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MergeOption Enumeration

Image overlay merge options.
Image overlay merge options.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing
Assembly:  Atalasoft.dotImage (in Atalasoft.dotImage.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum MergeOption
  Member nameDescription
FastBlend Fast Blend. Uses factor parameter as opacity.
AccurateBlend Slower, more accurate blend. Uses factor parameter as opacity.
LogicalAnd Pixels are combined with logical AND.
LogicalOR Pixels are combined with logical OR.
LogicalXOR Pixels are combined with logical XOR.
Max Output pixels is max of top and bottom.
Min Output pixel is min of top and bottom.
Sum Output pixel is sum of top and bottom.
Difference Output pixel is difference of top and bottom.
GreaterThanFactor If top pixel value > factor, output top pixel value, otherwise output factor.
LessThanFactor If top pixel value < factor, output top pixel value, otherwise output factor.
AbsoluteValueOfDifference Absolute value of the differnce of top and bottom pixel.
Multiply Multiply bottom pixel value by top pixel value and divide by 255 (top * bottom) / 255.
MultiplyWidthFactor Multiply bottom pixel value by top pixel value and by a factor and divide by 255 (top * bottom * factor) / 255.
Screen 255-(((255-top)*(255-bottom)) / 255).
PlusFactor bottom = bottom + top - factor
MinusFactor bottom = bottom - top - factor

Performs a negative Logical AND.

This can only be used with 1-bit images.


Performs a negative Logical OR.

This can only be used with 1-bit images.


Performs a negative Logical XOR.

This can only be used with 1-bit images.

Copy Performs a copy operation
ColorDodge Color dodge
ColorBurn Color burn
SoftDodge Soft Dodge
SoftBurn Soft Burn
Photoshop Photoshop "overlay"
SoftLight soft light (similar but not identical to Photoshop)
HardLight Hard light
XFaderReflect XFader reflect
XFaderGlow XFader glow
XFaderFreeze XFader freeze
XFaderHeat XFader heat
See Also