ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet Interface Reference
Detailed Description
SignWare Dynamic Development toolkit, ActiveX wrapper for SPTabletInterface ISPTablet.Includes all definitions for low level tablet access, please see ISPGuiAcqu, ISPGuiDisp and ISPGuiDyn for tablet access with a graphical representation.
- Note:
- Registered event listeners persistence is bound to the lifetime of the ISPTablet object, independent of the native object.
Public Member Functions | |
HRESULT | Acquire ([in] __int64 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Start acquiry mode. | |
HRESULT | Acquire32 ([in] __int32 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Start acquiry mode. | |
HRESULT | AcquireDone ([out, retval] long *result) |
Terminate acquiry mode. | |
HRESULT | ClearBackgroundImage ([in] long iImFlags,[out, retval] long *result) |
Clear the backgound image. | |
HRESULT | Connect ([out, retval] long *result) |
Connect with a tablet. | |
HRESULT | CreateTablet ([in] long iDriverId,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a new tablet structure. | |
HRESULT | CreateTabletByAlias ([in] BSTR bstrTabletAlias,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a new tablet structure based on an Alias. | |
HRESULT | CreateTabletByEnum ([in] ISPPropertyMap *spDescriptor,[out, retval] long *result) |
create a tablet by an enumeration | |
HRESULT | CreateTabletEx ([in] BSTR bstrTabletClass,[in] BSTR bstrConfig,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a new tablet structure. | |
HRESULT | Disconnect ([out, retval] long *result) |
Disconnect a tablet. | |
HRESULT | GetDevice ([out] long *piDevice,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the device from a tablet. | |
HRESULT | GetDeviceStr ([in] long iDevice,[out] BSTR *bstrDevice,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the device name. | |
HRESULT | GetDisplayType ([out] long *piDisplayType,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the display type of the tablet used by this SPTablet object. | |
HRESULT | GetDriver ([out] long *piDriver,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the driver from a tablet. | |
HRESULT | GetDriverStr ([in] long iDriver,[out] BSTR *bstrDriver,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the driver name. | |
HRESULT | GetFlags ([out] long *piFlags,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet flags during acquiry mode. | |
HRESULT | GetHardwareName ([out] BSTR *bstrHardwareName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the hardware file name of an SPTablet object. | |
HRESULT | GetLCD ([out] long *piLCD,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the tablet LCD mode during acquiry mode. | |
HRESULT | GetLCDBitsPerPixel ([out] long *piBits,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query bits per pixel of the attached LCD screen in pixel. | |
HRESULT | GetLCDSize ([out] long *piWidth,[out] long *piHeight,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query size of the attached LCD screen in pixel. | |
HRESULT | GetMaxPressure ([out] long *piMaxPressure,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the pressure range from a tablet. | |
HRESULT | GetPadSerial ([out] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*psaPadSerial,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet serial identification. | |
HRESULT | GetPhysicalSize ([out] long *piWidth,[out] long *piHeight,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet size from a tablet [in mm]. | |
HRESULT | GetResolution ([out] long *piResolution,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the logical resolution from a tablet. | |
HRESULT | GetResolution2 ([in] long lDetail,[out] long *piResolution,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the resolution from a tablet. | |
HRESULT | GetSampleRate ([out] long *piSampleRate,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the logical Sample Rate from a tablet. | |
HRESULT | GetSampleRate2 ([in] long lDetail,[out] long *piSampleRate,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the Sample Rate from a tablet. | |
HRESULT | GetState ([out] long *piState,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet state. | |
HRESULT | GetTabletSize ([out] long *piWidth,[out] long *piHeight,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet size from a tablet [in tablet coordinates]. | |
HRESULT | GetTabletType ([out] long *piType,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet type. | |
HRESULT | GetTimeStamp ([out] long *piTimeStamp,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the timestamp of the last acquired signature. | |
HRESULT | HasExternalLCD ([out] long *pbExternalLCD,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query if the tablet is a model with external LCD. | |
HRESULT | HasProximity ([out] long *piProximity,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query proximity of the tablet. | |
HRESULT | ReloadParameters ([out, retval] long *result) |
Reload the tablet parameters. | |
HRESULT | Reset ([in] long bReset,[out, retval] long *result) |
Reset the tablet driver. | |
HRESULT | SetBackgroundImage ([in] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*pszImage,[out, retval] long *result) |
Pass a backgound image. | |
HRESULT | SetBackgroundImage2 ([in] long iImFlags,[in] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*pszImage,[out, retval] long *result) |
Pass a backgound image. | |
HRESULT | SetClipRectangle ([in] long iLeft,[in] long iTop,[in] long iRight,[in] long iBottom,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the clipping rectangle for the tablet display. | |
HRESULT | SetDevice ([in] long iDevice,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the device id for a tablet. | |
HRESULT | SetDisplayType ([in] long iDisplayType,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the display type of the tablet used by this SPTablet object. | |
HRESULT | SetDriver ([in] long iDriver,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the driver for a tablet. | |
HRESULT | SetFlags ([in] long iFlags,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the tablet flags during acquiry mode. | |
HRESULT | SetLCD ([in] long iLCD,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the tablet LCD mode during acquiry mode. | |
HRESULT | SetMaxPressure ([in] long iMaxPressure,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the pressure range for a tablet. | |
HRESULT | SetPadSerial ([in] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*psaPadSerial,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet serial identification. | |
HRESULT | SetResolution ([in] long iResolution,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the logical resolution for a tablet. | |
HRESULT | SetSampleRate ([in] long iSampleRate,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the logical sample rate for a tablet. | |
HRESULT | SetTabletOption ([in] BSTR bstrName,[in] long iValue,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set a tablet parameter. | |
HRESULT | SetTabletSize ([in] long iWidth,[in] long iHeight,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the tablet size. | |
HRESULT | SetTicket ([in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result) |
Pass charged ticket for a capture operation. | |
HRESULT | SwitchIDType ([in] long iSerialType,[out, retval] long *result) |
Choose the type of device ID returned by GetPadSerial(). |
Member Function Documentation
Start acquiry mode.
Set acquiry mode and send all vectors from the tablet to the registered listener.
Start acquiry mode.
Set acquiry mode and send all vectors from the tablet to the registered listener.
Terminate acquiry mode.
Clear the backgound image.
Connect with a tablet. Setup a connection to a tablet.
Create a new tablet structure. Please read Tablet creation options
Create a new tablet structure based on an Alias. Please read Tablet creation options for resolving the Alias
create a tablet by an enumeration Please read Tablet creation options for enumerating tablets
Create a new tablet structure. Please read Tablet creation options for a list of supported options
Disconnect a tablet. Terminate a connection to a tablet.
Query the device from a tablet.
Query the device name.
Query the display type of the tablet used by this SPTablet object. SPTablet differentiates 3 types of tablet displays
Query the driver from a tablet.
Query the driver name.
Query the tablet flags during acquiry mode.
Get the hardware file name of an SPTablet object.
Get the tablet LCD mode during acquiry mode.
Query bits per pixel of the attached LCD screen in pixel.
Query size of the attached LCD screen in pixel.
Query the pressure range from a tablet.
Query the tablet serial identification.
Query the tablet size from a tablet [in mm].
Query the logical resolution from a tablet.
Query the resolution from a tablet.
Query the logical Sample Rate from a tablet.
Query the Sample Rate from a tablet.
Query the tablet state.
Query the tablet size from a tablet [in tablet coordinates].
Query the tablet type.
Query the timestamp of the last acquired signature.
Query if the tablet is a model with external LCD.
Query proximity of the tablet.
Reload the tablet parameters.
Reset the tablet driver.
Pass a backgound image.
Pass a backgound image.
Set the clipping rectangle for the tablet display.
Set the device id for a tablet.
Set the display type of the tablet used by this SPTablet object. SPTablet differentiates 3 types of tablet displays
Set the driver for a tablet.
Set the tablet flags during acquiry mode.
Set the tablet LCD mode during acquiry mode.
Set the pressure range for a tablet.
Query the tablet serial identification.
Set the logical resolution for a tablet.
Set the logical sample rate for a tablet.
Set a tablet parameter. For details please see SPTabletSetTabletOption
Set the tablet size.
Pass charged ticket for a capture operation.
Choose the type of device ID returned by GetPadSerial().
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