Suspend a job
A job can be suspended:
Manually by a user.
Through an API call.
Automatically due to a job failure.
When a job is suspended, the exceptions, milestones and triggers are not affected. You can manually reactivate the suspended jobs to get them up and running again.
- On the Jobs menu, click Find.
Specify the jobs to suspend:
To suspend a single job, on the Actions column for the job, click Select and click Suspend.
To suspend multiple jobs, select the check boxes for the jobs to suspend, and on the Action bar, click Actions and click Suspend.
To suspend all jobs, select the check box on the table header, and on the Action bar, click Actions and click Suspend.
A pop-up prompts to provide the suspend reason. -
Optionally, enter a suspend reason (maximum: 50 characters).
The suspend reason is displayed under the Suspend Reason column for the job.
The Suspend Reason column is not displayed by default. You must add the column for it to display in the JobList query. See Manage columns in a JobList query.
When you reactivate one or more jobs, the suspend reason is cleared if the job is successfully reactivated.
Yes to confirm.
The job status changes to Suspended.