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Tesseract5Engine Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Ocr.Tesseract
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.Tesseract5 (in Atalasoft.dotImage.Ocr.Tesseract5.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public class Tesseract5Engine : OcrEngine

The Tesseract5Engine type exposes the following members.

Public methodTesseract5Engine
Initializes a new instance of the Tesseract5Engine class with the default OcrResources directory
Public methodTesseract5Engine(String)
Initializes a new instance of the Tesseract5Engine class with the customer specified OcrResources directory
Public propertyAvailablePreprocessingOptions
This property returns the available set of image preprocessing options for this OcrEngine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyCanRecognizeBarcodes
Returns true if this engine supports barcode recognition.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyCanUseSymbolSet
Gets a value indicating whether engine can use symbol set or not.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyDefaultPreprocessingOptions
Returns the default preprocessing options for this OcrEngine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyDefaultRecognitionCulture
Returns the default recognition language for Tesseract5Engine.
(Overrides OcrEngineDefaultRecognitionCulture.)
Public propertyFactory
This property provides an object of type IOcrFactory for the construction of page and document elements.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyFontBuilder
This property provides a font builder that will be used for page construction.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyFontMapper
This property provides a font mapper that will be used for page construction.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyPreprocessingOptions
The property provides the preprocessing options to be used for this engine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyRecognitionCulture
Sets or gets the recognition language for this engine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyRecognitionCulturesList
Gets or sets the list of cultures to be used during recognition.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyRecognizeBarcodes
When true, will recognize barcodes as well as text if the engine supports barcode recognition.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertySupportedBarcodeSymbologies
Gets a list of barcode symbologies that are supported by this OcrDocument (if any).
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertySupportMultiCultureRecognition
Gets the value indicating whether the OCR engine supports multiple recognition cultures.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public propertyTranslators
This property provides access to a TranslatorCollection object used by the engine to translate images to documents.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodCanStream
Determines if it is possible to write a particular output format to a Stream.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodCanTranslate
Determines if it is possible to translate a document to a particular output format.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodCultureInfoToTesseractLang
Return a Tesseract language representing the CultureInfo object.
Protected methodCulturesMatch
Detects whether specified cultures match.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodDispose
Dispose memory used by the OcrEngine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Tesseract5Engine and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides OcrEngineDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
OcrEngine finalizer.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodGetAvailablePreprocessingOptions
Gets available preprocessing options for this engine.
(Overrides OcrEngineGetAvailablePreprocessingOptions.)
Protected methodGetCanRecognizeBarcodes
Gets the value indicating whether the engine can recognize barcodes or not. Returns false as Tesseract doesn’t support barcode detection.
(Overrides OcrEngineGetCanRecognizeBarcodes.)
Protected methodGetDefaultPreprocessingOptions
Gets default preprocessing options for this engine
(Overrides OcrEngineGetDefaultPreprocessingOptions.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetLicenseFlag
Retrieves value of the flag with specified name.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodGetSupportedBarcodeSymbologies
Returns the barcode symbologies supported by this engine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodGetSupportedRecognitionCultures
Returns an array of supported recognition languages for this engine
(Overrides OcrEngineGetSupportedRecognitionCultures.)
Public methodGetSymbolSet
Returns an engine-specific symbol set matching string from a standard symbol set.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHandleDeskew
Handles the process of deskewing an image.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodHasPageLocationHandler
Determines whether or not events have been installed for page location.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodInitialize
Initialize the engine.
(Overrides OcrEngineInitialize.)
Protected methodIsMultiCultureRecognitionSupported
Gets the value indicating whether the engine supports multiple recognition cultures.
(Overrides OcrEngineIsMultiCultureRecognitionSupported.)
Protected methodMakeBinarizeCommand
Returns a new ImageCommand that will binarize an image in the HandleDeskew method
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodMakeDeskewCommand
Returns a new ImageCommand that will deskew an image.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOcrBarcodeSymbologyIsSupported
Returns true if a given barcode symbology is supported.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodOnDocumentProgress
Fire the DocumentProgress event.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodOnImageIntroduction
Raises the ImageIntroduction event.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodOnImageSendOff
Raises the ImageSendOff event.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodOnImageTransformation
Raises the ImageTransformation event.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodOnPageConstructed
Fire the PageConstructed event.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodOnPageConstructing
Fire the PageConstructing event.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodOnPageLocation
Fire the PageLocation event.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodOnPageProgress
Fire the page progress event.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodRecognitionCultureChanged
Occurs when a recognition culture list changes.
(Overrides OcrEngineRecognitionCultureChanged.)
Public methodRecognitionCultureSupported
Indicates whether or not this engine will support a given recognition culture
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodRecognize(AtalaImage)
Performs optical character recognition of the image or images.
(Overrides OcrEngineRecognize(AtalaImage).)
Public methodRecognize(ImageSource)
Recognize a set of AtalaImage objects as an entire document.
(Overrides OcrEngineRecognize(ImageSource).)
Protected methodRecognize(AtalaImage, Int32)
Recognize text in an AtalaImage
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodRecognize(AtalaImage, Rectangle)
Recognize only within a specific rectangle in an AtalaImage.
Protected methodRecognize(ImageSource, OcrDocument, IForeignTranslator, Object)
Recognize a set of AtalaImage objects as an entire document.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodShutDown (Overrides OcrEngineShutDown.)
Public methodSupported Obsolete.
Provides a list of all mime types supported by Translators in this engine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodSupportedMimeTypes
Provides a list of all mime types supported by Translators in this engine.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodSupportingTranslator
Finds a translator that supports translation to the requested output type.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Protected methodTesseractLangToCultureInfo
Return a CultureInfo object representing the named Tesseract language - or NULL
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToSymbolSet
Converts a set of unique characters to a engine-specific symbol matching set.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodTranslate(ImageSource, String, Stream)
Translates a collection of images to the specified mime type, writing the output to the given stream. This method attempts to select the best translator for the job.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodTranslate(ImageSource, String, String)
Translates a collection of images to the specified mime type, writing the output to the given path. This method attempts to select the best translator for the job.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodTranslate(ImageSource, String, Stream, ITranslator)
Translates a collection of images to the specified mime type, writing the output to the given stream using the supplied translator.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodTranslate(ImageSource, String, String, ITranslator)
Translates a collection of images to the specified mime type, writing the output to the given path using the supplied translator.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public eventDocumentProgress
This event is used to publish progress made in recognition of a set of images.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public eventImageIntroduction
This event is raised before ImageTransformation in order to allow the document to be pre-processed prior to deskew.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public eventImageSendOff
This event is raised before the OCR process starts, and after ImageTransformation for OCR pre-processing.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public eventImageTransformation
This event is raised just after the image is deskewed and before ImageSendOff is raised.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public eventPageConstructed
This event is used to publish the page that has just been constructed.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public eventPageConstructing
This event is used to publish the page that is in the process of being populated.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public eventPageLocation
This event is used to publish OcrRegions that have been identified within an image.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public eventPageProgress
This event is used to publish progress made in the recognition of a page.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
See the Tesseract5Engine Constructor for information about loading Tesseract's resources.
To configure Tesseract5 library location, you should add the next line to app.config file:
        <Tesseract5Engine Tesseract5Location="C:\Folder\Subfolder\SubSubFolder"/>
    <!-- Components sections -->
You can also use a relaive path
        <Tesseract5Engine Tesseract5Location="..\Another\Sub\Folder"/>
    <!-- Components sections -->
See Also