Click or drag to resize

LineRubberband Properties

The LineRubberband type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActive
Gets or sets a value indicating if the rubberband is active in the parent Viewport control.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyActiveButtons
Gets or sets a value indicating which mouse buttons are used to draw the rubberband.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyAspectRatio
Gets or sets the aspect ratio which the rubberband will be constrained to.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Gets or sets the background color of a dashed line.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyBounds
Gets or sets the rectangular area occupied by the rubberband in image pixel coordinates.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Protected propertyCanRaiseEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyClickLock
Gets or sets a value indicating if clicking on the Viewport without moving the mouse starts or finishes a rubberband.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyConstrainPosition
Gets or sets a value indicating if the RubberBand can be drawn outside the image area.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyContainer
Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCursor
Gets or sets the cursor which is displayed in the parent Viewport when active.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Protected propertyCursorPad
Gets or sets the amount of padding for the cursor to change and to allow adjusting the existing selection.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Protected propertyDesignMode
Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected propertyEndPoint
Gets or sets the end point of the Rubberband. Normally this is the bottom-right corner.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Protected propertyEvents
Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyInverted
Gets or sets a value indicating if the rubberband is drawn inverted.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Protected propertyIsDragging
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Rubberband is being dragged.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyMoveCursor

Gets or sets the cursor used when moving the rubberband.

(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyMoveWhenInside
Gets or sets a value indicating if the rubberband can be moved with the mouse.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyParent
Gets or sets the parent ViewPort control.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyPen
Gets or sets a value of the pen which is used to draw the rubberband.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyPersist
Gets or sets a value indicating if the rubberband continues to display after the mouse button is released.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertySnapToPixelGrid
Gets or sets a value indicating if the rubberband snaps to a grid occupied by one image pixel.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Protected propertyStartPoint
Gets or sets the starting point of the Rubberband. Normally this is the top-left corner.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating if the rubberband is currently visible.
(Inherited from Rubberband.)
See Also