Kofax Mobile SDK API Reference
Public Member Functions | List of all members
IProjectProvider Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IProjectProvider:
LocalProjectProvider ServerProjectProvider

Public Member Functions

void getHighestVersion (final String projectName, final String sdkVersion, final ICompletionListener< String > listener)
void getProject (final String projectName, final String version, final ICompletionListener< File > listener)
void getVariant (final String projectName, final String variantName, final String version, final ICompletionListener< File > listener)
String getLatestCachedModelDataBuildInfo (String projectName)

Detailed Description

Specifies the interface required to satisfy extraction dependencies

Member Function Documentation

void getHighestVersion ( final String  projectName,
final String  sdkVersion,
final ICompletionListener< String >  listener 

Get the highest version string for the given project that is compatible with the given SDK version

Note: The listener's object parameter will be null, or a string representing the highest compatible version

projectNameThe name of the project
sdkVersionThe version of the SDK that must be compatible
listenerA completion listener. If this is null, no work will be done.

Implemented in ServerProjectProvider, and LocalProjectProvider.

String getLatestCachedModelDataBuildInfo ( String  projectName)

Get the project latest model data build information from cached project

projectNameThe name of the project to retrieve
The latest model data build info if available, otherwise a null string

Implemented in ServerProjectProvider, and LocalProjectProvider.

void getProject ( final String  projectName,
final String  version,
final ICompletionListener< File >  listener 

Get the project bundle for the given version

Note: The listener's object parameter will be a ZIP containing the top-level project files, including the fields.xml, classifier configurations, and cities.zip, and a file listing the available variants

projectNameThe name of the project
versionThe version of the project
listenerA completion listener. If this is null, no work will be done.

Implemented in ServerProjectProvider, and LocalProjectProvider.

void getVariant ( final String  projectName,
final String  variantName,
final String  version,
final ICompletionListener< File >  listener 

Get a variant for the given version for the given project

Note: The listener's object parameter will be a ZIP containing the variant-specific files

projectNameThe name of the project
variantNameThe name of the variant
versionThe version of the variant (this should match the same version string retrieved from getHighestVersion(String, String, ICompletionListener)
listenerA completion listener. If this is null, no work will be done.

Implemented in ServerProjectProvider, and LocalProjectProvider.

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