Train Table Fields

Click Table Definition to show the training window for a table field. To train a table layout, define a line item template to find all of the table rows on the document. An additional window enables you to apply the necessary training steps. A status line below the Table Definition button shows the training status of the current field.

The following status information is displayed:

  • An invalid line item template is defined. To delete the invalid line item template, clear the field or click Table Definition to change the template.

  • A valid line item template already is defined. Click Table Definition to define the table columns and test the settings.

  • The table field has no data. Click Table Definition to define the line item template. Draw the master item on the reference document in the Document Viewer (Table Mode). Define the table columns and test the settings.

  • The table field has N rows. This table field is already configured. Select the table definition and test the table fields or change the settings.