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Tesseract5EngineRecognize Method

Performs optical character recognition of the image or images.
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Public methodRecognize(AtalaImage)
Performs optical character recognition of the image or images.
(Overrides OcrEngineRecognize(AtalaImage).)
Public methodRecognize(ImageSource)
Recognize a set of AtalaImage objects as an entire document.
(Overrides OcrEngineRecognize(ImageSource).)
Protected methodRecognize(AtalaImage, Int32)
Recognize text in an AtalaImage
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
Public methodRecognize(AtalaImage, Rectangle)
Recognize only within a specific rectangle in an AtalaImage.
Protected methodRecognize(ImageSource, OcrDocument, IForeignTranslator, Object)
Recognize a set of AtalaImage objects as an entire document.
(Inherited from OcrEngine.)
See Also