Manage Recognition
Recognition refers to four different, yet inter-dependent components.
- Recognition Engine
An engine is third-party software used to perform OCR or OMR.
- Recognition Method
A method consists of a single engine, or a combination of engines, as used in the Mixed Page Print profile type.
- Recognition Profile Type
There are different types that can be applied to a recognition profile. Depending on the type selected, different recognition engines and properties are available.
- Recognition Profile
A profile consists of a profile type and a recognition engine. By default, there are several predefined recognition profiles using the RecoStar and FineReader recognition engines.
In order to meet specific recognition requirements, you can:
Add a page/mixed print page recognition profile
Add a zone recognition profile
Add an OMR recognition profile
Rename a recognition profile
Modify a recognition profile
Delete a recognition profile
Copy a recognition profile
Set a recognition profile as the default profile
Import a recognition profile
Export a recognition profile
Define recognition substitutions