Configure Oracle Connection Window

Use this window to configure and test Oracle connection strings.

Oracle Server/TNS

This option enables you to enter the name and TNS (Transport Network Substrate), or IP address and TNS of an Oracle server.

Logon Information

This group allows defining the user credential that are needed each time the Oracle database is accessed (for example, to create the fuzzy index or perform the automatic update). If the connection to the Oracle server is successful for the given authentication, a list of available databases is provided within the Database Name list. If the connection fails an error message is displayed. Configure the following criteria:

User name

This is the user name to log on to the selected Oracle server.


This is the password for the inserted user name to log on to the selected Oracle server.

In addition to the common buttons, the following button is provided at the bottom of the window:

Test Connection

Use this button to ensure that the provided connection settings connect successfully.