
This is the "C" level Document Oriented API of the OmniPage CSDK. This API level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X. More...


  General Service Functions Module

General Service Functions. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

  Simple Multipage Document Handling Module

Simple document handling functions. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

  One Step Functions Module

One step functions. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

  Layout Retention Output Module

Layout Retention Output. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

  Text Marking and Redaction Module

Text Marking and Redaction. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

  Form Data Extraction Module

Data collection from filled forms with CSV output. Form processing is supported on: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X.

  Scanner Enhancement Technology Tools (SET Tools)

Scanner Enhancement Technology Tools (SET Tools). This module is supported on: Windows.


Dynamic linking of RecAPIPlus. This module is supported on: Windows.

Detailed Description

This is the "C" level Document Oriented API of the OmniPage CSDK. This API level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

This part of RecAPI is an extension of the KernelAPI. Remember that the KernelAPI can be used of its own, and the kRecInit function initializes it. If RecAPIPlus is used, the function set from both interfaces can be used. In this case the RecInitPlus function starts RecAPIPlus and you must not use kRecInit. RecAPIPlus takes care of the organizing and exporting of documents. When the recognition of a page is finished, the RecInsertPage function puts the page into the document. This page will no longer be accessible via KernelAPI functions. The pages of the document can be moved, deleted and new ones can be inserted at any place. If a document is finished, it can be saved and can be later reloaded and edited. The format of the document is the same as the OmniPage 21 native (OPD) format. CSDK 21 can open OPD files made by OmniPage 15.

List of header files of this module:

The library file that should be linked is RecAPIPlus.lib, but there is an alternative solution: the dynamic linking using RecAPIPlusS (supported on: Windows).

IMPORTANT NOTE: RecAPIPlus requires the MFC80 file set. Thus distributing an integrating application using RecAPIPlus requires redistributing also MFC80. For information about how to prepare the distribution file set of the Engine please see the General Information help system.