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Tesseract5Engine Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the Tesseract5Engine class with the default OcrResources directory

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Ocr.Tesseract
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.Tesseract5 (in Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.Tesseract5.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public Tesseract5Engine()

Tesseract's resources are loaded at construction time. Firstly, a directory list is built. Secondly, each directory in that list is checked to see if it contains the \Tesseract\v5.3.0 directory structure. When a directory is found that directory is checked to ensure that it contains all of the correct resource files. The following locations are searched for in order:

1) If the constructor's resources argument is supplied, it is checked (for example C:\ResourcesFolder\Tesseract\v5.3.0);

2) If the constructor's resources argument is supplied, the OcrResources subdirectory of the argument is checked (for example C:\Folder\OcrResources\Tesseract\v5.3.0);

3) The SDK OcrResources directory which is determined by a registry key with OcrResources subdirectory (for example C:\RegistryKeyFolder\OcrResources\Tesseract\v5.3.0)

4) The location of the Tesseract Assembly (for example C:\TesseractAssemblyFolder\Tesseract\v5.3.0);

5) The location of the Tesseract Assembly's OcrResources subdirectory (for example C:\TesseractAssemblyFolder\OcrResources\Tesseract\v5.3.0);

6) The value of the TESS5DATA_PREFIX environment variable (for example C:\TESS5DATA_PREFIXFolder\Tesseract\v5.3.0).

See Also