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PdfDocumentRepair Method

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Public methodStatic memberRepair(Stream, Stream, RepairOptions)
Repairs the PDF document in the Stream input, saving the repaired PDF to the Stream output.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(String, String, RepairOptions)
Repairs the PDF document in file intputPath, saving the repaired PDF to the file outputPath.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(Stream, Stream, RepairOptions, SecureString, SecureString)
Repairs the PDF document in the Stream input, saving the repaired PDF to the Stream output.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(String, String, RepairOptions, SecureString, SecureString)
Repairs the PDF document in file intputPath, saving the repaired PDF to the file outputPath.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(String, String, Stream, Stream, RepairOptions) Obsolete.
Repairs the PDF document in the Stream input, saving the repaired PDF to the Stream output.
Public methodStatic memberRepair(String, String, String, String, RepairOptions) Obsolete.
Repairs the PDF document in file intputPath, saving the repaired PDF to the file outputPath.
See Also