Kofax Mobile SDK API Reference
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ServerProjectProvider Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ServerProjectProvider:


class  Error
class  HttpClientHolder

Public Member Functions

 ServerProjectProvider (Context ctx, String baseUrl) throws MalformedURLException
 ServerProjectProvider (Context ctx, IBundleCacheProvider cacheProvider, String baseUrl, ConnectivityManager connectivityManager) throws MalformedURLException
void setCertificateValidatorListener (CertificateValidatorListener certificateValidatorListener)
void setRequestTimeout (long duration, TimeUnit timeUnit)
void getHighestVersion (final String projectName, final String sdkVersion, final ICompletionListener< String > listener)
String getLatestCachedModelDataBuildInfo (String projectName)
void getProject (final String projectName, final String version, final ICompletionListener< File > listener)
void getVariant (final String projectName, final String variantName, final String version, final ICompletionListener< File > listener)
void loadAllVariantsForProject (final String projectName, final ICompletionListener< Void > listener)
void cancelLoadAllVariants ()

Protected Member Functions

Task< String > getHighestVersionAsync (final String projectName, final String sdkVersion, final boolean bulk)
String sdkVersion ()

Detailed Description

A reference implementation of IProjectProvider that downloads assets from a Kofax Quick Updater service instance

Note: it is required for the app or user to have android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission before calling any method in this class

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ServerProjectProvider ( Context  ctx,
String  baseUrl 
) throws MalformedURLException

Create a new ServerProjectProvider using the Kofax Quick Updater server instance at the given base URL.

ctxThis context
baseUrlThe Kofax Quick Updater instance URL

Unfortunately, because of this constructor, we cannot check the validity of the cache provider and connectivity parameters.

ServerProjectProvider ( Context  ctx,
IBundleCacheProvider  cacheProvider,
String  baseUrl,
ConnectivityManager  connectivityManager 
) throws MalformedURLException

Create a new ServerProjectProvider using a custom cache provider, using the Kofax Quick Updater server instance at the given base URL.

ctxThis context
cacheProviderThe cache provider
baseUrlThe Kofax Quick Updater instance URL
connectivityManagerA connectivity manager for checking network status

Member Function Documentation

void cancelLoadAllVariants ( )

Cancels any outstanding tasks related to loadAllVariantsForProject(String, ICompletionListener)

This function will do nothing if no tasks are outstanding.

If there are outstanding tasks, the ICompletionListener passed to loadAllVariantsForProject(String, ICompletionListener) will be called with a cancel success message

void getHighestVersion ( final String  projectName,
final String  sdkVersion,
final ICompletionListener< String >  listener 

This implementation keeps a map of project names to a map of sdk versions to model versions. If the map contains an entry for the key pair {projectName, sdkVersion}, that value is returned, and no work is done.

If no entry exists, the network connection is checked. If a network connection exists, a server call is attempted. If that value is returned, it is stored in the map and returned.

If a server response is not acquired, local cached is checked. If a local version exists, that version is stored in the map and returned.

If no map entry exists, no network connection exists or a server call fails, and finally no cache exists, a ProjectProviderException is thrown with a message indicating work cannot continue.

projectNameThe name of the project
sdkVersionThe version of the SDK that must be compatible
listenerA completion listener. If this is null, no work will be done.

Implements IProjectProvider.

Task<String> getHighestVersionAsync ( final String  projectName,
final String  sdkVersion,
final boolean  bulk 
String getLatestCachedModelDataBuildInfo ( String  projectName)

Get the project latest model data build information from cached project

projectNameThe name of the project to retrieve
The latest model data build info if available, otherwise a null string

Implements IProjectProvider.

void getProject ( final String  projectName,
final String  version,
final ICompletionListener< File >  listener 

Returns the directory containing the project files. If the project files already exist in the provided IBundleCacheProvider, those will be used.

If no cache version exists, the network connection is checked. If a network connection exists, a server call is attempted. If the files are acquired from the server, they are cached and returned.

If no cache exists, and either there's no network connection or a server error, an exception is thrown with a message indicating work cannot continue.

projectNameThe name of the project
versionThe version of the project
listenerA completion listener. If this is null, no work will be done.

Implements IProjectProvider.

void getVariant ( final String  projectName,
final String  variantName,
final String  version,
final ICompletionListener< File >  listener 

Returns the directory containing the variant files. If the variant files already exist in the provided IBundleCacheProvider, those will be used.

If no cache version exists, the network connection is checked. If a network connection exists, a server call is attempted. If the files are acquired from the server, they are cached and returned.

If no cache exists, and either there's no network connection or a server error, an exception is thrown with a message indicating work cannot continue.

projectNameThe name of the project
variantNameThe name of the variant
versionThe version of the variant (this should match the same version string retrieved from getHighestVersion(String, String, ICompletionListener)
listenerA completion listener. If this is null, no work will be done.

Implements IProjectProvider.

void loadAllVariantsForProject ( final String  projectName,
final ICompletionListener< Void >  listener 

Loads all the variants for a given project. This method uses the SdkVersion#getSdkVersion() when calling getHighestVersion(String, String, ICompletionListener). Subsequently, it retrieves the project files, and uses the contained variants list to download each variant.

If a variant already exists in the provided IBundleCacheProvider, it will not be re-downloaded.

projectNameThe name of the project to load
listenerA listener to call when loading is complete. The type argument is Void because no object is returned.
String sdkVersion ( )
void setCertificateValidatorListener ( CertificateValidatorListener  certificateValidatorListener)

Sets the SSL certificate validator listener.

The listener receives certificate validation challenges in response to an authentication request from the Kofax Quick Updater instance.

See also
void setRequestTimeout ( long  duration,
TimeUnit  timeUnit 

Change the connection timeout.

This parameter corresponds to all connection timeouts: connect, read and write. If any operation exceeds the timeout, the process is cancelled, and an exception will be raised.

Note: This sets the timeout for new connections. A value of 0 means no timeout, otherwise values must be between 1 and Integer::MAX_VALUE when converted to milliseconds.

durationThe amount of the timeout
timeUnitThe time unit associated with the duration

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