Document data

The following information is available for documents:

If documents have a large number of XValues this may cause performance issues when a batch is loaded.

Document Index Fields (mapped)

You have read/write access for all mapped document index fields. By updating the document field of the XDocInfo.XDocument object its data is written to the mapped Kofax Capture document index field. Initial field values from a Kofax Capture document index fields are not considered.

Mapped table fields have read/write access and by updating the table of the XDocInfo.XDocument object its data is written to the mapped Kofax Capture table field.

The Populate all fields for read-only access setting is not required for mapped index fields.

Document Index Field Values

During runtime all document index field values (mapped and unmapped) are accessible in read-only format from script. These values are saved as XValues for the XDocInfo object.

XDocInfo.XValues.ItemByName("AC_FIELD_" & FieldName)

If you cannot access the field values via script, then you need to check whether the Populate all index fields for read-only access in script setting is selected on the Extended Synchronization Settings window of the Kofax Transformation - Synchronization Tool. (Default: Cleared)

Default values defined in Kofax Capture for document index fields are filled for the Kofax Capture validation step. The corresponding XValues remain empty during server processing. If you want to access the value you have to add the Kofax Capture Validation module in the processing queue before Kofax Transformation - Validation.

Table Field Values

During runtime all table fields values are accessible in read-only format from script. These values are saved row by row in the XValues of the XDocInfo object. The row number is zero-based and the columns are separated by a tab. See the following script example.

XDocInfo.XValues.ItemByName("AC_TABLE_" & TableFieldName & "_ROW_" & nRowNumber)

Form Type

You can access the Kofax Capture form type name in read-only format using the following key:


Document CSS

Additionally, all custom storage strings defined on document level on the Kofax Capture side are transferred to the XValues collection of the XDocInfo object.

XDocInfo.XValues.ItemByName("AC_CSS_" & CSSName)

In order to write values back to Kofax Capture, set the property MustSynchronize to TRUE so that changes in the XValue are transferred to the corresponding CustomStorageString for a document. By using the naming convention and setting the property MustSynchronize to TRUE you can also add new XValues to the collection of the XDocInfo so that new CustomStorageStrings on the Kofax Capture side are created.

Page CSS

All custom storage strings defined on page-level on the Kofax Capture side are transferred to the XValues collection of the XDocInfo object.

XDocInfo.XValues.ItemByName("AC_CSS_PAGE<n>_" & CSSName)

In order to write values back to Kofax Capture, set the MustSynchronize property to TRUE so that changes in the XValue are transferred to the corresponding page custom storage string, where <n> is the one-based page number of the page. By using the naming convention and setting the MustSynchronize property to TRUE you can also add new XValues to the collection of the XDocInfo so that new custom storage strings on Kofax Capture side are created.

Document or Page(s) Rejected

If a document or one of its pages is rejected in Kofax Capture is reflected in the XValues of the document.

The following XValue keys reflect the rejection state of documents and pages:


By using the following key you get the XValue that contains the rejection note for a rejected document:


If a document has one or more rejected pages, you find an XValue per rejected page in the document with the following key:


Where <n> is the one-based page number of the page you are interested in. To get the rejection note of a page get the value of the XValue by the following key:


Also setting the rejection state of a document or page and modifying its rejection note is supported. All modifications are updated on the side of Kofax Capture when the batch is closed.

Unique ID

This XValue is available only when the Expose document UniqueID in script setting is enabled in the Synchronization Tool. Since this setting can slow down performance, enable the Expose document UniqueID in script setting only if this XValue is required. For more information about the Expose document UniqueID in script setting, see the Kofax Transformation - Synchronization Tool Help.

The Kofax Capture Unique ID name is read-only and you can access it using the following key:


This key is not available for newly created documents in the Thin Client modules and when creating documents using batch restructuring.