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PdfDocumentCombine Method

Combines one or more PDF documents into a single document.
Combines one or more PDF documents into a single document.
Combines one or more PDF documents into a single document.
Combines one or more PDF documents into a single document.
Combines one or more PDF documents into a single document.
Combines one or more PDF documents into a single document.
Combines one or more PDF documents into a single document.
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Public methodStatic memberCombine(Stream, Stream)
Combines one or more streams containing PDF documents into a single stream.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(Stream, String)
Combines one or more paths containing PDF documents into a single stream.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(String, String)
Combines one or more files containing PDF documents into a single file.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(Stream, PdfSaveOptions, Stream)
Combines one or more streams containing PDF documents into a single stream and encrypts the document with the supplied password.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(Stream, PdfSaveOptions, String)
Combines one or more paths containing PDF documents into a single stream and encrypts the document with the supplied password.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(String, Stream, Stream) Obsolete.
Combines one or more streams containing PDF documents into a single stream and encrypts the document with the supplied password.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(String, Stream, String) Obsolete.
Combines one or more paths containing PDF documents into a single stream and encrypts the document with the supplied password.
See Also