SPFlatFile.h File Reference
Detailed Description
SignWare Dynamic Development toolkit, SPFlatFile object.
- Author:
- uko
SPFlatFile objects are serialized SPReference, SPTemplate or SPSignature objects. SPFlatFile objects include both static and dynamic signature features.
In contrast, SPBitmap objects (see SPBitmap.h) are serialized SPImage objects. SPBitmap objects include static image features, but no dynamic signature features.
Defines | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT2 0x00000200 |
Flat file format: Use ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 patron format type 2 ("minimum simple byte-oriented patron format") CBEFF wrapper. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT3 0x00000300 |
Flat file format: Use ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 patron format type 3 ("maximum simple patron format (byte oriented) using presence bitmap") CBEFF wrapper. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT6 0x00000600 |
Flat file format: Use ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 patron format type 6 ("complex patron format") CBEFF wrapper. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE 0x00000000 |
Flat file format: No ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 (CBEFF) wrapper. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2007TC1 0x00001000 |
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (with Technical Corrigendum 1) Biometric Data Block (version 1). | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014 0x00002000 |
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2014 Biometric Data Block (version 2). | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_FULL 0x00000000 |
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7 full format. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19794_COMPLEX 3 |
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (with Technical Corrigendum 1) full format biometric signature / reference data (version 1) embedded in a CBEFF (ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015) structure having patron format type 6 ("complex patron format"). | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19794_MINIMUM 1 |
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (with Technical Corrigendum 1) full format biometric signature data (version 1) embedded in a CBEFF (ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015) structure having patron format type 2 ("minimum simple byte-oriented patron format"). | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_19794_SIMPLE 2 |
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (with Technical Corrigendum 1) full format biometric signature data (version 1) embedded in a CBEFF (ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015) structure having patron format type 3 ("maximum simple patron format (byte oriented) using presence bitmap"). | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_COMPAT1 0x00400000 |
Flat file format flag: write with bug compatibility with SignWare before version | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_METERS 0x00100000 |
Flat file format flag: Use meters rather than millimeters for X and Y coordinates. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_EXT_DATA 0x00800000 |
Flat file format flag: Omit or ignore extended data. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_FIX 0x00200000 |
Flat file format flag: do not attempt to automatically fix ISO-format signatures that have been written by SignWare before version | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_MASK_BDB 0x0000f000 |
Mask for flat file format: BDB format. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_MASK_DATA 0x000f0000 |
Mask for flat file format: data format. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_MASK_FLAGS 0xfff00000 |
Mask for flat file format: flags. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_MASK_SINGLE 0x000000ff |
Mask for flat file format: formats specified by a single value. | |
#define | SP_FF_ISO_MASK_WRAPPER 0x00000f00 |
Mask for flat file format: CBEFF wrapper. | |
#define | SP_FF_SOFTPRO 0 |
Flat file format: SOFTPRO secure (encrypted) biometric signature / reference data. | |
Functions | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromCleanParameter (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPCLEANPARAMETER_T pCleanParameter) |
Create a flat file object from an SPCleanParameter object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromPropertyMap (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPPROPERTYMAP_T pPropertyMap) |
Create a flat file object from an SPPropertyMap object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromReference (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPREFERENCE_T pReference) |
Create a flat file object in SP_FF_SOFTPRO format from a reference object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromReference2 (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPREFERENCE_T pReference, SPINT32 iFormat) |
Create a flat file object from a reference object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromReference3 (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPREFERENCE_T pReference, SPINT32 iFormat) |
Create a flat file object from a reference object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature) |
Create a flat file object in SP_FF_SOFTPRO format from a signature object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature2 (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iFormat) |
Create a flat file object from a signature object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature3 (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPSIGNATURE_T pSignature, SPINT32 iFormat) |
Create a flat file object from a signature object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromTemplate (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPTEMPLATE_T pTemplate) |
Create a flat file object from a template object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileCreateFromTicket (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile, SPINT32 *piFlatFileLength, pSPTICKET_T pTicket) |
Create a flat file object from an SPTicket object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileFree (SPUCHAR **ppbFlatFile) |
Deallocate a flat file object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileIsCleanParameterL (const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile, SPINT32 iFlatFileLength) |
Check if a flat file object contains an SPCleanParameter object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileIsPropertyMapL (const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile, SPINT32 iFlatFileLength) |
Check if a flat file object contains an SPPropertyMap object. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileIsReference (const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile) |
Check if a flat file object contains a reference. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileIsReferenceL (const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile, SPINT32 iFlatFileLength) |
Check if a flat file object contains a reference. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileIsSignatureL (const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile, SPINT32 iFlatFileLength) |
Check if a flat file object contains a signature. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileIsTemplate (const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile) |
Check if a flat file object contains a template. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileIsTemplateL (const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile, SPINT32 iFlatFileLength) |
Check if a flat file object contains a template. | |
SPINT32 __cdecl | SPFlatFileIsTicketL (const SPUCHAR *pbFlatFile, SPINT32 iFlatFileLength) |
Check if a flat file object contains a ticket. |
Define Documentation
Flat file format: Use ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 patron format type 2 ("minimum simple byte-oriented patron format") CBEFF wrapper. This can be used with SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2007TC1 or SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014. With SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2007TC1, this patron format cannot be used for saving references.
Flat file format: Use ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 patron format type 3 ("maximum simple patron format (byte oriented) using presence bitmap") CBEFF wrapper. This can be used with SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2007TC1 or SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014. With SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2007TC1, this patron format cannot be used for saving references.
Flat file format: Use ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 patron format type 6 ("complex patron format") CBEFF wrapper. This can be used with SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2007TC1 or SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014. Both signatures and references can be saved with this patron format.
Flat file format: No ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015 (CBEFF) wrapper. This should be used with SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014 (version 2) only as ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (version 1) requires a CBEFF wrapper. However, some products accept only unwrapped version 1 BDBs.
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (with Technical Corrigendum 1) Biometric Data Block (version 1). Please also use SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT2, SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT3, or SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT6 to specify the ISO/IEC 19785-3 wrapper. Alternateively, use SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE (signature) to omit the CBEFF wrapper; the CBEFF wrapper is mandatory in ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007, but some products accept only unwrapped BDBs. SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT6 is required for saving references, signatures can be saved with any of these constants. Please also use SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_FULL (default) to select the data format. You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_METERS for using ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 without Technical Corrigendum 1. You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_COMPAT1 for bug compatibility with SignWare before version You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_EXT_DATA to omit extended data. |
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2014 Biometric Data Block (version 2). Please also use SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE, SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT2, SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT3, or SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT6 to specify the ISO/IEC 19785-3 wrapper. Unlike ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007, ISO/IEC 19794-7:2014 allows BDBs without CBEFF wrapper. Both signatures and references can be saved with any of these constants. Please also use SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_FULL (default) to select the data format. |
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7 full format. To be used with either SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2007TC1 or SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014. Contrast with compact format, compression format, and XML, all of which are not yet supported.
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (with Technical Corrigendum 1) full format biometric signature / reference data (version 1) embedded in a CBEFF (ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015) structure having patron format type 6 ("complex patron format"). This format can be used for signatures and references, not for templates. You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_METERS for using ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 without Technical Corrigendum 1. You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_COMPAT1 for bug compatibility with SignWare before version You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_EXT_DATA to omit extended data. This value is equivalent to (but does not have the same value as)
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (with Technical Corrigendum 1) full format biometric signature data (version 1) embedded in a CBEFF (ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015) structure having patron format type 2 ("minimum simple byte-oriented patron format"). This format can be used for signatures only, not for references and templates. You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_METERS for using ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 without Technical Corrigendum 1. You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_COMPAT1 for bug compatibility with SignWare before version You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_EXT_DATA to omit extended data. This value is equivalent to (but does not have the same value as)
Flat file format: ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 (with Technical Corrigendum 1) full format biometric signature data (version 1) embedded in a CBEFF (ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015) structure having patron format type 3 ("maximum simple patron format (byte oriented) using presence bitmap"). This format can be used for signatures only, not for references and templates. You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_METERS for using ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 without Technical Corrigendum 1. You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_COMPAT1 for bug compatibility with SignWare before version You can include flag SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_EXT_DATA to omit extended data. This value is equivalent to (but does not have the same value as)
Flat file format flag: write with bug compatibility with SignWare before version ISO-format signatures written by SignWare before version have multiple issues:
Use this flag for saving signatures in a format that is bug-compatible with old versions of SignWare (except for the bdbCreationDate bug). Extended data will be omitted (see SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_EXT_DATA). When saving a signature or reference, this flag takes effect only if the Biometric Data Block is in ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 format (version 1) with a patron format type 2, 3, or 6 CBEFF wrapper, that is, for formats SP_FF_ISO_19794_MINIMUM, SP_FF_ISO_19794_SIMPLE, SP_FF_ISO_19794_COMPLEX, and SP_FF_ISO_19794_7_2007TC1 (with SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT2, SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT3, or SP_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT6). When loading a signature or reference, this flag must not be set. This flag is ignored for non-ISO formats.
Flat file format flag: Use meters rather than millimeters for X and Y coordinates. ISO-format signatures written by SignWare before version use meters as units for the X and Y coordinates as specified by the original version of ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007. Technical Corrigendum for ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 changed the units to millimeters. Set this flag for compatibility with software that implements ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 without Technical Corrigendum 1. This flag takes effect only if the Biometric Data Block is in ISO/IEC 19794-7:2007 format (version 1). For loading signatures or references written by SignWare before version, just leave SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_FIX unset rather than setting this flag. For saving signatures or references to be read by SignWare before version, set SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_COMPAT1 rather than this flag. This flag is ignored for non-ISO formats.
Flat file format flag: Omit or ignore extended data. By default, extended data will be written that includes the following information:
This flag is ignored for non-ISO formats.
Flat file format flag: do not attempt to automatically fix ISO-format signatures that have been written by SignWare before version ISO-format signatures written by SignWare before version have multiple issues:
When loading a signature or reference, all of these issues will be fixed automatically if data written by SignWare before version is detected, unless this flag (SP_FF_ISO_FLAG_NO_FIX) is set. If this flag is set, no attempt is made to fix the data. If the signature or reference was indeed written by SignWare before version, loading will fail or the data read will be incorrect. When saving a signature or reference, this flag must not be set. This flag is ignored for non-ISO formats.
Mask for flat file format: BDB format.
Mask for flat file format: data format.
Mask for flat file format: flags.
Mask for flat file format: formats specified by a single value.
Mask for flat file format: CBEFF wrapper.
Flat file format: SOFTPRO secure (encrypted) biometric signature / reference data. This format can be used for signatures and references, not for templates.
Function Documentation
Create a flat file object from an SPCleanParameter object.
Create a flat file object from an SPPropertyMap object.
Create a flat file object in SP_FF_SOFTPRO format from a reference object. This function uses flat file format SP_FF_SOFTPRO.
Create a flat file object from a reference object. Flags can be specified by environment variable SIGNWARE_ISO_SAVE. Its value is either a decimal number or a hexadecimal number (prefixed by "0x"). The number will be shifted left 20 bits and bitwise or-ed into iFormat, that is, the following values (and combinations thereof) are defined:
Create a flat file object from a reference object. This function does not use environment variable SIGNWARE_ISO_SAVE.
Create a flat file object in SP_FF_SOFTPRO format from a signature object. This function uses flat file format SP_FF_SOFTPRO.
Create a flat file object from a signature object. Flags can be specified by environment variable SIGNWARE_ISO_SAVE. Its value is either a decimal number or a hexadecimal number (prefixed by "0x"). The number will be shifted left 20 bits and bitwise or-ed into iFormat, that is, the following values (and combinations thereof) are defined:
Create a flat file object from a signature object. This function does not use environment variable SIGNWARE_ISO_SAVE.
Create a flat file object from a template object.
Create a flat file object from an SPTicket object.
Deallocate a flat file object. The flat file object must have been created by SPFlatFileCreateFromReference, SPFlatFileCreateFromReference2, SPFlatFileCreateFromReference3, SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature, SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature2, SPFlatFileCreateFromSignature3, SPFlatFileCreateFromTemplate, SPFlatFileCreateFromTicket, or SPFlatFileCreateFromCleanParameter.
Check if a flat file object contains an SPCleanParameter object.
Check if a flat file object contains an SPPropertyMap object.
Check if a flat file object contains a reference.
Check if a flat file object contains a reference.
Check if a flat file object contains a signature. This function is quite expensive as the flat file object must be unpacked to check the signature object integrity.
Check if a flat file object contains a template.
Check if a flat file object contains a template.
Check if a flat file object contains a ticket.