Recognition Tab - Project Settings Window

Use the Recognition tab to manage OCR and OMR recognition profiles for full text and zonal recognition.

The list of profiles shows all of the profiles that are defined for the current project. The first column has the name of the profile, the second column is the type, and the third column shows the method that is used with the profile.

Use the following buttons to manage the recognition engines used in your project:

Page Profile

Click Page Profile to create a new page profile. The profile settings window is displayed. The exact contents of the window depend on the type of profile. A new page profile is added with a default name that you can change.

Zone Profile

Click Zone Profile to create a new zone profile. The profile settings window is displayed. The exact contents of the window depends on the type of profile. A new page profile is added with a default name that you can change.


Click Delete to remove the currently selected profile.


Click Copy to copy the currently selected profile. The profile settings window is displayed. The exact contents of the window depends on the type of the source profile. A new page profile is added with a default name that you can change.


Click Rename to rename the currently selected profile.

As Default

Click As Default to set the currently selected profile as the default profile for that type, for Page OCR, Zone OCR or OMR.


Click Properties to modify the properties of the currently selected profile. Alternatively, double-click a profile from the list to open the properties window.


Click Import to import a previously exported profile into the project. Exported profiles are stored in files with the .rp extension and make it possible for you to reuse recognition settings in different projects. The profile is imported with a default name.


Click Export to export the currently selected profile to a file with the .rp extension.

OCR Substitution

Click to open the OCR Substitution window. These settings are independent of the currently selected profile.

Several preconfigured profiles are created by default with each project. You can create or modify a profile by editing its properties.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.