TIFF Image Files

To process scanned (or later imported) documents with Kofax TotalAgility, the best practice is to use sample images in the same compression format as the scanning application provides.

Multi-page TIFF files need to be split into multiple single-page files before they are processed.

When a document is scanned, each page is saved as a TIFF image file. Transformation Designer supports the following TIFF (.tif) compression formats:

Bi-tonal (black and white)
  • Uncompressed

  • Fax TIFF - G3 (CCITT Group 3)

  • Fax TIFF - G4 (CCITT Group 4)

  • RLE (Run Length Encoded)

  • Packbits

The standard compression format for fax and bi-tonal images is TIFF - G4.

256-level grayscale and 24-bit RGB
  • Uncompressed

  • TIFF - JPEG compression