Silent serial number deployment

Administrators can deploy a default serial number for license activation. If a default serial number is deployed, Tungsten Power PDF Business for Mac automatically uses it for activation, so the user should not know and type the number.

This feature is available in Tungsten Power PDF Business for Mac only.

Run the following commands in Terminal or in your script to deploy a default serial number:

  1. Set the activation mode to serial number.

    defaults write com.kofax.powerpdf.mac "ACTMODE" -string "SN"

    This command limits activation options to Serial Number in the activation dialog box, hiding all other options.

  2. Set the serial number to use for the activation. In the command example below, replace the serial number with your own.

    defaults write com.kofax.powerpdf.mac "ISX_SERIALNUM" -string "AAAAA-A00-1A1A-11AA-A1"

  3. Optionally, hide the Deactivate license command on the Application menu to prevent accidental deactivation by the user.

    defaults write com.kofax.powerpdf.mac "HideDeactivate" -bool "YES"

If both ACTMODE and ISX_SERIALNUM are set, Tungsten Power PDF Business for Mac silently activates the license on the next start. The activation dialog box does not appear unless activation fails. In this case, verify your license and internet connection.