Open the Printix App

You can open the Printix App on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Open the Printix App on your phone or tablet



Web browser

  1. Use any of the following options:
    • Visit and select Menu > Sign in.

      When prompted to select a Printix Home, select Printix App under the appropriate Printix Home.

    • Select the Printix App link in the email with the subject Get started with Printix.

    • Open a web browser and enter the Printix Home URL for your organization.


      Do not put www in front of the address, because your browser will report the page as not private, untrusted, or as having problems with the security certificate.

    If you sign in with Microsoft or Google through, you are prompted to sign in every time. To avoid signing in every time, either sign in with email, bookmark the Printix App URL in your web browser, or install the Printix App for Android or iOS/iPadOS.

Open the Printix App on your computer

The Printix App opens in a web browser.

  1. Use any of the following options:
    • Visit and select Sign in.

      When prompted to select a Printix Home, select Printix App under the appropriate Printix Home.

    • Open the Printix Client menu and select Release and print documents.

    • Select the Printix App link in the email with the subject Get started with Printix.

    • Open a web browser and enter the Printix Home URL for your work or school.


      Do not put www in front of the address, because your browser will report the page as not private, untrusted, or as having problems with the security certificate.

    If you get a blank screen, you may have to clear your browsing data.

Sign in through the mobile app

Diagram for the alternative sign-in method

  1. Select Alternate sign in on the sign-in screen.

    You must use the Printix App for Android or iOS/iPadOS to see this option.

  2. Enter your Printix Home, then select OK.
  3. Sign in with one of the enabled sign-in methods.