Click or drag to resize

AnnotationUI Methods

The AnnotationUI type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCode exampleAddGripsToRegion
Adds the annotation grips to a region. The grips are added in annotation space.
Protected methodCode exampleApplyRegionTransform
Use this method to convert a region from annotation space to document or view space.
Public methodBeginCreate
This method is called by the AnnotationController when the user is beginning to create this annotation using the mouse.
Public methodClone
Creates a copy of this annotation.
Protected methodCreateRenderTransform
Returns the Matrix used by the renderer to transform the annotation.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetConfinedGripPosition
Gets the confined grip position.
Public methodGetConfinedLocation(RectangleF, PointF)
Returns the new confined location of the annotation when a confinement bounds and new location offset are provided.
Protected methodGetConfinedLocation(RectangleF, RectangleF, PointF)

Returns the new confined location of the annotation when the annotation bounds, a confinement bounds and new location offset are provided.

This overload is useful when only a portion of the annotation bounds should be taken into account for this calculation.

Public methodGetConfinedRotation
Gets the confined rotation.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetObjectData
Fills a SerializationInfo object with information about this annotation.
Protected methodGetOnePixel
Returns the equivalent of 1 pixel in resolution units.
Public methodCode exampleGetRegion
Returns a rectangular region for this annotation, including its grips if selected.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetViewerParameters
This method is used to get information about the viewer where the annotations are rendered, including resolution, zoom (scale) level and scrollbar position.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMirror
Mirrors (flips) the annotation horizontally or vertically.
Protected methodOnAnnotationControllerNotification
Called after a property of the annotation or related AnnotationData has been modified.
Protected methodOnClick
Called when the user has clicked on the annotation.
Protected methodOnControllerChanged
Called when the Controller property has changed.
Protected methodOnDoubleClick
Called when the annotation is double-clicked.
Protected methodOnGripPositionChanged
Called when a grip of the annotation has been moved by the user using the mouse.
Protected methodOnMirror
Called when the grips of an annotation have been dragged past the opposite grip.
Protected methodOnMouseDown
Called when the user clicks down on the annotation.
Protected methodOnMouseEnter
Called when the mouse is moved into the annotation region.
Protected methodOnMouseExit
Called when the mouse is moved out of the annotation region.
Protected methodOnMouseMove
Called when the user has moved the mouse over the annotation.
Protected methodOnMouseUp
Called when the user has released the mouse over the annotation.
Protected methodOnMoved
Called when a move to a new location has completed.
Protected methodOnMoving
Called while an annotation is being moved by the user.
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
Called when a property value has changed and raises the PropertyChanged event.
Protected methodOnPropertyChanging
Called when a property of the annotation or AnnotationData is about to be changed.
Protected methodOnResized
Called when a resize on the annotation has completed.
Protected methodOnResizing
Called while the annotation is being resized by the user.
Protected methodOnRotate
Called when the Rotate(Single) method is called on the annotation.
Protected methodOnRotated
Called when the annotation has been rotated by the user.
Protected methodOnRotateDocument
Called when the RotateDocument(DocumentRotation, Int32) method is used.
Protected methodOnRotating
Called while an annotation is being rotated by the user.
Protected methodOnScrollPositionChanged
Called when the IAnnotate. Transform indicates a change in its offset (scroll position).
Protected methodOnSelectedChanged
Called when the Selected property of the annotation has changed.
Protected methodOnSizeChanged
Called when the Size property of the annotation has changed.
Public methodRaiseClickEvent
Use this method to force a Click event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseDoubleClickEvent
Use this method to force a DoubleClick event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseGripPositionChangedEvent
Use this method to force a GripPositionChanged event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseMouseDownEvent
Use this method to force a MouseDown event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseMouseEnterEvent
Use to force the MouseEnter event for the annotation.
Public methodRaiseMouseExitEvent
Use to force a MouseExit event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseMouseMoveEvent
Use this method to force a MouseMove event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseMouseUpEvent
Use this method to force a MouseUp event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseMovedEvent
Use this method to force a Moved event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseMovingEvent
Use this method to force a Moving event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseOnRotateDocument
Use this method to force the OnRotateDocument(DocumentRotation) method to be called.
Public methodRaiseResizedEvent
Use this method to force a Resized event on the annotation.
Public methodRaiseRotatedEvent
This method invokes the Rotated event.
Public methodRaiseScrollPositionChangedEvent
Use this method to force the OnScrollPositionChanged(ScrollPositionChangedEventArgs) method to be called.
Public methodRemove
Forces the annotation to remove itself from its parent layer.
Public methodRotate
Rotates the annotation by the specified number of degrees.
Protected methodSetGrips
Sets the grips used by the annotation.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodTransformRectangle
Applies the render transformation matrix to a rectangle.
See Also