Create Dynamic Stamp

Dynamic stamps can include a time stamp, running number, exhibit number, or date and time. To save and distribute dynamic templates in a corporate environment, see Create a Dynamic Stamp template.

  1. On the Stamps panel, click Create (Create icon), then select Create Custom Dynamic Stamp from the drop-down list.

    The Dynamic Stamp dialog box appears.

  2. In the Stamp Template list, select a template to start with.

    Templates contain various dynamic fields such as date and time, running numbers, and exhibit numbers. Dynamic fields update whenever the stamp is applied on the page. This includes manual stamping or running the Stamp command in Sequencer.

    The preview appears on the right.
  3. In the Size list, select a percentage to set the size of the stamp.
  4. In the Color list, select a border color for the stamp.
  5. Under Name, in the Group list, select the group where the stamp should appear on the Stamps panel.
  6. Under Name, in the Stamp text box, enter a name for the stamp.
  7. Under Background, select one of the following:
    • Select Color, then select a solid background color for the stamp.
    • Select Image, then click Browse and select the image to use as the stamp background. On the right, select how to distribute the image in the area:
      • Center (default): Places the image in the middle, in the original size.

      • Fit: Fits the image size to the background area while keeping the image aspect ratio.

      • Stretch: Stretches the image to the background area, altering the aspect ratio as needed.

  8. Under Text, specify the text content and appearance for the stamp (such as initials or abbreviations). The number of available text fields depends on the selected template. Per text field, specify the following:
    • In the text box, enter the text to display. In the text, you can use the %DATE% and %TIME% macros, which are replaced when the stamp is placed.

      Use the Date format and Time format lists to set the style for the %DATE% and %TIME% macros.

    • In the Font Name list, select a font name.

    • In the Font Size list, select the text size in points.

    • In the Color list, select text color.

  9. Under Exhibit Number, specify the exhibit numbering or lettering settings. This section is active only for compatible templates.
    1. In the Prefix box, enter a constant text which opens the exhibit stamp.
    2. Select one of the following:

      • For running exhibit numbers, select Number (default), then specify the opening value in the Starting number box.

      • For running exhibit letters, select Letter, then specify the opening character in the Starting letter box.

        • Optionally, select how to combine the characters for multi-character markup in the System box.

      Restarting Power PDF resets running numbers and letters to the starting value.

    1. Set font name, size, and color as described above.
    2. Optionally, select Prompt for Exhibit Number or Letter when applying the stamp to let the user specify the starting value when placing the stamp.
  10. Click OK to save the custom dynamic stamp to the Stamp panel, under the group and stamp names you specified.