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de.softpro.signdocsdk Namespace
SignDoc SDK enables the creation of applications which handle SignDoc documents, that is, rendering as images, signing, and verifying PDF and TIFF documents.
Public classAmbiguousCertificateException
Ambiguous Certificate Exception.
Public classAnnotationNotFoundException
Annotation Not Found Exception.
Public classAttachmentExistsException
Attachment Exists Exception
Public classAttachmentNotFoundException
Attachment Not Found Exception
Public classCancelledException
Cancelled Exception
Public classColorGray
Gray color
Public classColorRGB
RGB color
Public classFieldExistsException
Field Exists Exception
Public classFieldNotFoundException
Field Not Found Exception
Public classFieldNotSignedException
Field Not Signed Exception
Public classFontNotFoundException
Font Not Found Exception
Public classInvalidArgumentException
Invalid Argument Exception
Public classInvalidImageException
Invalid Image Exception
Public classInvalidProfileException
Invalid Profile Exception
Public classInvalidSignatureException
Invalid Signature Exception
Public classIOErrorException
IO Error Exception
Public classLicenseErrorException
License Error Exception
Public classNoBiometricDataException
No Biometric Data Exception
Public classNoCertificateException
No Certificate Exception
Public classNoDatablockException
No Datablock Exception
Public classNotAllowedException
Not Allowed Exception
Public classNotSupportedException
Not Supported Exception
Public classNotVerifiedException
Not Verified Exception
Public classPageNotFoundException
Page Not Found Exception
Public classParameterNotSetException
Parameter Not Set Exception
Public classPoint
Coordinates of a point.
Public classPropertyNotFoundException
Property Not Found Exception
Public classRect
Coordinates of a rectangle. If coordinates are given in pixels (this is true for TIFF documents), the right and top coordinates are exclusive.
Public classSignDocAnnotation
Output of de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.getAttachment().
Public classSignDocAttachment
Output of de.softpro.doc.SignDocDocument.getAttachment().
Public classSignDocChange
A single change made to a PDF document after a signature.
Public classSignDocCharacterPosition
Position of a character. This class uses document coordinate
Public classSignDocDocument
An interface for SignDoc documents.
An object of this class represents one document.

Use SignDocDocumentLoader.loadFromMemory() or
SignDocDocumentLoader.loadFromFile() to create objects.

If the document is loaded from a file, the file may remain in use
until this object is destroyed or close() is called or the document
is saved to a different file with saveToFile(). Please do not
change the file while there is a SignDocDocument object for it.	  
Getting basic information about the document :

Saving the document :

Working with interactive fields :

Signing signature fields :

Verifying and removing signatures :

Working with properties :

Working with pages :

Working with annotations :

Adding text to a page and finding text on pages :

Adding images to a page :

Working with attachments :

Other functions :

Public classSignDocDocumentLoader
Create SignDocDocument objects. Unless you need differently configured SignDocDocumentLoader objects, you should have only one SignDocDocumentLoader object per process. Loading font configuration files can be expensive, in particular if many fonts have to be scanned.
Public classSignDocException
Public classSignDocField
Class representing one field of a document
Public classSignDocFindTextPosition
Position of a hit returned by SignDocDocument.findText().
Public classSignDocOutputStream
SignDoc Output Stream
Public classSignDocProperty
Class representing one property without value.
Public classSignDocRenderOutput
Size of rendered output
Public classSignDocRenderParameters
Parameters for SignDocDocument.renderPageAsImage().
Public classSignDocSignature
Information about a signature field returned by SignDocDocument.getSignature().
Public classSignDocSignatureParameters
Parameters for signing a document. Use SignDocDocument.createSignatureParameters() or SignDocDocument.createSignatureParametersForTimeStamp() to create objects of this type. The available parameters depend both on the document type and on the signature field for which the SignDocSignatureParameters object has been created. All setters have a special value for one of their arguments which can be used for checking if the parameter can be set. SignDocDocument.addSignature() may fail due to invalid parameters even if all setters reported success as the setters do not check if there are conflicts between parameters. Which certificates are acceptable may be restricted by the application (by using csf_software and csf_hardware of integer parameter "SelectCertificate", blob parameters "FilterCertificatesByIssuerCertificate" and "FilterCertificatesBySubjectCertificate", and string parameters "FilterCertificatesByPolicy" and "FilterCertificatesBySubjectDN") and by the PDF document (certificate seed value dictionary). If no matching certificate is available (for instance, because integer parameter "SelectCertificate" is zero), SignDocDocument.addSignature() will throw SignDocNoCertificateException. If more than one matching certificate is available but csf_never_ask is specified in integer parameter "SelectCertificate"), SignDocDocument.addSignature() will throw SignDocAmbiguousCertificateException. To make the signature maximally meaningful, integer parameter "AddCertificates" should be ac_all (which is the default value) and integer parameter "AddRevocationInfo" should include #ari_add. Unless you need a specific signing method, you should leave integer parameter "Method" at its default value #m_default. If you select a specific signing method and that method is not allowed by the signature field's seed values, signing will fail. Unless you need a specific digest algorithm, you should leave integer parameter "DetachedHashAlgorithm" at its default value #dha_default. If you select a specific digest algorithm and that algorithm is not allowed by the signature field's seed values, signing will fail.
The following name parameters control the signing method and
related aspects of the signature:

-   DetachedHashAlgorithm (integer)
-   IgnoreSeedValues (integer)
-   Method (integer)
-   RSASignatureScheme(integer)

The following named parameters control the private key used for
-   Certificate (blob)
-   CertificatePrivateKey (blob)
-   GenerateECCKeyPair(string)
-   GenerateKeyPair (integer)
-   PKCS#12Password (string)

The following named parameters control rendering of the signature
image from biometric data:
-   BiometricData (blob)
-   PenWidth (integer)
-   RenderSignature (integer)
-   RenderWidth (integer)
-   SignatureColor (color)

The following named parameters put additional data into the
-   ContactInfo (string)
-   Filter (string)
-   Location (string)
-   Reason (string)
-   Signer (string)
-   Timestamp (string)

The following named parameters provide texts for the appearance
of a signature in PDF documents:
-   Adviser (string)
-   Comment (string)
-   ContactInfo (string)
-   Location (string)
-   Reason (string)
-   Signer (string)
-   SignTime (string)
-   Text1 through Text9 (string)

 The following parameters control how a signed signature
 field in a PDF document will look like(parameters marked with *
can be overridden with blob parameter "Template") :
-   FontName(string) *
-   FontSize(length) *
-   Image (blob)
-   ImageDPI(integer)
-   ImageHAlignment (integer) *
-   ImageMargin (length) *
-   ImageTransparency (integer) *
-   ImageVAlignment (integer) *
-   SignatureColor (color)
-   Template (blob)
-   TextColor (color) *
-   TextHAlignment (integer) *
-   TextHMargin (length) *
-   TextPosition (integer) *
-   TextVAlignment (integer) *

The following named parameters control the signing certificate:
-   Certificate (blob)
-   PKCS#12Password (string)

The following named parameters are used for generating a self-signed
certificate on the fly (you also need to set at least one parameter
for the private key):
-   CertificateSigningAlgorithm (integer)
-   CommonName (string)
-   Country (string)
-   Locality (string)
-   Organization (string)
-   OrganizationUnit (string)

The following named parameters are used for putting biometric data
(handwritten signature) into the signature:
-   BiometricData (blob)
-   BiometricEncryption (integer)
-   BiometricHashLocation(integer)
-   BiometricKey (blob)
-   BiometricKeyPath (string)
-   BiometricPassphrase (string)

The following named parameters control the certificate selection dialog:
-   FilterCertificatesByIssuerCertificate (blob)
-   FilterCertificatesByPolicy (string)
-   FilterCertificatesBySubjectCertificate (blob)
-   FilterCertificatesBySubjectDN (string)
-   SelectCertificate (integer)
-   SelectCertificateMessage (string)
-   SelectCertificateTitle (string)

The following named parameters control RFC 3161 timestamps:
-   TimeStampClientCertificatePath (string)
-   TimeStampClientKeyPath (string)
-   TimeStampHashAlgorithm (integer)
-   TimeStampRetries (integer)
-   TimeStampServerPassword (string)
-   TimeStampServerTimeout (integer)
-   TimeStampServerURL (string)
-   TimeStampServerUser (string)
-   TimeStampSize (integer)
-   TimeStampUserAgent (string)

The following named parameters put additional certificates and
revocation information into the signature:
-   AddCertificates (integer)
-   AddRevocationInfo (integer)
-   IntermediateCertificate (blob)

The following named parameters do not fall into the above categories:
-   OutputPath (string)
-   Optimize (integer)
-   PDFAButtons (integer)
Public classSignDocTextFieldAttributes
Attributes of a text field used for the construction of the appearance (PDF documents only). This class represents a PDF default appearance string. Modifying an object of this type does not modify the underlying field or document. Use SignDocDocument.setTextFieldAttributes() or SignDocField.setTextFieldAttributes() to update the text attributes of a field or of the document.
Public classSignDocVerificationParameters
Parameters for verifying a certificate chain.
If you use null instead of a SignDocVerificationParameters object,
the following default values will be used (those are identical to
the default values for a freshly created
SignDocVerificationParameters object):

- CertificateChainVerificationPolicy: ccvp_accept_self_signed_with_rsa_bio
- CertificateRevocationVerificationPolicy: crvp_dont_check
- ComputeOfflineNextUpdate: -1 (that is, embedded CRLs and OCSP responses
    without nextUpdate will be indefinitely valid)
- Timeout: 10000
- UserAgent: "SignDoc"
- VerificationFlags: 0 (that is, revocation checking is disabled)
- VerificationModel: vm_minimal
-VerificationTime: empty(that is, current date and time)

However, for SignDocDocument.updateDSS() and SignDocDocument.updateDSS2(),
the following default values will be used if a null pointer is passed
(those are identical to the values set by setForUpdateDSS()) :

-CertificateChainVerificationPolicy : #ccvp_accept_self_signed_with_rsa_bio
-CertificateRevocationVerificationPolicy: #crvp_online
-ComputeOfflineNextUpdate: 0 (that is, embedded CRLs and OCSP responses
    without nextUpdate won't be valid)
-Timeout: 10000
-UserAgent : "SignDoc"
-VerificationFlags : 0
-VerificationModel : #vm_shell
-VerificationTime: empty(that is, current date and time)

To make the signature maximally meaningful, verification parameters
for SignDocDocument.addSignature() should include vf_check_revocation
in integer parameter "VerificationFlags".

If integer parameter "CertificateChainVerificationPolicy" is
ccvp_dont_verify, integer parameter
"CertificateRevocationVerificationPolicy" must be crvp_dont_check.

Public classSignDocVerificationResult
Information about a signature field returned by ignDocDocument.verifySignature() or SignDocDocument.verifySignature2().
Public classSignDocWatermark
Parameters for a watermark.
Public classSignECDSAWrapper
Wrapper class to help call the SignECDSA implementation
Public classSignPKCS7Wrapper
Wrapper class to help call the SignPKCS7 implementation
Public classSignRSAWrapper
Wrapper class to help call the SignRSA implementation
Public classTimeStamper
Interface for creating an RFC 3161 timestamp.
Public classTypeMismatchException
Type Mismatch Exception
Public classUnexpectedErrorException
Unexpected Error Exception
Public classWrongCollectionException
Wrong Collection Exception
Public interfaceILibrarySource
Public interfaceISignDocColor
Base class for colors.
Public interfaceISignECDSA
Interface for creating ECDSA signature. Selection of the certificate is up to the implementation.
Public interfaceISignECDSAWrapper
Public interfaceISignPKCS7
Interface for creating a PKCS #7 or CAdES signature. Selection of the certificate, including intermediate certifcatse, and implementing CAdES is up to the implementation. This interface is quite hard to use, please use interface SignRSA instead.
Public interfaceISignPKCS7Wrapper
Public interfaceISignRSA
brief Interface for creating an RSA signature. Selection of the certificate is up to the implementation.
Public interfaceISignRSAWrapper
Public interfaceISource