Public Attributes
FoundText Struct Reference

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Public Attributes

HDOC  hDoc
int  page
int  position
int  nLetters
RECT  boundBoxes [FT_TEXTLEN]
int  foundStart
int  foundLen
INTBOOL  isFuzzy

Detailed Description

Search result.

The result of the search (RecFindTextFirst, RecFindTextNext), and also the input for text marking and redaction (RecProcessText, RecRedactText)

Member Data Documentation

RECT FoundText::boundBoxes[FT_TEXTLEN]

Bounding boxes of the letters.

Number of letters of the found word.

Index of the first letter of the currently found word within FoundText::letters.

Current document handle.

TRUE if found by fuzzy method.

WCHAR FoundText::letters[FT_TEXTLEN]

The found word and its environment, always null terminated.

Number of valid letters in text and bboxletter arrays.

Current page (zero-based index).

Letter index of the first letter in FoundText::letters within the logical letter order of the page).