Naming policy
Kofax RPA imposes the following naming policy, which applies to project names, schedule names, folder names (paths), and folder items including robots, types, snippets, and resources uploaded through the API.
Illegal system characters are allowed, but they generate a warning message.
Empty names are not allowed, and they generate an error message.
Names that exceed 243 characters are not allowed, and they generate an error message.
Names with special HTML formatting are allowed, but they generate a warning. The HTML formatting is removed.
Do not use system reserved words, because you cannot save a file with a system reserved name to a disk on a Windows system. The following is a list of system reserved words: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9.
Name local is a reserved name and cannot be used in Desktop Automation.
Note the use of a period "." in file names:
Files and folders starting with a period “.” are treated as hidden (hence all files in hidden folders are also hidden) and they are not shown on the project tree.
Hidden files are not included in project synchronization.
Robots, snippets, types, texts, and database mapping files cannot have names starting with a period ".".
Folders cannot have names starting with period ".".
Typed name | Result |
'<t> aaa </tag>' Note ' ' denotes the start and end of the string.
'aaa' Note The HTML tags <t> and </tag> are removed. The space before and after the actual
folder/project/schedule name is also removed.
'< t> hello ' |
'< t> hello' Note The tag < t> is kept because it is not a valid HTML tag. The space after the actual name is removed.
'com1 /*** /& @' |
'com1/***/& @' Note Because "com1" is a reserved word for some operating systems, it generates a warning; however, it is a valid name
for a folder, project, or schedule. An asterisk "*" is an illegal character.
Kofax RPA
accepts it as a valid name but generates a warning. Note that entering a name with reserved words and illegal
characters can result in errors when other users download the project to local computers where the operating system does not
support the names as valid file names.
HTML entity numbers such as & are converted to actual characters. |