Mixed Print Page Recognition Profile Settings Window

You can use this window to select two different recognition engines that can work in combination to recognize both machine printed and hand written text on a document.

Machine print page profile

Select a page profile from the list to recognize the machine printed text on the document. The value for this option is set to <None> by default.

Hand print page or zone profile

Select a page or a zone profile from the list to recognize the hand written text on the document. The value for this option is set to <None> by default.

Segmentation result handling

Select the type of segmentation handling you want to use. The following choices are available:

  • Read segments with separate profiles.

    Select this option to send machine printed and hand printed text to their respective recognition profiles. This is the default value for this option.

  • Read full page with single profile.

    Select this option to send full pages to a single recognition profile. The profile is determined by the amount of hand written text present on an image. For the best results when segmentation is used, select a hand print page profile.

Minimum hand printed area for hand print recognition

Use the slider or type in the value for the percentage used to define the minimum hand printed area or pixel ratio for hand print recognition. The slider is only available when "Read full page with single profile" is selected. The value for this option is set to 50 by default.

Remove background
Select this option to remove any lines from a document. This option is cleared by default.
Note If you are using a FineReader page profile for machine print recognition profile and you are seeing inconsistent rotation results, ensure that the Remove background option is cleared and try again. Run a classification benchmark before and after this option is selected to compare results.
Note Ensure that you select the appropriate recognition profiles to achieve the expected results. When necessary, change the settings of an existing profile or create a new page or zone profile to meet the requirements.