ACTIVESWLib::ISPScanner Interface Reference
Detailed Description
SignWare Dynamic Development toolkit, ActiveX wrapper for SPScannerInterface ISPScanner.Representation of scanner device
Please read the scanner overview in ScannerOverview.
Public Member Functions | |
HRESULT | Capture ([in] long lWithGui,[in] __int64 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Capture one or more images from the selected device. | |
HRESULT | Capture32 ([in] long lWithGui,[in] __int32 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Capture one or more images from the selected device. | |
HRESULT | CaptureInteractive ([in] __int64 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Capture an images from a camera or a video device. | |
HRESULT | CaptureInteractive32 ([in] __int32 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Capture an images from a camera or a video device. | |
HRESULT | CaptureInteractiveDone ([in] long iRes,[in] long iOption,[out, retval] long *result) |
Finalize a capture process that was started with CaptureInteractive. | |
HRESULT | ClearImages ([out, retval] long *result) |
Clear all images that were captured in the last capture process. | |
HRESULT | CreateScanner ([in] ISPPropertyMap *pMap,[in] __int64 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a scanner device object. | |
HRESULT | CreateScanner32 ([in] ISPPropertyMap *pMap,[in] __int32 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a scanner device object. | |
HRESULT | Dispose ([out, retval] long *result) |
Dospose and free the native resources of a SPScanner object. | |
HRESULT | GetCapabilities ([out] ISPPropertyMap **ppMap,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the Capabilities of the scanner device. | |
HRESULT | GetImage ([in] long lImageIndex,[out] ISPImage **ppImage,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query an image that was captured in the last capture process. | |
HRESULT | GetNumberImages ([out] long *plNumberImages,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the number of images that were captured in the last capture process. | |
HRESULT | GetSettings ([out] ISPPropertyMap **ppMap,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the Settings of the scanner device. | |
HRESULT | SetSettings ([in] ISPPropertyMap *pMap,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the Settings of the scanner device. |
Member Function Documentation
Capture one or more images from the selected device.
Capture one or more images from the selected device.
Capture an images from a camera or a video device.
Capture an images from a camera or a video device.
Finalize a capture process that was started with CaptureInteractive.
Clear all images that were captured in the last capture process.
Create a scanner device object.
Create a scanner device object.
Dospose and free the native resources of a SPScanner object.
Query the Capabilities of the scanner device.
Query an image that was captured in the last capture process.
Query the number of images that were captured in the last capture process.
Query the Settings of the scanner device.
Set the Settings of the scanner device.
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