Formatting Tab - Project Settings Window

Use the Formatting tab to manage the field formatters in the project. The table contains a list of formatters. By default, the following formatters are listed:

  • DefaultDateFormatter.

    This formatter uses the Date Formatter and is configured to format dates from any recognized value to either DD_MM_YYYY or DD_MM_YY using the "." as a date delimiter. For example, a date of October 3, 2005 would be changed to 03.10.2005.

  • DefaultAmountFormatter.

    This formatter uses the Amount Formatter and is configured to format amounts from any recognized value to an amount value with two decimal places. For example, a recognized number of 12,8 would be formatted to 12.80.

Use the following buttons to manage the formatters in your project:


Click Add to insert a new formatter. Enter a name for the formatter, select a type, and then click OK to open the properties window for that type of formatter.


Click Delete to remove the currently selected field formatter.


Click Rename to change the name of the currently selected field formatter.


Click Properties to open and modify the properties window for the currently selected field formatter.

Default Formatters

This group has the following options:

For date formatting

Select a formatter from the list to be the default date formatter. The value for this option is set to DefaultDateFormatter by default.

For amount formatting

Select a formatter from the list to be the default amount formatter. The value for this option is set to DefaultAmountFormatter by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.