FineReader Zone Recognition Profile Settings Window

Use this window to set the properties for FineReader recognition zone profiles.

Important When using the FineReader 11.1 R8, your production machine that runs the Transformation Server module is limited to a maximum of 40 cores.

This group enables you to specify the type of expected data by selecting one of the following values:

  • Numeric.

    Select this option if a zone contains numbers only. For example, a credit card field, date, or telephone number.

  • Alphanumeric.

    Select this option if a zone contains alphabetic, numeric, and other characters. This is the default value for this option.

If Alphanumeric is selected, you can choose what languages are recognized by the recognition engine.

Printer Types

This group enables you to select the types of print or fonts to expect. Choose one or more of the following:

  • Normal. This option is selected by default.

  • Typewriter.

  • Matrix.

  • Index.

  • Handprint.

  • OCR-A.

  • OCR-B.

  • Magnetic (E-13B).

  • Magnetic (CMC-7).

If the Handprint type is selected, the following option is available:

Writing Style

If the Handprint type is selected, select the language that the hand written text uses. The value for this option is set to "Default" by default.

Note This Writing style selection applies only to handwritten characters. All the other character types make use of the language selected in the Languages list. The value for this option is set to Default by default.
General Settings

This group has the following options:

Case recognition mode

Select one of the following items to determine how the recognition engine should handle the case of the recognized text:

  • Auto Case.

    Select this option if you want to let the recognition engine to automatically determine the case of the text. This is the default value for this option.

  • Small Case.

    Select this option if you want the recognition engine to convert all text to lower case.

  • Capital Case.

    Select this option if you want the recognition engine to convert all text to capital letters.

Field marking type

Select one of the following items to determine how the recognition engine should handle markings between letters or words:

An example of the selected field marking type is shown below the Cells count option using the HANDPRINT phrase.

  • Simple Text.

    Select this item if the text has no special markings to separate words or letters. This is the default value for this option.

  • Underlined Text.

    Select this item if text in a zone is partially or completely underlined.

  • Text in Frame.

    Select this item if the text in a zone is inside a box or frame.

  • Grey Boxes.

    Select this item if the text in a zone is within boxes in a grey surrounding frame.

  • Separate Boxes.

    Select this item if the text in a zone has individual letters in separate boxes.

  • Simple Comb.

    Select this item if the text in a zone has individual letters in separate combs.

  • Comb in Frame.

    Select this item if the text in a zone has individual letters in separate combs within a frame.

  • Partitioned Frame.

    Select this item if the text in a zone is within a partitioned frame.

Cells count

When enabled, select the number of cell partitions of a text field. This option is enabled only for some of the above field marking types. The value for this option is set to 1 by default.

Prohibit superscript

Select this option if you want superscript text to be recognized and treated like regular text. This option is selected by default.

Prohibit subscript

Select this option if you want subscript text to be recognized and treated like regular text. This option is selected by default.

Prohibit italic

Select this option if you want italic text to be recognized and treated like regular text. This option is selected by default.

Recognition Mode

Select the type of recognition mode from the following values:

  • Fast mode.

    Select this option if you want to increase the speed of recognition over accuracy.

    Important If you select this option, the increased speed of recognition may decrease the quality of the results.

  • Balanced mode.

    Select this option if you want to balance the speed an accuracy of recognition.

  • Full mode.

    Select this option if you want to increase the accuracy of recognition over speed.

    Note If you select this option, recognition will take longer.

    This is the default value for this option.

Text Language Options

This group has the following options:

Implied text category

Select one of the following options to define what type of text is displayed in a zone:

  • Unknown.

    Select this item if the text category is unknown. This is the default value for this option.

  • Natural text.

    Select this item for normal text.

  • Table cells.

    Select this item for text in table cells.

  • Form Fields.

    Select this item for text in form.

  • Listing.

    Select this item for text listings.

Prohibited letters

Type any characters that should be ignored by the OCR engine. The value for this option is set to blank

Layout Options

This group has the following options:

Single line

Select this option if the contents of the zone are on the same line. This option is selected by default.

One word per line

Select this option if the zone has one word on a line. This option is cleared by default.

One line per block

Select this option if the contents of a block, such as a paragraph, in a zone are on the same line. This option is selected by default.

This group enables you to click Browse, navigate to, and select a dictionary to help with recognition. The value for this option is set to <None> by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.