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PdfDocument Methods

The PdfDocument type exposes the following members.

Public methodClose
Closes the PdfDocument's underlying stream, invalidates all pages, and clears the Pages collection.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(Stream, Stream)
Combines one or more streams containing PDF documents into a single stream.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(Stream, String)
Combines one or more paths containing PDF documents into a single stream.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(String, String)
Combines one or more files containing PDF documents into a single file.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(Stream, PdfSaveOptions, Stream)
Combines one or more streams containing PDF documents into a single stream and encrypts the document with the supplied password.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(Stream, PdfSaveOptions, String)
Combines one or more paths containing PDF documents into a single stream and encrypts the document with the supplied password.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(String, Stream, Stream) Obsolete.
Combines one or more streams containing PDF documents into a single stream and encrypts the document with the supplied password.
Public methodStatic memberCombine(String, Stream, String) Obsolete.
Combines one or more paths containing PDF documents into a single stream and encrypts the document with the supplied password.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsPdfACompatible
Checks the Output Intent color profiles and the PDF/A compatibility level (from metadata) of all source documents. Note! IsPdfACompatible() method does not check for compliance with the PDF/A standard.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberRepair(Stream, Stream, RepairOptions)
Repairs the PDF document in the Stream input, saving the repaired PDF to the Stream output.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(String, String, RepairOptions)
Repairs the PDF document in file intputPath, saving the repaired PDF to the file outputPath.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(Stream, Stream, RepairOptions, SecureString, SecureString)
Repairs the PDF document in the Stream input, saving the repaired PDF to the Stream output.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(String, String, RepairOptions, SecureString, SecureString)
Repairs the PDF document in file intputPath, saving the repaired PDF to the file outputPath.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(String, String, Stream, Stream, RepairOptions) Obsolete.
Repairs the PDF document in the Stream input, saving the repaired PDF to the Stream output.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(String, String, String, String, RepairOptions) Obsolete.
Repairs the PDF document in file intputPath, saving the repaired PDF to the file outputPath.
Public methodSave(Stream)
Saves a PdfDocument into the supplied stream.
Public methodSave(String)
Saves a PdfDocument to a new file.
Public methodSave(Stream, PdfSaveOptions)
Saves a PdfDocument into the supplied stream.
Public methodSave(String, PdfSaveOptions)
Saves a PdfDocument to a new file.
Public methodSave(String, Stream) Obsolete.
Saves a PdfDocument into the supplied stream, encrypting with the supplied password.
Public methodSave(String, String) Obsolete.
Saves a PdfDocument into a new file encrypting with the supplied password.
Public methodSave(String, String, Stream) Obsolete.
Saves a PdfDocument into a stream encrypting with the supplied passwords.
Public methodSave(String, String, String) Obsolete.
Saves a PdfDocument into a new file encrypting with the supplied passwords.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSeparate(String, String, Stream, PdfStreamCreator) Obsolete.
Separates a single PDF into multiple files: one file per page.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSeparate(Stream, PdfStreamCreator, SecureString, SecureString, RepairOptions, PdfPageSavedHandler)
Separates a single PDF into multiple files: one file per page.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSeparate(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Separates a single PDF into multiple files: one file per page.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleSeparate(String, String, String, Boolean, SecureString, SecureString, RepairOptions, PdfPageSavedHandler)
Separates a single PDF into multiple files: one file per page.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also