Recognition of 1D barcodes with the BAR module
Filling methods supported: FM_BARCODE
Filters supported: ignores all filter settings
Trade-off supported: none

Application areas

Recognition of one-dimensional barcodes.

Supported basic barcode types


If the number of bars in a barcode is less than the value of Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.MinBarLines, the barcode is omitted.

One zone can include up to 25 barcodes by default, but it can be adjusted using the setting Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.MaxBars.

The position of the barcode can be in any direction (except the Postnet code, where the maximum allowable skew of the barcode is 10°)

The zone can contain other elements besides the barcode. The program is able to detect the barcode(s) inside a zone. If, however, there are many other objects (text, figures, etc.) in the zone, recognition will be slower.

Barcode checksum handling

Some of the barcode types always include a checksum digit or digits. This checksum is always verified. The barcode is returned only if the checksum is correct. Some of the barcode types may include a checksum digit or digits (BAR_ITF, BAR_C39, BAR_MSI, BAR_2of5, BAR_MAT25). This checksum information is not verified at the default settings. If you know that the barcode to be recognized does contain cheksum you can enable its verification with different settings:

In case of BAR each barcode type has its own checksum verification setting: these are the Kernel.Ocr.BAR.bar1D.*.CDX settings.

When checksum verification is enabled the engine does not return barcodes with wrong checksum.

Deprecated barcode types

Some special barcode types have been removed from the enum BAR_TYPE in CSDK 18. They are still supported, but not through individual enum types, but through settings extending the functionality of the main barcode types. See the list below: