Verification form and Verification panel elements customization

You can customize verification forms using script. That means that the verification form elements such as labels and the document viewer, provide properties that you can modify in script. In general the VerificationForm_DocumentLoaded or, if foldering is enabled, the VerificationPanel_DocumentLoaded event is used to set the properties of an element.

For the Thin Clients in order to customize the verification form elements via script using DocumentLoaded event, enable the Support scripted layout changes setting on the Project Settings - General tab for each pane on the verification form. Selecting this setting enables the function to fire the DocumentLoaded event when you navigate between documents in Thin Client Verification. For example, to set the ZoomValue for the Document Viewer. Note that using this script parameter may worsen the performance as the traffic between the server and Thin Clients increases.

A verification form has various elements, such as labels and the document viewer. The CscSpriptVerificationForm object provides the following child objects and collections for the elements that you can customize using a script.

If foldering is enabled the CscSpriptValdiationPanel object provides the following child objects and collections for the elements that you can customize using a script.

For the Thin Clients, the following properties are not supported for the DocViewer objec.

  • ActivePageIndex (when used during the DocumentLoaded event)

  • XOffSet

  • YOffSet

For the Thin Clients you can use one zoom operation only, such as ZoomIn, ZoomOut, ZoomValue, ZoomToRectangle and ZoomMode, per event for the document viewer. If you implement several ones within the same event the last zoom operation is applied to the document all other zoom operations are ignored.