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Text Marking and Redaction Module

Text Marking and Redaction. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X. More...


struct   FoundText
  Search result. More...


#define  FT_TEXTLEN   256
  Maximum possible search length.


typedef struct RECFT *  HFINDTEXT
  Handle type for FindText functions.


enum   FindTextAction {
  RecProcessText flags. More...


RECERR RECAPIPLS  RecFindTextFirst (HDOC hDoc, int page, int position, LPCWSTR *wordlist, int flags, int wordEnvLen, HFINDTEXT *hFt, FoundText *ft)
  Starts the text search.
RECERR RECAPIPLS  RecFindTextNext (HFINDTEXT hFt, FoundText *ft)
  Gets the next search result.
RECERR RECAPIPLS  RecProcessText (HFINDTEXT hFt, FoundText *ft, FindTextAction flags, INTBOOL set)
  Marks the selection for redaction.
RECERR RECAPIPLS  RecRedactText (HFINDTEXT hFt, FoundText *ft)
  Redacts the selection immmediately.
RECERR RECAPIPLS  RecExecuteRedaction (HDOC hDoc)
  Performs redaction on all text strings previously marked for redaction.
  Frees the search data.

Position indices for RecFindTextFirst function

Special page and character index values. These values can be used in both the page index (page) and the character index (position) parameters of the RecFindTextFirst function.

#define  FT_FIRST   0
  Specifies the first page or character.
#define  FT_LAST   -1
  Specifies the last page or character.

RecFindTextFirst flags

Possible values for flags in RecFindTextFirst function (should be used as a bitmask).

#define  FT_WHOLEWORD   1
  Finds only whole word match (character sequences starting and ending with whitespace or punctuation.
#define  FT_MATCHCASE   2
  Match case sensitive.
#define  FT_FUZZYMATCH   4
  Use fuzzy match (Accept matches with one insertion, deletion or change).
#define  FT_BACKWARD   8
  Find backwards from the current position.

Detailed Description

Text Marking and Redaction. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

These functions make it possible to search for multiple strings simultaneously in a document. They also allow highlighting, striking out and redaction to be applied to the matches. They also support a batch redaction mode, where the matches are only marked for redaction first, and then the redaction can be performed in one step on all marked strings in the whole document. For more on redaction, see Chapter 2 (New Features) in the User's Guide.

Enumeration Type Documentation

RecProcessText flags.

These flags can be used for specifying which flags to be changed by RecProcessText.

Redaction replaces the characters in a dense set of gate characters to make them blacked out, and replaces the related content with a black rectangle on all variants of the image (II_ORIGINAL, II_CURRENT, II_BW and II_THUMBNAIL). Highlight and strikeout modify the text attributes, but do not modify the image. Therefore highlight and strikeout cannot be exported with image-on-text PDF.

Places a yellow background behind the characters. Cannot be exported with Plain Text formatting.


Strikes out the characters with a single line. Cannot be exported with Plain Text formatting.


Marks the characters for later redaction. Cannot be exported with Plain Text formatting.

Function Documentation

RECERR RECAPIPLS RecExecuteRedaction ( HDOC  hDoc )

Performs redaction on all text strings previously marked for redaction.

This function searches the document for all texts marked for redaction (see RecProcessText) and replaces the characters with a dense set of gate characters that result in a blacked out area, rendering the text unreadable. It also paints the place of all redacted text or objects on the image with black. This is done in all variants of the image - original, primary, BW, OCR. Redacted text becomes unreadable in all output file types, regardless of the formatting level.

Redaction cannot be undone, so it should normally be performed on a copy of the document. Certain warnings, such as these, should be passed to end-users if your application includes redaction. For guidance, see Chapter 2 (New Features) in the User's Guide.

[in] hDoc The document handle.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecExecuteRedaction(IntPtr hDoc); 
The specification of this function in Java is:

Frees the search data.

This function frees all internal data allocated for the given search. It must be called for all RecFindTextFirst calls.

[in] hFt Handle of the search.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecFindTextClose(IntPtr hFt); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
int  page,
int  position,
LPCWSTR *  wordlist,
int  flags,
int  wordEnvLen,
FoundText ft 

Starts the text search.

This function starts a new search, it returns the allocated search handle and the first results if any.

[in] hDoc The document handle, created by RecOpenDoc.
[in] page The page number where the finding starts from (zero-based index). (also see the position types).
[in] position The letter index where the search should start inside the page (also see the position types).
[in] wordlist NULL terminated LPCWSTR array for the words to search for.
[in] flags Bitfield for search options, see the list of possible values.
[in] wordEnvLen Word environment length: in addition to the found word, this many letters before and after the result will be returned in ft.
[out] hFt Handle of the search, could be used in subsequent RecFindTextNext calls.
[out] ft Information about the found word.
Return values:
RECERR Returns REC_OK on successful search. If no match was found it returns APIP_NOMORE_WARN. Otherwise it returns an error code.
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The returned hFt must be closed with RecFindTextClose. This can be called even if there were no matches or in case of error.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecFindTextFirst(IntPtr hDoc, int page, int position, string[] wordlist, FindTextFlags flags, int wordEnvLen, out IntPtr hFt, out FoundText ft); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int RecFindTextFirst(HDOC hDoc, int page, int position, String[] wordlist, int flags, int wordEnvLen, HFINDTEXT hFt, FoundText ft) 
FoundText ft 

Gets the next search result.

This function continues the search using the given HFINDTEXT.

[in] hFt Handle of the search.
[out] ft Information about the found word.
Return values:
RECERR Returns REC_OK on successful search. If no match was found it returns APIP_NOMORE_WARN. Otherwise it returns an error code.
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecFindTextNext(IntPtr hFt, out FoundText ft); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
FoundText ft,
FindTextAction  flags,

Marks the selection for redaction.

This function highlights, strikes out or marks for redacting (see RecExecuteRedaction) the match described by ft

[in] hFt Handle of the search.
[in] ft Text information about the current search result coming from a call of RecFindTextFirst or RecFindTextNext.
[in] flags Which flag to change.
[in] set To set or to unset the flag.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecProcessText(IntPtr hFt, [In] FoundText ft, FindTextAction flags, bool set); 
The specification of this function in Java is:
 int RecProcessText(HFINDTEXT hFt, FoundText ft, FindTextAction flags, int set) 
FoundText ft 

Redacts the selection immmediately.

This function replaces the matched characters in ft with a dense set of gate characters to make them blacked out, and replaces the related content with a black rectangle on all variants of the image. For details see RecExecuteRedaction.

[in] hFt Handle of the search.
[in,out] ft Text information about the current search result coming from a call of RecFindTextFirst or RecFindTextNext.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecRedactText(IntPtr hFt, [In, Out] FoundText ft); 
The specification of this function in Java is: