskew algorithm requires a certain number of characters, text lines and column edges. Column edges mean that the beginning and/or end of consecutive text lines have identical positions, i.e. the left edge of a column aligned left or both edges of a justified column. The minimal quantities are approximately 10 text lines and the edges of two columns or both edges of one column. The accuracy of the algorithm increases when there are a good number of lines and column edges and when these are not confined to a small area of the image. If the image contains only figures or graphics, no transformation occurs.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRec3DDeskewImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRec3DDeskewImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecAutoCropImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
int  lrMargin,
int  tbMargin,
UINT  flags 

Cropping white border.

This function detects the excessive border areas, and if they are greater than the given margins, it decreases them to that size. The image is resized to the new rectangle.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page to be processed.
[in] lrMargin Left and right margin (pixels).
[in] tbMargin Top and bottom margin (pixels).
[in] flags Set the CROP_CLEARMARGIN flag to have the margins remaining after cropping filled with the color white.
Return values:
For a blank page this function gives ZONE_NOTFOUND_WARN.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecAutoCropImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, int lrMargin, int tbMargin, CROP_FLAGS flags); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecAutoCropImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage, int lrMargin, int tbMargin, long flags) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecClearImgArea ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
LPCRECT  lpRect 

Clearing image area.

The kRecClearImgArea function clears a rectangular area of all the images of a page except II_ORIGINAL. The image with a rectangle cleared replaces its origin and is available to the Engine and the application. The function assumes that the coordinates are given in the coordinate system of the current image (II_CURRENT).

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the image to be modified.
[in] lpRect Pointer to a rectangle to be cleared by setting its bits to zero (0). A NULL value means the entire image.
Return values:
For a B/W image, setting each bit to zero (0) results in an entirely white image. In any other case the resulting image will be entirely black. When a white image area is required in these latter cases, call kRecFillImgArea or kRecInvertImgArea.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecClearImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage, RECT pRect);
    // or when pRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecClearImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecClearImgArea(int sid, HPAGE hPage, RECT lpRect) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecConvertImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
WORD  BitsPerPixel,
UINT  flags 

Changing color depth.

This function changes the color depth (bits per pixel) of the given image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page to be processed. The II_CURRENT image of this page will be modified.
[in] BitsPerPixel New value of the bits per pixel. Possible values are: 1, 8, 24.
[in] flags The following parameters can be specified: CONVIMG_PALETTE, CONVIMG_ERRDIFF.
Return values:
If BitsPerPixel is not 8, CONVIMG_PALETTE flag is ignored.
CONVIMG_ERRDIFF can be specified only when BitsPerPixel is 1 or when BitsPerPixel is 8 and CONVIMG_PALETTE is set.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecConvertImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, ushort bitsPerPixel, CONVIMG_FLAGS flags); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecConvertImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage, int BitsPerPixel, long flags) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecConvertImg2BW ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPageIn,
int  Brightness,
int  Threshold,
IMG_RESENH  resolenh,
HPAGE phPageOut 

Converting an image to a B/W image.

The kRecConvertImg2BW function converts color or gray-scale images to Black-and-white (B/W) ones and puts the resulting image into a newly created HPAGE. It converts the current image (II_CURRENT) of the given input page. The resulting image will be the original image (II_ORIGINAL) of the given output page. This function performs a direct secondary image conversion step. If the input image is a B/W one, the function ignores the remaining conversion parameters and produces a copy of the input image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPageIn Handle of the source page.
[in] Conversion Image conversion mode to be applied during the conversion of the image. Possible values are: CNV_AUTO, CNV_SET, CNV_GLOBAL.
[in] Brightness Brightness of the image (range is 0 to 100, where 0 means the darkest and 100 means the lightest resulting image). This parameter has an effect only if the Conversion parameter is CNV_AUTO.
[in] Threshold Threshold value to be set. Its range should be between 0 and 255. This parameter has an effect only if the Conversion parameter is CNV_SET.
[in] resolenh The resolution enhancement mode to be used during binarization.
[out] phPageOut Pointer of a variable to store the handle of the destination page.
Return values:
If the output page is no longer needed it should be removed from the image management module by invoking the kRecFreeImg function.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecConvertImg2BW(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMG_CONVERSION Conversion, int Brightness, int Threshold, IMG_RESENH resolenh, out IntPtr phPageOut); 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecCopyImgArea ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPageDst,
LPCRECT  pRectDst,
HPAGE  hPageSrc,
LPCRECT  pRectSrc 

Copying an image area.

This function copies a rectangular area of the II_CURRENT image of the given source page into a rectangular area of the II_CURRENT image of the given destination page. The function compresses or stretches the area if necessary to fit the dimensions of the destination size.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPageDst Handle of the page which contains the destination image.
[in] pRectDst Coordinates of the destination rectangular area. NULL means the whole image.
[in] hPageSrc Handle of the page which contains the source image.
[in] pRectSrc Coordinates of the source rectangular area. NULL means the whole image.
Return values:
If the destination size is smaller or greater than the original source area, the function compresses or stretches the area into the destination.
The BitsperSample of the source and the destination image must be the same.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecCopyImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageDst, RECT rectDst, IntPtr hPageSrc, RECT rectSrc);
    // or when pRectDst is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecCopyImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageDst, IntPtr hPageSrc, RECT rectSrc);
    // or when pRectSrc is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecCopyImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageDst, RECT rectDst, IntPtr hPageSrc);
    // or when pRectDst and pRectSrc are NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecCopyImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageDst, IntPtr hPageSrc);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecCopyImgArea(int sid, HPAGE hPageDst, RECT pRectDst, HPAGE hPageSrc, RECT pRectSrc) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecCreateBookPages ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
HPAGE phPage1,
HPAGE phPage2,
const CUT_INFO pInfo 

Cutting each opened book image into two pages.

This function cuts the two-page opened book images into two pages using the cutting information resulting from kRecDetectBook. It uses the page size stored by the first kRecDetectBook after a kRecInit or a kRecResetBookSize. The resulting HPAGEs should be preprocessed even if the pre-process operation was called before kRecDetectBook, because the skew of one page may differ from that of the other.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the two-part opened book page image.
[out] phPage1 Pointer of a variable to store the handle of the left page cut from the book page.
[out] phPage2 Pointer of a variable to store the handle of the right page cut from the book page.
[in] pInfo The cutting information resulting from kRecDetectBook.
Return values:
Every call of this function should be preceded by a kRecDetectBook, which creates the cutting information for the given HPAGE.
To reset the stored size of the resulting pages (e.g. before scanning another book), use kRecResetBookSize.
This function uses the settings Kernel.Img.BookSize.X and Kernel.Img.BookSize.Y.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecCreateBookPages(int sid, IntPtr hPage, out IntPtr phPage1, out IntPtr phPage2, [In] CUT_INFO pInfo); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecCreateBookPages(int sid, HPAGE hPage, HPAGE phPage1, HPAGE phPage2, CUT_INFO pInfo) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecCreateImg ( int  sid,
int  sizeX,
int  sizeY,
int  dpiX,
int  dpiY,
WORD  BitsPerPixel,
HPAGE phPage 

Creating an empty image.

The kRecCreateImg function creates a new, empty image by filling out a describing structure for the image management module and by allocating the proper amount of memory for the raw image data. This image will be attached to the page as both current and original image (II_CURRENT, II_ORIGINAL).

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] sizeX Horizontal size of the image to be created, in pixels.
[in] sizeY Vertical size of the image to be created, in pixels.
[in] dpiX Horizontal resolution of the image (Dots Per Inch).
[in] dpiY Vertical resolution of the image.
[in] BitsPerPixel Bits per pixel (bit depth). Possible values are: 1, 4, 8, 24 (B/W, 4-bit gray-scale, 8-bit gray-scale and 24-bit color images, respectively).
[out] phPage Pointer of the handle of the new page returned by the image management module.
Return values:
The created image is filled with 0 (0 is white if the image is B/W and black otherwise).
To create a palette-color image, first create an 8-bit gray-scale image. Then call the kRecSetImgPalette function with a pointer to a palette to declare the image as a palette-color one.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecCreateImg(int sid, int sizeX, int sizeY, int dpiX, int dpiY, ushort BitsPerPixel, out IntPtr phPage); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecCreateImg(int sid, int sizeX, int sizeY, int dpiX, int dpiY, int BitsPerPixel, HPAGE phPage) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecDeskewImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
int  ImgSlope 


The kRecDeskewImg function performs immediate deskewing on the original image. The resulting image will be the current one (II_CURRENT). If there are BW (II_BW) and thumbnail (II_THUMBNAIL) images they are deskewed as well.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of a page containing the image(s) to be deskewed.
[in] ImgSlope Integer slope value for deskewing. The value given here is the number of pixels of vertical ascent on 1000 horizontal pixels. That is, the tangent of the deskew angle multiplied by 1000.
Return values:
For information about limits of page angle using deskew operations see Notes on Deskew.
The coordinates of all user zones will be recalculated. The OCR zones will be removed.
The image to be deskewed can be of any type (B/W, grayscale or color).
This function ignores the current Image deskewing mode setting as set by a previous kRecSetImgDeskew call and also the value in kRecSetImgSlope. Those settings relate only to deskewing performed during pre-processing initiated by kRecPreprocessImg, which supports programmed or auto-deskewing.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecDeskewImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, int ImgSlope); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecDeskewImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage, int ImgSlope) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecDespeckleImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage 


The kRecDespeckleImg function performs an immediate adaptive noise removal on the current (II_CURRENT) image, irrespective of its resolution. If the current image is not black-and-white the function returns IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page.
Return values:
This function is useful for images which originally had a grayed or colored background that was not completely removed by preprocessing. It can be useful also for faxed pages or those with a spotted background.
The algorithm runs at any resolution, however, it is optimized for images with at least 180 dpi resolution.
As an alternative, the setting kRecSetImgDespeckleMode is available.
see also kRecForceDespeckleImg.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecDespeckleImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecDespeckleImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecDetectBlankPage ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
INTBOOL *  pIsBlank 

Detecting blank pages.

Detects if a given page is a blank page.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[out] pIsBlank Pointer to a variable to store the result. It is TRUE, if the image is blank.
Return values:
This function considers a page as blank if there is only some noise on it. It still returns TRUE if the image contains edge noise as a result of scanning. It returns FALSE if it finds some text or graphics on the page.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecDetectBlankPage(int sid, IntPtr hPage, out bool IsBlank); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecDetectBlankPage(int sid, HPAGE hPage, int[] pIsBlank) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecDetectBook ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,

Detecting facing book pages.

This function detects the place where the page image can be cut into two pages. It is useful when scanning two facing pages of a book simultaneously. First time after kRecInit or kRecResetBookSize, it stores the size of the resulting pages in settings. This size can always include both pages.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[out] pInfo Pointer of a variable to store the detected cutting information.
Return values:
This function should be called before every kRecCreateBookPages, which performs the cutting on the given HPAGE.
The input HPAGE has to contain horizontal text lines, or it has to be rotated to such position (kRecPreprocessImg, kRecRotateImg).
This function sets the settings Kernel.Img.BookSize.X and Kernel.Img.BookSize.Y.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecDetectBook(int sid, IntPtr hPage, out CUT_INFO info); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecDetectBook(int sid, HPAGE hPage, CUT_INFO pInfo) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecDetectDropoutColorWeights ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
RECT *  pRect,
int *  pwred,
int *  pwgreen,
int *  pwblue 

Detecting dropout color weights.

The kRecDetectDropoutColorWeights function calculates the best weights that can be used for drop-out color binarization. This detection operates on the current image (II_CURRENT) of the given HPAGE. Typical filled form documents contain three main colors: background color, preprinted drop-out color, and fill color. The goal of the drop-out color binarization is to create a binary image that does not contain the preprinted texts, lines, etc. You should define a rectangle, as large as possible, that contains the drop-out color and the background color, but should not contain the fill color. The returned weights can be passed to kRecSetDropoutColorWeights function.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the image, on which the detection runs.
[in] iiImg The index of the image, in which the coordinates of the input rectangle are to be given. Possible values are II_CURRENT and II_BW.
[in,out] pRect The rectangular area of the image in which the detection runs. If this rectangle is given in the BW image, the output rectangle is converted to the current image. This pointer must not be NULL.
[out] pwred Pointer of a variable to store the suggested weight of the red component.
[out] pwgreen Pointer of a variable to store the suggested weight of the green component.
[out] pwblue Pointer of a variable to store the suggested weight of the blue component.
Return values:
This function only stores the recommended drop-out color weights of the given HPAGE and does not set these values. If you find the recommendations correct, you can set them with kRecSetDropoutColorWeights. Thus the detected values will not be used in primary image conversion and kRecPreprocessImg unless they are set. For more information, see kRecSetDropoutColorWeights.
When processing empty forms using a drop-out color, it is recommended to apply auto-deskewing (if desired) when the original image enters into the Engine's responsibility, or at least before the OCR image is created. Typically with forms, auto-deskew relies on finding printed lines or text lines that are usually form labels. Precisely these elements are removed by applying a drop-out color, so calling auto-deskew when the OCR image is already created is liable to fail. A possible workaround may be the following:
  1. Set drop-out color weights to default (77,150,29).
  2. Detect skew (kRecDetectImgSkew)
  3. Set drop-out color weights
  4. Set slope and rotation (kRecSetImgDeskew, kRecSetImgSlope, kRecSetImgRotation)
  5. Pre-process the image
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecDetectDropoutColorWeights(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, [In, Out] ref RECT pRect, out int pwred, out int pwgreen, out int pwblue); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecDetectDropoutColorWeights(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pRect, int[] pwred, int[] pwgreen, int[] pwblue) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecDetectFillingMethod ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,

Detection of filling method.

This function tries to determine the type of content in the OCR zones of a page. If there is no OCR zone, the function works on user zones. It can identify handprinted, machine printed or dot-matrix printed text (9 and 24 pin) and barcodes. The function only looks into zones with the FM_DEFAULT value in their ZONE::fm field. If an output parameter address is passed the CSDK fills it with one general filling method based on the examined zones of the page. The integrating application can pass this value to the end-user for evaluation or can use it directly. Another use of this function is when it is called with NULL in its output parameter. In this case, the function performs a zone-by-zone analysis (on zones with FM_DEFAULT) and replaces the filling method of each zone with the determined one.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[out] pocrType Address of a variable to get the detected method or NULL.
Return values:
Important details can be found in the section Detection of filling method.
If the zone contains objects from more than one filling method, it is indeterminate which filling method is selected.
To categorize text zones, there must be preferably more than 50 representative characters in the zone: the more characters are in a zone, the more accurate the detection is.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecDetectFillingMethod(int sid, IntPtr hPage, out FILLINGMETHOD pocrType);
    // or when pocrType is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecDetectFillingMethod(int sid, IntPtr hPage);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecDetectFillingMethod(int sid, HPAGE hPage, FILLINGMETHOD[] pocrType) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecDetectImgSkew ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
int *  pSlope,
IMG_ROTATE pImgRotate 

Detecting orientation and skew.

The kRecDetectImgSkew function detects the orientation and the skew of the image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page which contains the image.
[out] pSlope Pointer to a variable to get the slope value.
[out] pImgRotate Pointer to a variable to get the orientation of the image.
Return values:
If the current Image rotation mode (kRecSetImgRotation) is
  • ROT_AUTO : this function really provides the detected orientation of the image,
  • otherwise: the current Image rotation mode setting is retrieved.
If the current Image deskewing mode (kRecSetImgDeskew) is
  • DSK_2D: this function really detects the image skew
  • DSK_SET: the current slope value is retrieved (as it was set by the last kRecSetImgSlope call),
  • DSK_NO: the function provides zero (0).
  • DSK_3D: the function provides zero (0).
For information about limits of page angle using deskew operations see Notes on Deskew.
The retrieved slope value (pSlope) is the number of pixels of vertical ascent on 1000 horizontal pixels. That is, the tangent of the deskew angle multiplied by 1000.
The detected skew value can be placed in kRecDeskewImg to immediately perform the specified amount of deskewing on a single image.
The slope value can also be placed in kRecSetImgSlope, which makes it available to kRecSetImgDeskew when DSK_SET is specified. Then all images are deskewed by the given value whenever kRecPreprocessImg is called.
When detecting the image rotation with Image rotation mode setting ROT_AUTO, one of the following values is returned: ROT_NO, ROT_RIGHT, ROT_DOWN, ROT_LEFT. This is the value by which the image should be rotated to reach the orientation which the program considers correct. This value can be placed in the kRecRotateImg function to explicitly perform the image rotation.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecDetectImgSkew(int sid, IntPtr hPage, out int pSlope, out IMG_ROTATE pImgRotate); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecDetectImgSkew(int sid, HPAGE hPage, int[] pSlope, IMG_ROTATE[] pImgRotate) 

Removing an image from the page.

The kRecDropImg function removes an image from the given page.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] iiImg Index of the image to be removed.
Return values:
The current image (II_CURRENT) cannot be dropped.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecDropImg(IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecDropImg(HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecEnhanceWhiteboardImg ( HPAGE  hPage )

Enhancing images taken from whiteboards.

Improving the readability of text and diagrams on whiteboards, when captured by digital camera.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
Return values:
The function returns an error if the II_CURRENT image is not a 24-bit true-color image.
The function uses Kernel.Img.Whiteboard.Strength setting.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecEnhanceWhiteboardImg(IntPtr hPage); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecFillImgArea ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
LPCRECT  lpRect,
REC_COLOR  color,

Filling image areas with a specified color.

The kRecFillImgArea function fills the image within (or outside) the given rectangle with the specified color.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the image to be modified.
[in] lpRect Pointer to a rectangle to be filled in. A NULL value means the entire image.
[in] color The area is filled in with this color. The color contains red, green, blue and alpha components. The red, green and blue components are intensity values from 0 to 255. The alpha component defines the opacity: 0 means that the color is totally transparent. The image is not changed if the alpha component is 0.
[in] flags The flags determining how the given rectangle is used.
Return values:
The color is converted to the nearest possible value.
This function modifies the II_CURRENT image of the page.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecFillImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage, RECT lpRect, uint color, FILLAREA_FLAGS flags);
    // or when lpRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecFillImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage, uint color, FILLAREA_FLAGS flags);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecFillImgArea(int sid, HPAGE hPage, RECT lpRect, long color, FILLAREA_FLAGS flags) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecForceDespeckleImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
int  level 

Forcing despeckle.

This function performs noise removal on the given area within the current (II_CURRENT) image of a page. The method and the level of the noise removal can be specified.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] pRect Pointer to the rectangle to be processed. A NULL value means the entire image.
[in] method Applied despeckle method.
[in] level Despeckle level. The possible values depend on the despeckle method.
Return values:
If the image is not black-and-white the function returns IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR.
The possible despeckle level depends on the despeckle method.
See also kRecDespeckleImg.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecForceDespeckleImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, RECT pRect, DESPECKLE_METHOD method, int level);
    // or when pRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecForceDespeckleImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, DESPECKLE_METHOD method, int level);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecForceDespeckleImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage, RECT pRect, DESPECKLE_METHOD method, int level) 

Removing a page.

The kRecFreeImg function removes a page from the image management module. All internal images relating to the page and any recognition results are removed.

[in] hPage Handle of the page to be removed.
Return values:
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecFreeImg(IntPtr hPage); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecFreeImg(HPAGE hPage) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetDropoutColorWeights ( int  sid,
int *  pwred,
int *  pwgreen,
int *  pwblue 

Getting the dropout color weight settings.

The kRecGetDropoutColorWeights function inquires the current value of the drop-out color weights. See kRecSetDropoutColorWeights.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pwred Pointer of a variable to store the weight of the red component.
[in] pwgreen Pointer of a variable to store the weight of the green component.
[in] pwblue Pointer of a variable to store the weight of the blue component.
Return values:
The B/W image is created if it does not exist, except with kRecPreprocessImg, which creates it in any case. These settings affect only the primary image conversion (i.e. conversion during loading, see kRecSetImgConvMode) and kRecPreprocessImg. Otherwise, the weights stored in the HPAGE are used for binarization. At loading, these settings are stored in the HPAGE and they can be changed by kRecDetectDropoutColorWeights.
This function gets the settings Kernel.Img.DropoutColor.Blue and ...Green and ...Red. These settings can be changed by kRecSetDropoutColorWeights.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetDropoutColorWeights(int sid, out int wred, out int wgreen, out int wblue); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetDropoutColorWeights(int sid, int[] pwred, int[] pwgreen, int[] pwblue) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetFaxCorrection ( int  sid,
INTBOOL *  pCorr 

Getting the value of fax correction setting.

This function retrieves the setting Kernel.Img.FaxCorrectionEnabled.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pCorr Pointer of a variable to get the value of the setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.FaxCorrectionEnabled. This setting can be changed by kRecSetFaxCorrection.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetFaxCorrection(int sid, out bool pCorr); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetFaxCorrection(int sid, int[] pCorr) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetFrameCount ( HPAGE  hPage,
int *  pnFrames 

Getting the number of frames.

This function gets the number of frames detected previously by kRecRecognize functions.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[out] pnFrames Address of an integer variable to get the number of frames.
Return values:
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetFrameCount(IntPtr hPage, out int pnFrames); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetFrameCount(HPAGE hPage, int[] pnFrames) 
int  nFrame 

Getting frame information.

This function can be used for getting information about any frame detected previously by kRecRecognize functions.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] iiImg Index of the image in the page, whose coordinate system is used to report the frames.
[out] pFrame Pointer to a variable for storing the requested frame information.
[in] nFrame Index of the frame in the frame list, from which the information is requested.
Return values:
The frame is a homogeneous color rectangular area with or without border lines. It may contain zones (ZONE). Frames are detected by kRecRecognize, only when the used decomp method is DCM_STANDARD. If the image is colored and the setting Kernel.OcrMgr.RetainColor is RETAINCOLOR_YES (see kRecSetRetainColor) it tries to detect the colored frames in the color image as well. Otherwise, the detection runs on the II_BW image. The structure CELL_INFO is used for describing frames.
The index of the first frame in the frame list is zero (0).
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetFrameInfo(IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, out CELL_INFO pFrame, int nFrame); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetFrameInfo(HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, CELL_INFO pFrame, int nFrame) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgArea ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPageIn,
LPCRECT  pSrcRect,
LPCSIZE  pDstSize,
BYTE **  ppBitmap 

Getting image area.

The kRecGetImgArea function copies and exports a rectangular area of the given image of the page stored in the Engine's image management module into a buffer available to the application. It results in a bitmap in the application's memory space. The function compresses or stretches the area if necessary to fit the dimensions of the destination size.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPageIn Handle of the page which contains the source image.
[in] iiImg Index of the source image in the page.
[in] pSrcRect Coordinates of the source rectangular area. NULL means: the whole image will be copied.
[in] pDstSize Pointer to the dimensions of the destination area. A value of NULL here means that the destination size will be equal to the original one.
[out] pImg Address of a structure to get information about the output image area.
[out] ppBitmap Address of a pointer to the resulting bitmap.
Return values:
If the destination size is smaller or greater than the original source area, the function compresses or stretches the area into the destination. During exporting the bitmap will be stretched or compressed according to the current setting of the Image stretching mode. The stretching mode can be set by a previous kRecSetImgStretchMode.
After having called this function, the application should call the kRecFree function to free the memory area containing the bitmap, when it is no longer needed.
The coordinates of the leftmost pixel of the uppermost line of the image are (0,0).
In B/W images created by this function the representation of black pixels is one (1), and white is zero (0). So, for displaying the image, use the NOTSRCCOPY raster operation code.
Instead of using this function, the application may prefer to call kRecStartReadImg, kRecReadImg, kRecStopReadImg, which transfer an image from the Engine to the application line-by-line.
If the image area to be copied also needs to be rotated and/or mirrored, use kRecRotateImgArea as an alternative to this function.
See also kRecGetImgAreaEx.
It is recommended to check the resulting image info, since it is not guaranteed that the type (BitsPerPixel) parameter will be the same as for the image given by the image index. While enlarging the image always results in a bitmap of the same type as the specified one, when image compressing/stretching is necessary, the BitsPerPixel field of the resulting image will depend on the current Image stretching mode setting.
Some attributes of the new image to be created, like the Line order (IMG_LINEORDER), the Padding mode (IMG_PADDING) and - for color images - the RGBorder (IMG_RGBORDER) can be specified by a preceding call of kRecSetImgFormat.
Getting an image area for display:
    RECERR rc;
    HPAGE hPage;
    IMG_INFO img;
    RECT rect;
    BYTE *pBitmap;
    HBITMAP hBitmap;
    . . .
    rect.left = 0; = 0;
    rect.right = 200;
    rect.bottom = 180;
    rc = kRecGetImgArea(sid, hPage, II_ORIGINAL, &rect, NULL, &img, &pBitmap);
    hBitmap = CreateBitmap(,, 1, img.BitsPerPixel, pBitmap);
    rc = kRecFree(pBitmap);
    . . .
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecGetImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize, out IMG_INFO pImg,
                            out byte[] pBitmap);
    // or when pSrcRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecGetImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, SIZE pDstSize, out IMG_INFO pImg, out byte[] pBitmap);
    // or when pDstSize is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecGetImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, out IMG_INFO pImg, out byte[] pBitmap);
    // or when both are NULL
    RECERR kRecGetImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, out IMG_INFO pImg, out byte[] pBitmap);
    // or
    RECERR kRecGetImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize, out IMG_INFO pImg,
                            out Bitmap bmp);
    // or when pSrcRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecGetImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, SIZE pDstSize, out IMG_INFO pImg, out Bitmap bmp);
    // or when pDstSize is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecGetImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, out IMG_INFO pImg, out Bitmap bmp);
    // or when both are NULL
    RECERR kRecGetImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, out IMG_INFO pImg, out Bitmap bmp);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgArea(int sid, HPAGE hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize, IMG_INFO pImg, OutputByteBuffer outputByteBuffer) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgAreaEx ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPageIn,
LPCRECT  pSrcRect,
LPCSIZE  pDstSize,
INTBOOL  strict,
BYTE **  ppBitmap 

Getting image area.

The kRecGetImgAreaEx function copies and exports a rectangular area of the given image of the page stored in the Engine's image management module into a buffer available to the application. It results in a bitmap in the application's memory space. The function compresses or stretches the area if necessary to fit the dimensions of the destination size.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPageIn Handle of the page which contains the source image.
[in] iiImg Index of the source image in the page.
[in] pSrcRect Coordinates of the source rectangular area. NULL means: the whole image will be copied.
[in] pDstSize Pointer to the dimensions of the destination area. A value of NULL here means that the destination size will be equal to the original one.
[in] StretchMode Stretching mode.
[in] LineOrder Order of the lines in the received buffer.
[in] RGBOrder Order of the composite color components (COLOR_RGB, COLOR_BGR or COLOR_BGRA).
[in] strict If TRUE: the received buffer will contain 24-bit RGB, 24-bit BGR, 32-bit BGRA or 32-bit ARGB bitmap depending on RGBOrder. If FALSE: the received buffer may contain 1-bit or 8-bit bitmap too if the input is 1-bit or 8-bit image (just like kRecGetImgArea)
[in] Padding This parameter determines how the lines are to be padded in the received buffer.
[out] pImg Address of a structure to get information about the output image area.
[out] ppBitmap Address of a pointer to the resulting bitmap.
Return values:
If the destination size is smaller or greater than the original source area, the function compresses or stretches the area into the destination. During exporting the bitmap will be stretched or compressed according to the StretchMode parameter.
After having called this function, the application should call the kRecFree function to free the memory area containing the bitmap, when it is no longer needed.
The coordinates of the leftmost pixel of the uppermost line of the image are (0,0).
See also kRecGetImgArea.
The specification variations of this function in C# are:
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out IntPtr pBitmap);
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out byte[] pBitmap);
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, SIZE pDstSize,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out byte[] pBitmap);
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out byte[] pBitmap);
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out byte[] pBitmap);
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out Bitmap bmp);
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, SIZE pDstSize,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out Bitmap bmp);
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out Bitmap bmp);
    RECERR kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, IntPtr hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, out IMG_INFO Img, out Bitmap bmp);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgAreaEx(int sid, HPAGE hPageIn, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize, IMG_STRETCHMODE StretchMode, IMG_LINEORDER LineOrder, IMG_RGBORDER RGBOrder, int strict, IMG_PADDING Padding, IMG_INFO pImg, OutputByteBuffer outputByteBuffer) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgBinarizationMode ( int  sid,

Getting secondary image conversion mode.

The kRecGetImgBinarizationMode function inquires the current secondary image conversion mode setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pBWConversion Address of a variable to receive the current secondary image conversion mode setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.Binarization.SecondaryMode. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgBinarizationMode.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgBinarizationMode(int sid, out IMG_CONVERSION pBWConversion); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgBinarizationMode(int sid, IMG_CONVERSION[] pBWConversion) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgBrightness ( int  sid,
int *  lpBrightness 

Getting brightness.

The kRecGetImgBrightness function inquires the current value of the threshold fine-tuning setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] lpBrightness Address of the variable to get the current brightness setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.Binarization.Brightness. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgBrightness.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgBrightness(int sid, out int pBrightness); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgBrightness(int sid, int[] lpBrightness) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgConvMode ( int  sid,

Getting primary image conversion mode.

The kRecGetImgConvMode function inquires the current primary image conversion mode setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pConversion Address of a variable to receive the current setting of the primary image conversion mode.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.Binarization.PrimaryMode. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgConvMode.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgConvMode(int sid, out IMG_CONVERSION pConversion); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgConvMode(int sid, IMG_CONVERSION[] pConversion) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgDeskew ( int  sid,
IMG_DESKEW pImgDeskew 

Getting deskew mode.

The kRecGetImgDeskew function inquires the current Image deskewing mode setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pImgDeskew Pointer to a variable to get the current deskewing mode.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.Deskew.Mode. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgDeskew.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgDeskew(int sid, out IMG_DESKEW pImgDeskew); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgDeskew(int sid, IMG_DESKEW[] pImgDeskew) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgDespeckleMode ( int  sid,

Getting despeckle mode.

The kRecGetImgDespeckleMode function inquires the current Image despeckle mode setting of the Engine.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] lpbMode Pointer to a variable to get the current setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.DespeckleMode. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgDespeckleMode.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgDespeckleMode(int sid, out bool pbMode); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgDespeckleMode(int sid, int[] lpbMode) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgDownsample ( int  sid,
INTBOOL *  pdownsample 

Getting the value of view downsample setting.

This function retrieves the setting Kernel.Img.ViewDownsample. For more information about this setting see Settings of the Image Handling Module. See kRecSetImgDownsample.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pdownsample Pointer of a variable to get the value of the setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.ViewDownsample. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgDownsample.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgDownsample(int sid, out bool pdownsample); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgDownsample(int sid, int[] pdownsample) 
INTBOOL *  pbValue 

Getting the value of image flags.

The kRecGetImgFlags function retrieves the current value of the specified flag of the given HPAGE.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] Flag The flag to get. See: IMG_FLAGS.
[in] pbValue Address of the pointer to get the flag. /note These flags are automatically set during image loading process. The IMG_FLAGS_CAMERAIMAGE flag is set to 1 when the source is JPG file, and the exif info contains tags that suggest that the image is from digital camera or phone. You can change this flag by kRecSetImgFlags.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgFlags(IntPtr hPage, IMG_FLAGS Flag, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool pbValue); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgFlags(HPAGE hPage, IMG_FLAGS Flag, int[] pbValue) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgFormat ( int  sid,
IMG_PADDING ppadding,

Getting image format.

The kRecGetImgFormat function inquires the current setting of the line order, the padding mode and the order of the composite color components of the image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] plineord Address to a variable to hold the current line order setting.
[out] ppadding Address to a variable to hold the current padding mode setting.
[out] pord Address to a variable to hold the current RGB order setting.
Return values:
This function gets the settings Kernel.Img.LineOrder and ...Padding and ...RGBOrder. These settings can be changed by kRecSetImgFormat.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgFormat(int sid, out IMG_LINEORDER plineord, out IMG_PADDING ppadding, out IMG_RGBORDER pord); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgFormat(int sid, IMG_LINEORDER[] plineord, IMG_PADDING[] ppadding, IMG_RGBORDER[] pord) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgInfo ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,

Getting image information.

The kRecGetImgInfo function retrieves information about any image of the page. This includes e.g. dimensions, resolution, image type (number of bits per pixel), etc. of the specified image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the requested image.
[in] iiImg Index to the requested image in the page.
[in] pImg Address of a IMG_INFO structure to get the image information.
Return values:
For palette-color images, a further call of kRecGetImgPalette provides the palette.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgInfo(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, out IMG_INFO pImg); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgInfo(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, IMG_INFO pImg) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgInvert ( int  sid,
IMG_INVERT lpImgInvert 

Getting inversion mode.

The kRecGetImgInvert function inquires the current Image inversion mode setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] lpImgInvert Pointer to a variable to get the current inversion mode.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.Invert. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgInvert.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgInvert(int sid, out IMG_INVERT pImgInvert); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgInvert(int sid, IMG_INVERT[] lpImgInvert) 
HSETTING phMetaData 

Getting additional information about the page.

The kRecGetImgMetaData function retrieves additional information attached to the page in the image file. This includes exif info for JPG files, the tags of TIF files and several properties of PDF files.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[out] phMetaData The returned handle is the root of the metadata.
Return values:
If hPage does not contain metadata, the function returns a NULL handle.
Metadata is organized into a tree. This tree corresponds to a tree of settings. The handle returned by this function is a setting handle pointing to the root of the metadata tree. Use the functions of the Settings Manager Module to access information embedded to the tree.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgMetaData(IntPtr hPage, out IntPtr phMetaData); 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgPalette ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,

Getting the palette of the image.

This function retrieves the palette of the selected image of the given page.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the inquired image.
[in] iiImg Index of the inquired image.
[out] pPal Pointer of a buffer to store the palette. It must be large enough to hold 768 bytes. See notes.
Return values:
Only the 8-bit palette-color images are supported, so the size of the palette is always 3*256 bytes. The order of the composite color objects in the palette is always red, green, blue. If the image does not contain palette the function returns API_PARAMETER_ERR.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgPalette(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, out byte[] pPal); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgPalette(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, java.nio.ByteBuffer pPal) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgResolEnhancement ( int  sid,

Getting resolution enhancement mode.

The kRecGetImgResolEnhancement function inquires the current Image resolution enhancement mode setting of the Engine.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] res Pointer to a variable to get the current setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgResolEnhancement.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgResolEnhancement(int sid, out IMG_RESENH res); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgRotation ( int  sid,
IMG_ROTATE lpImgRotate 

Getting rotation mode.

The kRecGetImgRotation function inquires the current Image rotation mode setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] lpImgRotate Pointer to a variable to get the current Image rotation mode setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.Rotation. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgRotation.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgRotation(int sid, out IMG_ROTATE pImgRotate); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgRotation(int sid, IMG_ROTATE[] lpImgRotate) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgSlope ( int  sid,
int *  lpSlope 

Getting the slope.

The kRecGetImgSlope function returns the current slope value setting set by a previous kRecSetImgSlope function call.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] lpSlope Pointer to a variable to get current slope value.
Return values:
Call kRecDetectImgSkew to detect the skew of an image containing machine printed text.
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.Deskew.Slope. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgSlope.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgSlope(int sid, out int pSlope); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgSlope(int sid, int[] lpSlope) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgStretchMode ( int  sid,

Getting stretching mode.

The kRecGetImgStretchMode function gets the current Image stretching mode setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pImgStretchMode Pointer to a variable to get the current Image stretching mode setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.StretchMode. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgStretchMode.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgStretchMode(int sid, out IMG_STRETCHMODE pImgStretchMode); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgStretchMode(int sid, IMG_STRETCHMODE[] pImgStretchMode) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetImgThreshold ( int  sid,
int *  pThreshold 

Getting binarization threshold.

The kRecGetImgThreshold function inquires the current value of the image conversion threshold setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pThreshold Address of the variable that holds the current threshold value.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.Binarization.Threshold. This setting can be changed by kRecSetImgThreshold.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetImgThreshold(int sid, out int pThreshold); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetImgThreshold(int sid, int[] pThreshold) 
int *  pnLines 

Getting the number of rule lines.

This function gets the number of rule lines detected previously by kRecLineRemoval, kRecLocateZones or kRecRecognize functions.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[out] pnLines Address of an integer variable to get the number of rule lines.
Return values:
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetLineCount(IntPtr hPage, out int pnLines); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetLineCount(HPAGE hPage, int[] pnLines) 
PRLINE  pLine,
int  nLine 

Getting rule line information.

This function can be used for getting information about any rule line detected previously by kRecLineRemoval, kRecLocateZones or kRecRecognize functions.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] iiImg Index of the image in the page, whose coordinate system is to be used to report the lines.
[out] pLine Pointer to a variable for storing the requested line information.
[in] nLine Index of the line in the line list, from which the information is requested.
Return values:
The index of the first line in the line list is zero (0).
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetLineInfo(IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, out RLINE pLine, int nLine); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetLineInfo(HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RLINE pLine, int nLine) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetPreprocessInfo ( HPAGE  hPage,
PREPROC_INFO pPreprocInfo 

Returning information about the preprocessing.

After preprocessing the image, you can ask information about the applied operations.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[out] pPreprocInfo Pointer to a variable to get the information.
Return values:
HPAGE keeps a record about the operations applied by kRecPreprocessImg. This function returns the current state of this record, see PREPROC_INFO.
kRecDespeckleImg, kRecRotateImg, kRecDeskewImg, kRec3DDeskewImg and kRecApplyFormTemplate functions also modify this record.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetPreprocessInfo(IntPtr hPage, out PREPROC_INFO pPreprocInfo); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetPreprocessInfo(HPAGE hPage, PREPROC_INFO pPreprocInfo) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetPreserveOriginalImg ( int  sid,
INTBOOL *  pPreserve 

Getting the value of the keep original image setting.

This function retrieves the setting Kernel.Img.KeepOriginalImage. For more information about this setting see Settings of the Image Handling Module. See kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pPreserve Pointer of a variable to get the value of the setting.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.Img.KeepOriginalImage. This setting can be changed by kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetPreserveOriginalImg(int sid, out bool pPreserve); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetPreserveOriginalImg(int sid, int[] pPreserve) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetRetainColor ( int  sid,

Getting retain color setting.

This function gets the retain color setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pRetainColor Pointer of a variable to store the retain color value.
Return values:
This function gets the setting Kernel.OcrMgr.RetainColor. This setting can be changed by kRecSetRetainColor.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetRetainColor(int sid, out RETAINCOLOR pRetainColor); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetRetainColor(int sid, RETAINCOLOR[] pRetainColor) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecGetThumbnailImgInfo ( int  sid,
IMG_INFO pThumbnail,

Getting the value of thumbnail image info settings.

This function retrieves the value of settings under the node Kernel.Img.Thumbnail. For more information about this setting see Settings of the Image Handling Module. See kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pThumbnail This is the size and the bits per pixel information of the thumbnail image. Only these fields will be filled.
[out] pColor This is the thumbnail color. See II_THUMBNAIL.
Return values:
This function gets the settings Kernel.Img.Thumbnail.BitsPerPixel, ...Color, ...Size.X and ...Size.Y. These settings can be changed by kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecGetThumbnailImgInfo(int sid, out IMG_INFO pThumbnail, out uint color); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecGetThumbnailImgInfo(int sid, IMG_INFO pThumbnail, long[] pColor) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecImgAutoEnhance ( HPAGE  hPage,
BYTE  blackPointred,
BYTE  whitePointred,
BYTE  blackPointgreen,
BYTE  whitePointgreen,
BYTE  blackPointblue,
BYTE  whitePointblue 

Image auto-enhancement.

This function performs a gray-level enhancement transformation on the current image (II_CURRENT) of the given page. It works for both color and gray-scale images. It sets all the input gray-levels under the lower (black point) threshold to black and all of them over the higher (white point) threshold to white output level. The remaining interval of the input levels is expanded into the interval of the remaining output levels (between 1 and 254). If the input image is colored, the output image is also colored.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] blackPointred The lower (black point) threshold of the red component.
[in] whitePointred The higher (white point) threshold of the red component.
[in] blackPointgreen The lower (black point) threshold of the green component.
[in] whitePointgreen The higher (white point) threshold of the green component.
[in] blackPointblue The lower (black point) threshold of the blue component.
[in] whitePointblue The higher (white point) threshold of the blue component.
Return values:
Only blackPointred and whitePointred are used on gray-scale images.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecImgAutoEnhance(IntPtr hPage, byte blackPointRed, byte whitePointRed, byte blackPointGreen, byte whitePointGreen, byte blackPointBlue, byte whitePointBlue); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecImgAutoEnhance(HPAGE hPage, short blackPointred, short whitePointred, short blackPointgreen, short whitePointgreen, short blackPointblue, short whitePointblue) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecImgDilatation ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,


This function performs dilatation on binary images. Dilatation changes a white pixel to black if at least one of its neighbors is black. Black pixels remain unchanged. This tends to thicken character shapes, thus it can be used for visual enhancement of some images. However, this operation is typically not useful for images to be OCR-ed. The opposite process is erosion.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page to be processed.
[in] type This parameter determines which neighbours are tested during the operation.
Return values:
If the II_CURRENT image is not black-and-white the function returns IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecImgDilatation(int sid, IntPtr hPage, ERO_DIL_TYPE typeint); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecImgDilatation(int sid, HPAGE hPage, ERO_DIL_TYPE type) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecImgErosion ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,


This function performs erosion on binary images. Erosion changes a black pixel to white if at least one of its neighbors is white. White pixels remain unchanged. This tends to make character shapes thinner, thus it can be used for visual enhancement of some images. This operation is typically not useful for images to be OCR-ed. The opposite process is dilatation.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page to be processed.
[in] type This parameter determines which neighbours are tested during the operation.
Return values:
If the II_CURRENT image is not black-and-white the function returns IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecImgErosion(int sid, IntPtr hPage, ERO_DIL_TYPE typeint); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecImgErosion(int sid, HPAGE hPage, ERO_DIL_TYPE type) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecInvertImgArea ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
LPCRECT  lpRect 

Inverting image area.

The kRecInvertImgArea function performs immediate image inversion of all the images of the page except II_ORIGINAL or a rectangular area inside them. This function ignores the image inversion mode setting. The inverted image (or the image with a rectangle inverted) replaces its origin and is available to the Engine and the application. The function assumes that the coordinates are given in the coordinate system of the current image (II_CURRENT).

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the image to be modified.
[in] lpRect Pointer to the rectangular area to be inverted. If it is NULL the entire image is inverted.
Return values:
For B/W images, the most usual inversion is from white-on-black to black-on-white, because the latter is needed for successful recognition.
For grayscale images, each pixel value is transformed to its complementary value. E.g. for a 4-bit image, a value of 11 is inverted to 4.
For color images, each color component is inverted to its complementary value. For instance:
  • R was 000 becomes 255
  • G was 253 becomes 002
  • B was 120 becomes 135.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecInvertImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage, RECT pRect);
    // or when pRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecInvertImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecInvertImgArea(int sid, HPAGE hPage, RECT lpRect) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecIsImgPalette ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,

Inquiring about palette of the image.

This function retrieves whether the selected image of the given page has a palette or not.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the inquired image.
[in] iiImg Index of the inquired image.
[out] pbPal Pointer of a variable to store the retrieved value. TRUE when the image has a palette.
Return values:
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecIsImgPalette(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, out bool pbPal); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecIsImgPalette(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, int[] pbPal) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecLineRemoval ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
const RECT *  pRect 

Removing lines.

The kRecLineRemoval function removes horizontal and vertical rule lines from the II_BW image of the page inside the given rectangle. The detected rule lines are stored in the line list of HPAGE, and can be obtained by kRecGetLineCount and kRecGetLineInfo functions.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] pRect The rectangular area inside which lines are removed from the image. The function assumes that the coordinates are given in the coordinate system of the II_BW image. NULL means the whole image.
Return values:
Not all line occurrences are handled in the same way. See RLINE for more information.
See also: kRecRemoveLines.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecLineRemoval(int sid, IntPtr hPage, RECT pRect);
    // or
    RECERR kRecLineRemoval(int sid, IntPtr hPage);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecLineRemoval(int sid, HPAGE hPage, RECT pRect) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecMergeImgArea ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPageDst,
LPCRECT  pRectDst,
HPAGE  hPageSrc,
LPCRECT  pRectSrc,
REC_COLOR  tColor 

Merging areas of images.

This function merges a rectangular area of the II_CURRENT image of the given source page and a rectangular area of the II_CURRENT image of the given destination page. One color can be designated as being transparent (see also notes). Where the color of the source pixel corresponds to the transparent color the destination pixel is not changed. The function compresses or stretches the area if necessary to fit the dimensions of the destination size.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPageDst Handle of the page which contains the destination image.
[in] pRectDst Coordinates of the destination rectangular area. NULL means the whole image.
[in] hPageSrc Handle of the page which contains the source image.
[in] pRectSrc Coordinates of the source rectangular area. NULL means the whole image.
[in] tColor The color designated as being transparent.
Return values:
If the destination size is smaller or greater than the original source area, the function compresses or stretches the area into the destination.
This function accepts 32 bit image (BGRA format) as source image and REC_TRANSPARENT_COLOR as tColor. In this case the function uses the alpha channel of the source image.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecMergeImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageDst, RECT rectDst, IntPtr hPageSrc, RECT rectSrc, uint color);
    // or when pRectDst is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecMergeImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageDst, IntPtr hPageSrc, RECT rectSrc, uint color);
    // or when pRectSrc is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecMergeImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageDst, RECT rectDst, IntPtr hPageSrc, uint color);
    // or when pRectDst and pRectSrc are NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecMergeImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPageDst, IntPtr hPageSrc, uint color);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecMergeImgArea(int sid, HPAGE hPageDst, RECT pRectDst, HPAGE hPageSrc, RECT pRectSrc, long tColor) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecPreprocessImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage 

Image preprocessing.

The function kRecPreprocessImg performs a series of image pre-processing steps by activating the PID_IMGPREPROCESS process. Performing these image pre-processing steps may improve the quality of the image from an OCR point of view, which may have an impact on the overall page recognition accuracy. If pre-processing is desired, it should be done before performing auto-zoning and recognition. The available pre-processing steps are despeckle, fax correction, image inversion, deskewing, and rotation. (Using the Visual Toolbox, further preprocessing can be done by SET tools. For more information, see the Visual Toolbox help system.)

The preprocessing performs fax correction, rotation and deskew operations on II_CURRENT image, creates the image II_BW (implicit secondary image conversion) and does the image inversion and the despeckle operations on the latter image. (Despeckle runs only when the current image is a B/W one.) After these steps, it deletes the II_ORIGINAL image except when kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg has been called with TRUE parameter. The executing mode of these steps depends on the settings that can be changed by kRecSetImgInvert, kRecSetImgDeskew, kRecSetImgRotation, kRecSetImgDownsample, kRecSetFaxCorrection, kRecSetImgBinarizationMode, kRecSetImgDespeckleMode, kRecSetImgBinarizationMode, kRecSetImgBrightness, kRecSetImgThreshold, kRecSetImgResolEnhancement, kRecSetRMTradeoff, kRecSetLanguages and kRecSetDefaultFillingMethod. The value needed for programmed deskewing (DSK_SET) can be detected by kRecDetectImgSkew and defined in kRecSetImgSlope. Under certain circumstances, image despeckling and resolution enhancement are also performed internally. These depend on the settings that can be changed by kRecSetImgDespeckleMode, kRecSetImgResolEnhancement.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page.
Return values:
If the original image is grayscale or color, an implicit secondary image conversion step is performed to generate a hidden, clean B/W image on which the pre-processing tasks will operate. The parameters for this conversion can be specified through the functions kRecSetImgBinarizationMode and kRecSetImgResolEnhancement.
If the original image is B/W over 180 dpi and the Engine's Image despeckle mode setting is enabled, an implicit secondary image conversion step is also performed, to specifically despeckle the image. This is enabled through the function kRecSetImgDespeckleMode. By default despeckle detects if the image has been scanned in halftone mode and applies halftone removal if so. The halftone detection and removal can be switched off by Kernel.Img.Despeckle.Halftone setting.
As an alternative to this function, image modifications can be performed separately and immediately on a single defined image, by the functions kRecInvertImgArea, kRecDeskewImg, kRecRotateImg, kRecDespeckleImg. The first three functions can be used with any image type (B/W, grayscale or color). All these functions ignore the image mode settings, e.g. kRecDeskewImg will deskew a given image, even if kRecSetImgDeskew is set to DSK_NO. The modified images created by these functions are available to the application.
This function may change the resolution of the image:
  • if the resolution of the image is less than 50 DPI or greater than 19200 DPI,
  • if the resolution of the image is 72 DPI or 96 DPI,
  • if the image is captured by digital camera and it does not contain resolution (see: IMG_FLAGS),
  • if the ALLSTS_KERNEL_IMG_SCREENCAPTURE Kernel.Img.ScreenCapture setting is SCR_AUTO or SCR_YES (see: IMG_SCREENCAPTURE). In these cases kRecPreprocessImg estimates the resolution: determines the average character size and supposes that the text contains 12 point fonts. The estimated resolution is rounded to 100, 150, 200, 300, 450 or 600. The resolution of the image will be restored to the original value at the end of kRecRecognize if the Kernel.Img.Resolution.Restore setting is TRUE.
The coordinates of all user zones are recalculated. The OCR zones are removed.
If applicable, please set the required recognition language(s) before calling the kRecPreprocessImg function. This increases the efficiency of automatic image rotation.
Trade-off (RMTRADEOFF) specific notes:
  • If resolution enhancement is set to RE_AUTO the enhancement depends on the current trade-off setting according to the following: if trade-off is TO_FAST the resolution enhancement is RE_LEGACY, otherwise it is RE_STANDARD.
  • If trade-off is TO_FAST, pre-process uses a faster, but less accurate deskew, binarization and despeckle algorithm than otherwise.
  • The trade-off used by preprocessing can be set by setting the general trade-off (kRecSetRMTradeoff) or by setting the specific Settings of the Recognition Module Kernel.OcrMgr.TradeOff.Preproc setting.
This function uses the default filling method (kRecSetDefaultFillingMethod).
At processing dot matrix text, this function may give better result if the default filling method is set to FM_DRAFTDOT9.
Preprocessing digital camera images: HPAGE contains a flag (IMG_FLAGS_CAMERAIMAGE, see: IMG_FLAGS) which indicates whether the image is captured by digital camera (phone) or not. This flag is set when loading the image. If this flag is set deskew, binarization and resolution enhancement is done differently:
  • binarization: pre-process makes shading correction before binarization,
  • deskew: if the current deskewing mode is DSK_AUTO3D the function performs 3D deskew,
  • resolution enhancement: if the average height of the characters is large, the ratio of resolution enhancement will be 0.5.
After calling this function you can get information about the applied operations by the kRecGetPreprocessInfo function.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecPreprocessImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecPreprocessImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecPutImgArea ( int  sid,
const BYTE *  lpBitmap,
HPAGE  hPage,
int  xDst,
int  yDst,
LPCSIZE  pDstSize 

Updating image area.

The kRecPutImgArea function is used for updating a rectangular area of the current image of the page with a bitmap from the application. During downloading, the function compresses or stretches the original bitmap, if requested. The function assumes that the coordinates are given in the coordinate system of the current image (II_CURRENT).

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] lpImg Pointer to an IMG_INFO structure which describes the source bitmap you want to download into the Engine.
[in] lpBitmap Pointer to the source bitmap.
[in] hPage Handle of the page of the destination image to be modified.
[in] xDst X position of the destination area in pixels (upper left corner).
[in] yDst Y position of the destination area in pixels (upper left corner).
[in] pDstSize Size of the destination area. If this is not the same as the source area, the function compresses or stretches the area into the destination. NULL means that the size of the destination area will be the same as the size of the original bitmap.
Return values:
If there is II_BW image in the page before using this function a secondary image conversion runs again after updating the current image.
If there is II_THUMBNAIL image in the page before using this function it is recreated after updating the current image.
A typical use of this function is in conjunction with the kRecGetImgArea function. Since an image is not directly accessible to the application, the kRecGetImgArea can be used to get a copy of the image in the application's authority. After having modified this copied image, the application can call the kRecPutImgArea function to pass back the modified image to the engine.
This function can also be used for passing the application's image to the engine. In this case before downloading the image, a new and empty image should be created with the kRecCreateImg function. The attributes of this empty image (size, resolution, Bits per pixel value) should be the same as for the application's bitmap. The xDst and yDst parameters must be set to zero (0) and the pDstSize should be NULL.
The kRecLoadImgM function or the kRecPutImgArea function should be used when it is easy to place an entire image into the engine's memory. However, you may instead prefer the kRecStartWriteImg, kRecWriteImg and kRecStopWriteImg set of functions, which transfer an image in successive lines.
This function takes into account the Engine settings Line order (IMG_LINEORDER) and - for color images - the RGBorder (IMG_RGBORDER), but ignores the Padding mode setting. These settings should be consistent with the appropriate attributes of the source bitmap. A preceding call to the kRecSetImgFormat API function can be used to change these settings.
The function always operates with the image stretching mode STRETCH_DELETE.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecPutImgArea(int sid, IMG_INFO pImg, byte[] pBitmap, IntPtr hPage, int xDst, int yDst, SIZE pDstSize);
    // or when pDstSize is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecPutImgArea(int sid, IMG_INFO pImg, byte[] pBitmap, IntPtr hPage, int xDst, int yDst);
    // or
    RECERR kRecPutImgArea(int sid, Bitmap pBitmap, IntPtr hPage, int xDst, int yDst, SIZE pDstSize);
    // or when pDstSize is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecPutImgArea(int sid, Bitmap pBitmap, IntPtr hPage, int xDst, int yDst);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecPutImgArea(int sid, IMG_INFO lpImg, java.nio.ByteBuffer lpBitmap, HPAGE hPage, int xDst, int yDst, SIZE pDstSize) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecReadImg ( int  sid,
LPBYTE  pBuff 

Reading an image line-by-line.

The kRecReadImg function exports one line from the specified image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] pBuff Pointer of a buffer to store the next line.
Return values:
This function is the second part in the three-part series for line-by-line reading an image. Before calling this function, the application should call the kRecStartReadImg function. Repeated calls of this function get a sequence of the lines of the image and generate a return code REC_OK each time. As soon as the function finds no further line to get, it returns with IMG_NOMORE_WARN, signaling the need for calling the kRecStopReadImg function.
This function is insecure for managed code. In C# use the more advanced kRecGetImgArea function.
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecRemoveBorders ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
UINT  maxWidth 

Removing marginal shadows.

This function cleans marginal shadows that may result from scanning. The borders are filled in with the color white.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page to be processed.
[in] maxWidth Maximum width of the borders (in pixels).
Return values:
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecRemoveBorders(int sid, IntPtr hPage, uint maxWidth); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecRemoveBorders(int sid, HPAGE hPage, long maxWidth) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecRemoveLines ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
const RECT *  pRect 

Removing lines.

The kRecRemoveLines function removes horizontal and vertical rule lines from the II_CURRENT or II_BW image of the page inside the given rectangle. The detected rule lines are stored in the line list of HPAGE, and can be obtained by kRecGetLineCount and kRecGetLineInfo functions.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] iiImg Index of the image in the page to be processed. If the specified image is not black-and-white the function returns IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR.
[in] pRect The rectangular area inside which lines are removed from the image. The function assumes that the coordinates are given in the coordinate system of the iiImg image. NULL means the whole image.
Return values:
Not all line occurrences are handled in the same way. See RLINE for more information.
See also: kRecLineRemoval.
The specification of this function in C# is:
RECERR kRecRemoveLines(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pRect);
// or
RECERR kRecRemoveLines(int sid, IntPtr hPage);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecRemoveLines(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pRect) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecRemovePunchHoles ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
int  nROIs,
LPRECT *  Holes,
int *  nHoles,
UINT  flags,
UINT  minDiameter,
UINT  maxDiameter 

Removing punch holes.

Detecting punch hole image defects and transforming them to the background color.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page to be processed.
[in] ROIs Array of rectangles inside which the punch holes should be detected. If it is NULL then the whole image is processed.
[in] nROIs The number of rectangles in the ROIs array.
[in,out] Holes Pointer to a variable for storing the bounding boxes of the holes. It can be NULL. For details see the description of parameter flags below. If PHOLE_DETECT flag is set and Holes parameter is not NULL this array is allocated by the function and can be freed calling the function kRecFree.
[in,out] nHoles Pointer to a variable for storing the number of the holes. It can be NULL if Holes is NULL.
[in] flags The following flags can be set:
  • PHOLE_DETECT : If this flag is set, the function automatically detects the punch holes. The bounding boxes of the detected punch holes are returned in the Holes array if the Holes parameter is not NULL.
  • PHOLE_REMOVE : If this flag is set the function removes the punch holes from the image. If only this flag is set, the parameters Holes and nHoles must contain the bounding boxes and the number of holes (i.e. they are input parameters).
  • PHOLE_DETECT and PHOLE_REMOVE flags can be combined.
[in] minDiameter Reserved for future versions. Must be 0.
[in] maxDiameter Reserved for future versions. Must be 0.
Return values:
The function searches for sizes declared in punch hole standards.
The specification variations of this function in C# are:
    // Only removing
    RECERR kRecRemovePunchHoles(int sid, IntPtr hPage, RECT[] Holes);
    // Only detecting
    RECERR kRecDetectPunchHoles(int sid, IntPtr hPage, RECT[] ROIs, out RECT[] Holes, uint minDiameter, uint maxDiameter);
    RECERR kRecDetectPunchHoles(int sid, IntPtr hPage, out RECT[] Holes, uint minDiameter, uint maxDiameter);
    // Detecting and removing 
    RECERR kRecDetectAndRemovePunchHoles(int sid, IntPtr hPage, RECT[] ROIs, out RECT[] Holes, uint minDiameter, uint maxDiameter);
    RECERR kRecDetectAndRemovePunchHoles(int sid, IntPtr hPage, out RECT[] Holes, uint minDiameter, uint maxDiameter);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecRemovePunchHoles(int sid, HPAGE hPage, RECT[] ROIs, RECT[] Holes, long minDiameter, long maxDiameter) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecResetBookSize ( int  sid )

Resetting the stored book page size.

This function resets the book page size stored by kRecDetectBook. This function should be called every time you want to process more than one book and the page size of the next book differs from that of the previous one.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
Return values:
This function is typically followed by a kRecDetectBook call.
This function resets the settings Kernel.Img.BookSize.X and Kernel.Img.BookSize.Y.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecResetBookSize(int sid); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecResetBookSize(int sid) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecRotateImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
IMG_ROTATE  Rotation 

Rotating the page.

The kRecRotateImg function rotates and/or mirrors the page according to the given parameter. It can be perform rotation by 90 degrees or its multiples.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the image to be rotated.
[in] Rotation Image transformation to be performed. Possible values can be any value of IMG_ROTATE except ROT_AUTO.
Return values:
The coordinates of all user zones will be recalculated. The OCR zones will be removed.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecRotateImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMG_ROTATE Rotation); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecRotateImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMG_ROTATE Rotation) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecRotateImgArea ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
LPCRECT  pSrcRect,
IMG_ROTATE  Rotation,
BYTE **  lplpBitmap 

Copying image area with rotation.

The kRecRotateImgArea function copies and rotates a rectangular area of the current image (II_CURRENT) of a page into a buffer available to the application. The function assumes that the coordinates are given in the coordinate system of the current image (II_CURRENT).

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page which contains the source image.
[in] iiImg Index to the image in the page.
[in] pSrcRect Dimensions of the source area. NULL means: the whole image will be copied.
[in] Rotation Image rotation mode to be applied as the area is copied. All the values of the IMG_ROTATE can be used except ROT_AUTO.
[out] lpImg Address of a structure to get information about the output image area.
[out] lplpBitmap Address of a pointer to the rotated bitmap.
Return values:
If the resulting bitmap is no longer needed the application should call the kRecFree function in order to free its memory.
This function takes into account the Line order (IMG_LINEORDER), the Padding mode (IMG_PADDING) and - with color images - the RGBorder (IMG_RGBORDER) settings of the Engine. These settings should be consistent with the appropriate attributes of the destination bitmap to be created. A preceding call to the kRecSetImgFormat is necessary to change these settings.
The coordinates of the leftmost pixel of the uppermost line of the image is (0,0).
Calling this function with ROT_NO parameter is equivalent to calling the kRecGetImgArea function.
If the source image is B/W, the representation of black pixels in the created bitmap will be one (1), and white is zero (0), i.e. for displaying the image use the NOTSRCCOPY raster operation code.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecRotateImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, IMG_ROTATE Rotation, out IMG_INFO pImg, out byte[] ppBitmap);
    // or when pSrcRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecRotateImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, IMG_ROTATE Rotation, out IMG_INFO pImg, out byte[] ppBitmap);
    // or
    RECERR kRecRotateImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, IMG_ROTATE Rotation, out IMG_INFO pImg, out Bitmap bmp);
    // or when pSrcRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecRotateImgArea(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, IMG_ROTATE Rotation, out IMG_INFO pImg, out Bitmap bmp);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecRotateImgArea(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, IMG_ROTATE Rotation, IMG_INFO lpImg, OutputByteBuffer outputByteBuffer) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetDropoutColorWeights ( int  sid,
int  wred,
int  wgreen,
int  wblue 

Changing the dropout color weight settings for binarization.

The kRecSetDropoutColorWeights function sets the weights used to calculate the gray-level intensity values from the color components during binarization. In default mode these weights are (77, 150, 29). By setting the weights before preprocessing and/or binarization, objects of a particular color (the drop-out color) can be dropped from the binary image, therefore filled forms can be binarized so that the BW image does not contain the preprinted text. E.g. using (1, 0, 0) as weights, the red preprinted text can be dropped from the white background. In practice the best weights can be calculated by the function kRecDetectDropoutColorWeights. To process drop-out color images the CNV_GLOBAL binarization method is suggested (see kRecSetImgBinarizationMode).

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] wred Weight of the red component.
[in] wgreen Weight of the green component.
[in] wblue Weight of the blue component.
Return values:
The B/W image is created if it does not exist, except with kRecPreprocessImg, which creates it in any case. These settings affect only the primary image conversion (i.e. conversion during loading, see kRecSetImgConvMode) and kRecPreprocessImg. Otherwise, the weights stored in the HPAGE are used for binarization. At loading, these settings are stored in the HPAGE and they can be changed by kRecDetectDropoutColorWeights.
When processing empty forms using a drop-out color, it is recommended to apply auto-deskewing (if desired) when the original image enters into the Engine's responsibility, or at least before the OCR image is created. Typically with forms, auto-deskew relies on finding printed lines or text lines that are usually form labels. Precisely these elements are removed by applying a drop-out color, so calling auto-deskew when the OCR image is already created is liable to fail. A possible workaround may be the following:
  1. Set drop-out color weights to default (77,150,29).
  2. Detect skew (kRecDetectImgSkew)
  3. Set drop-out color weights
  4. Set slope and rotation (kRecSetImgDeskew, kRecSetImgSlope, kRecSetImgRotation)
  5. Pre-process the image
This function sets the settings Kernel.Img.DropoutColor.Blue and ...Green and ...Red. These settings can be retrieved by kRecGetDropoutColorWeights.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetDropoutColorWeights(int sid, int wred, int wgreen, int wblue); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetDropoutColorWeights(int sid, int wred, int wgreen, int wblue) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetFaxCorrection ( int  sid,
INTBOOL  corr 

Changing the fax correction setting.

This function changes the setting Kernel.Img.FaxCorrectionEnabled, which determines whether the fax correction operation is enabled during preprocessing (PID_IMGPREPROCESS) or not.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] corr If this is TRUE, the fax correction is enabled.
Return values:
If fax correction is enabled (this is the default), the resolution of B/W images with an approximate resolution of 200 x 100 dpi is doubled in the y direction (vertically). The result of this process appears on II_CURRENT (thus also on II_BW and II_OCR) images. This is in contrast to the resolution enhancement performed during 3D deskew, which is applied to both the x and y directions.
This function sets the setting Kernel.Img.FaxCorrectionEnabled. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetFaxCorrection.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetFaxCorrection(int sid, bool corr); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetFaxCorrection(int sid, int corr) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgBinarizationMode ( int  sid,

Setting secondary image conversion mode.

The kRecSetImgBinarizationMode function specifies which Image conversion mode is used during an implicit secondary image conversion step. This step is performed automatically when the application calls a KernelAPI API function whose operation requires the II_BW image, but it does not exist. This setting influences how a non-B/W image stored in the Engine is converted to a B/W one.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] BWConversion Secondary image conversion mode to be set. Valid values are: CNV_AUTO, CNV_SET and CNV_GLOBAL. If another one has been specified, the function returns with API_PARAMETER_ERR.
Return values:
Note that both the kRecSetImgConvMode and the kRecSetImgBinarizationMode functions specify Image conversion modes.
The kRecSetImgConvMode specifies the mode to be applied during the PID_IMGINPUT process (primary image conversion). The result of this process is an image under the authority of the Engine. Depending on the original image source AND the Primary image conversion mode setting (specified with kRecSetImgConvMode), the created image is a B/W, gray-scale or 24-bit color one.
On the other hand, a secondary image conversion with BWConversion mode might be performed on existing images. In this case a second, B/W image is created and stored in the page on index II_BW. This step is called either directly (from within the kRecConvertImg2BW function) or implicitly, as described above. E.g. when the kRecRecognize function has been called for a non-B/W image, an implicit secondary image conversion is performed automatically. The kRecRecognize function may implicitly include the conversion of the image, if necessary. A previous kRecSetImgBinarizationMode call allows you to specify how this implicit conversion is performed.
If this function is not called, the default value of CNV_AUTO is applied.
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.Binarization.SecondaryMode. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgBinarizationMode.
B/W images also undergo their own implicit secondary image conversion during pre-process or the first time when the II_BW image is required. This conversion applies a despeckle operation, so this setting is not applied to them.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgBinarizationMode(int sid, IMG_CONVERSION BWConversion); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgBinarizationMode(int sid, IMG_CONVERSION BWConversion) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgBrightness ( int  sid,
int  Brightness 

Setting brightness.

The kRecSetImgBrightness function fine-tunes the threshold calculation in the automatic adaptive image conversion mode (i.e. when CNV_AUTO has been specified). This influences the brightness/darkness of the resulting B/W image during both the primary and the secondary image conversion.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] Brightness Brightness control of the automatic image conversion algorithm. The value range is between zero (0) and 100. A value of 0 tunes the conversion to give a lighter image, while a value of 100 results in a darker image. The default value is 50.
Return values:
This function influences both the primary and the secondary image conversions. It has no effect if other than CNV_AUTO image conversion mode has been specified.
This function sets the setting Kernel.Img.Binarization.Brightness. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgBrightness.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgBrightness(int sid, int Brightness); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgBrightness(int sid, int Brightness) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgConvMode ( int  sid,

Setting the primary image conversion mode.

The kRecSetImgConvMode function specifies which Image conversion mode is used during the primary image conversion step. While loading an image to the Engine's authority (PID_IMGINPUT process), an image conversion is also performed according to the current image conversion mode setting. The setting specified here influences what kind of image will be created in the Engine's memory.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] Conversion Primary image conversion mode to be set. Possible values are: CNV_AUTO, CNV_SET, CNV_NO, CNV_GLOBAL and CNV_GRAY.
Return values:
The following situations can occur here, depending on the setting specified:
  • B/W, Gray-scale or 24-bit color image created without any conversion,
  • B/W image created, converted from gray-scale image source,
  • B/W image created, converted from 24-bit color image source or
  • Gray-scale image created, converted from 24-bit color image source. See IMG_CONVERSION.
If this function is not called, the default value of this setting is CNV_NO.
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.Binarization.PrimaryMode. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgConvMode.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgConvMode(int sid, IMG_CONVERSION Conversion); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgConvMode(int sid, IMG_CONVERSION Conversion) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgDeskew ( int  sid,
IMG_DESKEW  _ImgDeskew 

Setting deskew mode.

The kRecSetImgDeskew function specifies which Image deskewing mode is used during a forthcoming PID_IMGPREPROCESS process. Deskewing mode can be automatic, switched off or programmable.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] _ImgDeskew Select deskewing mode.
Return values:
See also Notes on Deskew and Orientation.
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.Deskew.Mode. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgDeskew.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgDeskew(int sid, IMG_DESKEW ImgDeskew); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgDeskew(int sid, IMG_DESKEW _ImgDeskew) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgDespeckleMode ( int  sid,

Setting despeckle mode.

The kRecSetImgDespeckleMode function specifies the Engine's Image despeckle mode setting, i.e. whether the adaptive noise removal algorithm is to be activated during implicit primary and secondary image conversion when the current image (II_CURRENT) is a B/W one. The noise removal algorithm runs only on B/W images with a resolution of 180 dpi or higher. This setting might influence the recognition accuracy.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] bMode Image despeckle mode to be set.
Return values:
When this setting is enabled, B/W images with a resolution above 180 dpi automatically undergo an implicit secondary image conversion whenever the application calls a KernelAPI API function whose operation requires a B/W or despeckled image, e.g. the kRecLocateZones, the kRecPreprocessImg or the kRecRecognize functions.
Grayscale or color images undergo their own implicit secondary image conversion during pre-process or the first time when the II_BW image is required. When this setting is enabled, this conversion performs an adaptive image smoothing algorithm before the binarization.
If this function is not called to specify the Image despeckle mode setting, by default this setting is enabled.
Immediate despeckling of a B/W image in the Engine's memory space (regardless of its resolution) is available by calling kRecDespeckleImg. The despeckled image replaces the original one and is available to the application. Note that kRecDespeckleImg applies despeckle on the II_CURRENT image while kRecPreprocessImg and implicit secondary image conversion applies despeckle on the II_BW image.
This function sets the setting Kernel.Img.DespeckleMode. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgDespeckleMode.
Scanners often have the possibility of specifying whether the type of the document is 'text', 'photo' or 'text/photo' (mixed). When text/photo or photo is selected (and black-and-white scanning is chosen) the scanners apply a halftone (dithering, error diffusion) algorithm to simulate gray levels. In this case the scanned image contains a lot of noise and a special despeckle algorithm is required to pre-process it before OCR. By default despeckle detects whether the image has been scanned in halftone mode and applies halftone removal if so. The halftone detection and removal can be switched on or off by Kernel.Img.Despeckle.Halftone setting. The default value of this setting is -1, which means that the current pre-process trade-off (Settings of the Recognition Module Kernel.OcrMgr.TradeOff.Preproc) determines whether halftone detection and removal are applied or not: not applied if trade-off is TO_FAST, and applied otherwise. Set this setting to 0 if you are sure that your image does not contain this type of noise and you want to switch these algorithms off. Set this setting to 1 if your image might contain this type of noise and you want to switch these algorithms on independently of the current trade-off. The halftone detection and removal algorithms are not applied if the image resolution is less than 180 dpi. After pre-process, you can ask whether the image contains halftone noise by calling kRecGetPreprocessInfo.
Barcode specific notes: Despeckle (particularly halftone removal) may remove or deteriorate the thin lines of barcodes, especially if the resolution of the image is less than 300 dpi. If you want to recognize barcodes, check the recognition accuracy on your images using the different despeckle settings in order to select the best one.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgDespeckleMode(int sid, bool bMode); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgDespeckleMode(int sid, int bMode) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgDownsample ( int  sid,
INTBOOL  downsample 

Changing the view downsample setting.

This function changes the setting Kernel.Img.ViewDownsample, which determines whether the current image (II_CURRENT) is created in the same resolution as the original (II_ORIGINAL) one or in a resolution reduced to 100-150 DPI (depends on the original resolution) while running kRecPreprocessImg. For more information about this setting see Settings of the Image Handling Module. For information about the lifetime of the current image see IMAGEINDEX.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] downsample If this is TRUE, the view image is created with reduced resolution. Its default is FALSE.
Return values:
This function sets the setting Kernel.Img.ViewDownsample. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgDownsample.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgDownsample(int sid, bool downsample); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgDownsample(int sid, int downsample) 
INTBOOL  bValue 

Setting the image flags.

The kRecSetImgFlags function sets the specified flag of the given HPAGE.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] Flag The flag to set. See: IMG_FLAGS.
[in] bValue The new value of the flag.
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgFlags(HPAGE hPage, IMG_FLAGS Flag, int bValue) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgFormat ( int  sid,
IMG_PADDING  padding,

Setting image format.

The kRecSetImgFormat function specifies the line order, the padding mode and (in the case of a 24-bit color image) the order of the composite color components of the images in the application's authority. The settings of this function affect the following API functions: kRecGetImgArea, kRecPutImgArea, kRecRotateImgArea, kRecReadImg, kRecWriteImg and the kRecLoadImgM functions.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] lineord Line order selection. Possible values are: TOP_DOWN, BOTTOM_UP. This parameter is not considered during kRecReadImg and kRecWriteImg, because they work only on one line at a time.
[in] padding Padding the scan lines to byte, word or double word boundaries. The values of this parameter therefore can be PAD_BYTEBOUNDARY, PAD_WORDBOUNDARY or PAD_DWORDBOUNDARY. This parameter is not considered during kRecReadImg and kRecWriteImg, because they work only on one line at a time.
[in] ord Order of the composite color components. Possible values are: COLOR_RGB or COLOR_BGR.
Return values:
The Padding mode setting is taken into account only in conjunction with exporting functions, i.e with kRecGetImgArea and kRecRotateImgArea.
The default values are:
  • lineord = TOP_DOWN
  • padding = PAD_WORDBOUNDARY
  • ord = COLOR_RGB. If the application is going to create a Windows bitmap, these default values are correct (i.e. there is no need to call this function at all).
If you want to create a Windows DIB (device-independent bitmap), you should set the image format as follows:
This function toggles the settings Kernel.Img.LineOrder and ...Padding and ...RGBOrder. These settings can be retrieved by kRecGetImgFormat.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgFormat(int sid, IMG_LINEORDER lineord, IMG_PADDING padding, IMG_RGBORDER ord); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgFormat(int sid, IMG_LINEORDER lineord, IMG_PADDING padding, IMG_RGBORDER ord) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgInvert ( int  sid,
IMG_INVERT  ImgInvert 

Setting inversion mode.

The kRecSetImgInvert function specifies which Image inversion mode is used during the forthcoming PID_IMGPREPROCESS processes. The Image inversion mode can be either automatic, switched on or switched off (white-on-black to black-on-white).

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] ImgInvert Image inversion mode to be set. Possible values are: INV_NO, INV_YES, INV_AUTO.
Return values:
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.Invert. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgInvert.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgInvert(int sid, IMG_INVERT ImgInvert); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgInvert(int sid, IMG_INVERT ImgInvert) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgPalette ( HPAGE  hPage,
const BYTE *  pPal 

Setting palette of the image.

This function sets the palette of the current (II_CURRENT) image of the given page.

[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the image.
[in] pPal Array of the palette to be set. See notes.
Return values:
Only the 8-bit palette-color images are supported, so the size of the palette is always 3*256 bytes. The order of the composite color objects in the palette is always red, green, blue. If the number of bits per pixel of the image is not 8 the function returns API_PARAMETER_ERR.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgPalette(IntPtr hPage, byte[] pPal); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgPalette(HPAGE hPage, java.nio.ByteBuffer pPal) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgResolEnhancement ( int  sid,

Setting resolution enhancement mode.

The kRecSetImgResolEnhancement function specifies the Image resolution enhancement mode. The value specifies whether the image resolution enhancement is to be activated during the secondary image conversion, i.e. during image pre-processing, auto-zoning or recognition. The resolution enhancement algorithm results in a II_BW image whose resolution is higher than the resolution of the II_CURRENT image. This setting might influence recognition accuracy.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] res The Image resolution enhancement value to be set.
Return values:
When the Image resolution enhancement value is not RE_NO, the images undergoing an implicit secondary image conversion to B/W also may have their resolution increased (see IMG_RESENH). These secondary image conversions occur whenever the application calls a KernelAPI API function whose operation requires a B/W image, e.g. the kRecLocateZones, the kRecPreprocessImg or the kRecRecognize functions.
If this function is not called to specify the Image resolution enhancement mode setting, by default RE_AUTO is applied.
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgResolEnhancement.
There is another setting (Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement.EnabledForBW) which together with the Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement setting determines whether resolution enhancement should be applied on BW images. If Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement.EnabledForBW is true then resolution enhancement is applied on BW images according the Kernel.Img.ResolutionEnhancement, otherwise it is not applied.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgResolEnhancement(int sid, IMG_RESENH res); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgResolution ( HPAGE  hPage,

Changing the resolution of an image.

This function sets the resolution of the current (II_CURRENT) image of the given page.

[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the image.
[in] DPI The new horizontal and vertical resolution (Dots Per Inch) of the current image.
Return values:
This function clears the IMG_FLAGS_NORESOLUTION flag (IMG_FLAGS) and modifies the resolution of the II_ORIGINAL, II_BW, II_OCR and II_THUMBNAIL images too.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgResolution(IntPtr hPage, SIZE DPI); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgResolution(HPAGE hPage, SIZE DPI) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgRotation ( int  sid,
IMG_ROTATE  imgRotate 

Setting rotation mode.

The kRecSetImgRotation function specifies which Image rotation mode is used during a forthcoming PID_IMGPREPROCESS process. The Image rotation mode can be automatic, switched off or programmable.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] imgRotate Image rotation mode to be set. Possible values are: ROT_AUTO, ROT_NO, ROT_RIGHT, ROT_DOWN, ROT_LEFT.
Return values:
See also Notes on Deskew and Orientation.
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.Rotation. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgRotation.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgRotation(int sid, IMG_ROTATE ImgRotate); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgRotation(int sid, IMG_ROTATE imgRotate) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgSlope ( int  sid,
int  Slope 

Setting the slope.

The kRecSetImgSlope function specifies the value of the skew slope. This value is used during the PID_IMGPREPROCESS process when the Image deskewing mode is set to DSK_SET.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] Slope Slope value for deskewing. The value given here is the number of pixels of vertical ascent on 1000 horizontal pixels i.e. the tangent of the deskew angle multiplied by 1000.
Return values:
Note that to detect the skew of an image containing machine printed text, the application should call the kRecDetectImgSkew function.
For information about limits of page angle using deskew operations see Notes on Deskew.
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.Deskew.Slope. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgSlope.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgSlope(int sid, int Slope); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgSlope(int sid, int Slope) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgStretchMode ( int  sid,

Setting stretching mode.

The kRecSetImgStretchMode function specifies which Image stretching mode is used while executing the kRecGetImgArea or kRecPutImgArea functions.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] ImgStretchMode Image stretching mode to be applied. Possible values are: STRETCH_DELETE, STRETCH_OR, STRETCH_AND and STRETCH_AVG.
Return values:
If this function is not called by the integrating application to specify the Image stretching mode, the default value of this setting, STRETCH_DELETE are applied.
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.StretchMode. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgStretchMode.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgStretchMode(int sid, IMG_STRETCHMODE ImgStretchMode); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgStretchMode(int sid, IMG_STRETCHMODE ImgStretchMode) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetImgThreshold ( int  sid,
int  Threshold 

Setting the binarization threshold.

The kRecSetImgThreshold function specifies the threshold parameter of an image conversion to a B/W image. This parameter has an effect only when the CNV_SET image conversion mode has been set. This setting is used during both the primary and the secondary image conversion.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] Threshold The image conversion threshold value to be set. It ranges between zero (0) and 255, default: 128.
Return values:
This setting is applied to both the primary and the secondary image conversions.
The function has no effect if other than CNV_SET image conversion mode has been specified.
This function sets the setting Kernel.Img.Binarization.Threshold. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetImgThreshold.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetImgThreshold(int sid, int Threshold); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetImgThreshold(int sid, int Threshold) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg ( int  sid,
INTBOOL  preserve 

Changing the keep original image setting.

This function changes the setting Kernel.Img.KeepOriginalImage, which determines whether the original image (II_ORIGINAL) is kept after the preprocessing step or not. The original image is used only as an input image of the preprocessing step PID_IMGPREPROCESS, thus after preprocessing it can be deleted for saving memory. For more information about this setting see Settings of the Image Handling Module. For information about the lifetime of the thumbnail image see IMAGEINDEX.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] preserve If this is TRUE, the original image is kept.
Return values:
This function toggles the setting Kernel.Img.KeepOriginalImage. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetPreserveOriginalImg.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg(int sid, bool preserve); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetPreserveOriginalImg(int sid, int preserve) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetRetainColor ( int  sid,

Changing retain color setting.

This function changes the retain color setting.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] RetainColor The retain color value to be set.
Return values:
This function sets the setting Kernel.OcrMgr.RetainColor. This setting can be retrieved by kRecGetRetainColor.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetRetainColor(int sid, RETAINCOLOR RetainColor); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetRetainColor(int sid, RETAINCOLOR RetainColor) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo ( int  sid,
const IMG_INFO pThumbnail,
REC_COLOR  color 

Changing the thumbnail image info settings.

This function changes the settings under the node Kernel.Img.Thumbnail, which determines the image info used at the creation of the thumbnail image. For more information about this setting see Settings of the Image Handling Module. For information about the lifetime of the thumbnail image see IMAGEINDEX.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pThumbnail This is the image information to be set. Only its fields IMG_INFO::BitsPerPixel and IMG_INFO::Size are considered. The BitsPerPixel can be 1, 8 or 24. The Size is the width and height of the thumbnail image. If either the horizontal or vertical size is set to zero, its value is automatically determined so as to preserve the aspect ratio of the source page. If both size values are given, the aspect ratio is still preserved, with the thumbnail color placed in the unused space (see II_THUMBNAIL).
[in] color This thumbnail color is placed in the background if the thumbnail image does not cover the whole thumbnail area. See II_THUMBNAIL.
Return values:
This function toggles the settings Kernel.Img.Thumbnail.BitsPerPixel, ...Color, ...Size.X and ...Size.Y. These settings can be retrieved by kRecGetThumbnailImgInfo.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo(int sid, [In] IMG_INFO pThumbnail, uint color); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecSetThumbnailImgInfo(int sid, IMG_INFO pThumbnail, long color) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecStartReadImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
IMG_ROTATE  ImgRotation,
LPWORD  pBytes 

Starting to read an image line-by-line.

The kRecStartReadImg function initiates the line-by-line reading process to export an image stored in the image management module.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page which contains the image to be processed.
[in] iiImg Index to the image in the page.
[in] pRect Pointer to the structure defining the requested area of the image or NULL for the entire image.
[in] ImgRotation Orientation of the lines during reading. Possible values are all the values of the type IMG_ROTATE except ROT_AUTO.
[out] pBytes Pointer to a variable to hold the length of the lines to be read in bytes.
Return values:
Using different Settings Collections you can open several images at the same time by this function.
This function is the first in a series of calls to read an image line-by-line. It should be followed by calls to kRecReadImg, which is usually called repeatedly. The kRecStopReadImg function should be used to signal the completion of this reading process. These functions should be used instead of kRecGetImgArea, if the full image is too large to store in the application's memory.
Three analogous functions kRecStartWriteImg, kRecWriteImg and kRecStopWriteImg perform image import.
With 24-bit color images, this function takes into account the RGBorder (IMG_RGBORDER) setting of the Engine. This setting defines how the destination bitmap's color representation is created. To change this setting, a preceding call to the kRecSetImgFormat function is necessary.
This function is insecure for managed code. In C# use the more advanced kRecGetImgArea function.
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecStartWriteImg ( int  sid,

Starting to write an image line-by-line.

The kRecStartWriteImg function initiates a line-by-line bitmap transfer for direct raw image download from the application's image source. The kRecStartWriteImg function sends pertinent information about the image to the Engine and prepares for creating a new HPAGE.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pImg Pointer to a filled IMG_INFO structure describing the image to be transferred.
Return values:
Using different Settings Collections you can open several images at the same time by this function.
This function is the first in a series of calls to send an image in lines to the Engine. It should be followed by calls to kRecWriteImg, which is usually called repeatedly to send successive lines of the image to an image in the image management module. After the full image has been sent, the clean-up function kRecStopWriteImg needs to be called to complete the process. kRecStopWriteImg creates the mentioned new HPAGE and returns with it.
Use these functions instead of the direct method kRecLoadImgM when the image is too large to place in memory.
There is no need to specify the BytesPerLine field of the passed image info and if the number of lines is not known in advance or it is uncertain, zero (0) can be used for the vertical size.
Three analogous functions kRecStartReadImg, kRecReadImg and kRecStopReadImg perform image export.
With 24-bit color images, this function takes into account the RGBorder (IMG_RGBORDER) setting of the Engine. This setting describes the source bitmap's color representation. To change this setting, a preceding call to the kRecSetImgFormat function is necessary.
This function is insecure for managed code. In C# use the more advanced kRecPutImgArea or kRecCreateImg functions.
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecStopReadImg ( int  sid )

Stopping to read an image line-by-line.

The kRecStopReadImg function stops the line-by-line image exporting process started and performed with the functions kRecStartReadImg and kRecReadImg.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
Return values:
Typically this function should be called when no more lines remain in the defined image area. This is signaled by a returned value of IMG_NOMORE_WARN from a kRecReadImg call.
This function is insecure for managed code. In C# use the more advanced kRecGetImgArea function.
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecStopWriteImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE phPage 

Stopping the writing of an image line-by-line.

The kRecStopWriteImg function completes the image download operation started with kRecStartWriteImg and kRecWriteImg calls. It stores the downloaded image in a newly created HPAGE.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[out] phPage Address of a variable to store the handle of the created page.
Return values:
This function is insecure for managed code. In C# use the more advanced kRecPutImgArea or kRecCreateImg functions.
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecTransformCoordinates ( HPAGE  hPage,
int  nP,
LPPOINT  pPoint 

Transforming coordinates between images of a page.

This function retrieves the coordinates of the destination image according to those of the source image. The transformation used is able to convert the coordinate system of the source image into that of the destination image of the same page.

[in] hPage Handle of the page.
[in] iiDst Index of the destination image.
[in] iiSrc Index of the source image.
[in] nP Number of points in the buffer.
[in,out] pPoint Buffer of the points to be converted. The result will rewrite the coordinates in place.
Return values:
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR kRecTransformCoordinates(IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiDst, IMAGEINDEX iiSrc, POINT[] pPoint); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecTransformCoordinates(HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiDst, IMAGEINDEX iiSrc, int nP, POINT pPoint) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecTransformImg ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
LPCRECT  pSrcRect,
LPCSIZE  pDstSize,
WORD  BitsPerPixel,
HPAGE phPageOut 

Transforming an image.

The kRecTransformImg function creates a new image from an existing one. During this transformation, a rectangular area of the selected image of the input page is copied to the original image (II_ORIGINAL) of the output page. This area is compressed or stretched according to the ratio of the source rectangular area and the destination size.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the input page.
[in] iiImg Index of the input image whose area should be transformed.
[in] pSrcRect Rectangular area of the image to be transformed. NULL means: the whole image is transformed.
[in] pDstSize Size of the image to be created in pixels. A value of NULL here means that the destination size is equal to the size of the source rectangle.
[in] BitsPerPixel Type of the image (number of bits per pixel). Possible values are: 1, 4, 8, 24 for B/W, 4-bit gray-scale, 8-bit gray-scale and 24-bit color image, respectively.
[out] phPageOut Pointer of a variable to store the handle of the output page to be created.
Return values:
To create a B/W image from the current one without changing the size of the image, call the function kRecConvertImg2BW instead.
If the input image is a B/W one and the output image is specified as an 8-bit gray-scale one, and the area should be compressed, a scale-to-gray image conversion will be applied.
The resolution of the target image is calculated according to the compression/stretching ratio.
When the target page is no longer needed, remove it from the image management module by invoking the kRecFreeImg function.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecTransformImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize, ushort BitsPerPixel, out IntPtr phPageOut);
    // or when pSrcRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecTransformImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, SIZE pDstSize, ushort BitsPerPixel, out IntPtr phPageOut);
    // or when pDstSize is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecTransformImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, ushort BitsPerPixel, out IntPtr phPageOut);
    // or when both are NULL
    RECERR kRecTransformImg(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, ushort BitsPerPixel, out IntPtr phPageOut);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecTransformImg(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize, int BitsPerPixel, HPAGE phPageOut) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecTransformImgByMatrix ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
const SIZE *  newsize,
const double *  matrix 

Performing geometrical transformation determined by a matrix.

The kRecTransformImgByMatrix function performs a geometrical transformation on the II_CURRENT image of the given page. If there are BW (II_BW) and thumbnail (II_THUMBNAIL) images they are regenerated from the transformed current image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the page containing the image(s) to be transformed.
[in] newsize The new size of the current image. The size is not changed if it is NULL.
[in] matrix The transformation matrix containing 8 elements.
Return values:
The matrix is the first 8 elements of a 3x3 M matrix in the following order: M[0][0], M[0][1], M[0][2], M[1][0], M[1][1], M[1][2], M[2][0], M[2][1]. The last (M[2][2]) element is always supposed to be 1.0. The function uses the following algorithm,
(x0,y0) is the original point and (x2,y2) is the transformed point, [x, y, z] is a column vector:
    [x1, y1, z1]    =   M * [x0,y0,1]
    x2              =   x1 / z1
    y2              =   y1 / z1
Using this function rotation, translation, enlargement, reducing, shearing, perspective transformations and their combinations can be performed.
  • Rotation by x degrees: cos(x),sin(x),0,-sin(x),cos(x),0,0,0
  • Translation by (x,y): 1,0,x,0,1,y,0,0
  • Scaling by scalefactor s:s,0,0,0,s,0,0,0
    Applying 2 transformations on the image (T2 given by matrix M2 after T1 given by matrix M1) can be performed in one step calculating and passing the combined matrix M2 * M1. If the M[2][2] element of the combined matrix is not 1.0 the matrix should be normalized (i.e. its elements should be divided by M[2][2]).
    The specification of this function in C# is:
        RECERR kRecTransformImgByMatrix(int sid, IntPtr hPage, SIZE newsize, double[] pMatrix);
        // or when newsize is NULL in C/C++
        RECERR kRecTransformImgByMatrix(int sid, IntPtr hPage, double[] pMatrix);
    The specification of this function in Java is:
     int kRecTransformImgByMatrix(int sid, HPAGE hPage, SIZE newsize, double[] matrix) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecTransformImgByPoints ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
const SIZE *  newsize,
const POINT *  pOriginal,
const POINT *  pTransformed,
int  nPoints 

Performing geometrical transformation determined by points.

The kRecTransformImgByPoints function performs a geometrical transformation on the II_CURRENT image of the given page. It creates a transformation matrix which transforms the pOriginal points to pTransformed, and applies it to the image. If there are BW (II_BW) and thumbnail (II_THUMBNAIL) images they are regenerated from the transformed current image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of page containing the image(s) to be transformed.
[in] newsize The new size of the current image. The size is not changed if it is NULL.
[in] pOriginal Array of original points.
[in] pTransformed Array of transformed points.
[in] nPoints The number of given points in pOriginal and pTransformed array.
Return values:
- The transformation is a translation if nPoints == 1,
  • it is a similarity transformation if nPoints == 2,
  • it is a similarity transformation combined with a shearing if nPoints == 3, and
  • it is a perspective transformation if nPoints >= 4.
  • If nPoints > 4 the transformation does not exactly transform all original points to transformed ones.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecTransformImgByPoints(int sid, IntPtr hPage, SIZE newsize, POINT[] pOriginal, POINT[] pTransformed);
    // or when newsize is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecTransformImgByPoints(int sid, IntPtr hPage, POINT[] pOriginal, POINT[] pTransformed);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecTransformImgByPoints(int sid, HPAGE hPage, SIZE newsize, POINT[] pOriginal, POINT[] pTransformed) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecTransformImgPalette ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage,
LPCRECT  pSrcRect,
LPCSIZE  pDstSize,
HPAGE phPageOut 

Transforming palette-color images.

The kRecTransformImgPalette function creates a new palette-color image from an existing image. During this transformation, a rectangular area of the selected image of the input page is copied to the original image (II_ORIGINAL) of the output page. This area is compressed or stretched according to the ratio of the source rectangular area's size and that of the destination image.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] hPage Handle of the source page.
[in] iiImg Index of the image in the source page to be transformed.
[in] pSrcRect Rectangular area of the selected image to be transformed. NULL means the whole image is transformed.
[in] pDstSize Size of the output image to be created in pixels. A value of NULL here means that the destination size is equal to the size of the source rectangle.
[out] phPageOut Pointer of a variable to store the handle of the output page.
Return values:
To create images other than color-palette ones, use the function kRecTransformImg.
The resolution of the output image is calculated according to the compression/stretching ratio.
When the output page is no longer needed it has to be removed from the image management module by invoking the kRecFreeImg function.
The specification of this function in C# is:
    RECERR kRecTransformImgPalette(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize, out IntPtr phPageOut);
    // or when  pSrcRect is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecTransformImgPalette(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, SIZE pDstSize, out IntPtr phPageOut);
    // or when pDstSize is NULL in C/C++
    RECERR kRecTransformImgPalette(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, out IntPtr phPageOut);
    // or when both are NULL
    RECERR kRecTransformImgPalette(int sid, IntPtr hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, out IntPtr phPageOut);
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int kRecTransformImgPalette(int sid, HPAGE hPage, IMAGEINDEX iiImg, RECT pSrcRect, SIZE pDstSize, HPAGE phPageOut) 
RECERR RECAPIKRN kRecWriteImg ( int  sid,
const LPBYTE  pBuff 

Writing an image line-by-line.

The kRecWriteImg function downloads a line of raw image data from the application's buffer to the Engine. It should be repeatedly called to send successive lines of the image to an image in the image management module.

[in] sid Settings Collection ID.
[in] pBuff Pointer to a buffer containing the line of image data to be downloaded to the Engine.
Return values:
This function is the second part in a three-part series for downloading lines of image data to the Engine. The first call in the series is kRecStartWriteImg, which prepares the Engine for the incoming image. The kRecStopWriteImg is called after the image has been completely sent to the Engine to perform clean-up. Use these functions instead of the direct method kRecLoadImgM when the image is too large to place in memory.
The line-by-line image transfer must start with the top line of the image and end with the bottom line.
This function is insecure for managed code. In C# use the more advanced kRecPutImgArea or kRecCreateImg functions.