X-API Documentation
X-API Version
SignWare X-API
The Windows Version of the SDK is also accessible as an Active-X component. The implemented class objects are described in Namespace ACTIVESWLib. The interfaces and classes include- ACTIVESWLib::ISPAcquire includes methods to capture a signature or reference on a tablet without visual feedback, without GUI.
- ACTIVESWLib::_ISPAcquireEvents includes the callbacks of ACTIVESWLib::ISPAcquire objects.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPBackgroundObjects represents a container for tablet background descriptors.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPCleanParameter represents a container for static cleaning parameters.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare represents a signature comparison object.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPFlatFile represents a SPReference, SPTemplate, SPSignature or SPTicket in a format that may be saved in a file or a database.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiAcqu includes methods to visualize tablet entry.
- ACTIVESWLib::_ISPGuiAcquEvents includes the callbacks of ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiAcqu objects.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiContainer includes methods to embed one or more visual signware components.
- ACTIVESWLib::_ISPGuiContainerEvents includes the callbacks of ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiContainer objects.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiDisp includes the methods to visualize signatures (SPSignature objects).
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiDyn includes methods to visualize biometric features of signatures (SPSignature objects).
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPImage represents a static picture.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPPropertyMap represents a property container.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPReference represents one or more signatures.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPScanner represents a scanner device.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPScannerEnum represents a scanner enumeration.
- ACTIVESWLib::_ISPScannerEvents includes the callbacks of ACTIVESWLib::ISPScanner objects.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignature represents a single signature, that includes a set of vectors and other characteristics.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware includes the (static) SPSignware functions.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPSmartCard represents an interface to Smartcards, based on industry standard ISO 7816, see also ACTIVESWLib::ISPSmartCardDriver.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet represents a tablet reference to acquire a signature.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPTabletEnum represents a tablet enumeration.
- ACTIVESWLib::_ISPTabletEvents includes the callbacks of ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet objects.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPTeller communicate with a SignBase® client.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPTellerImage represents a teller image structure.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPTemplate represents a template structure. A Template is a special type of a reference signature representation optimized for minimum storage requirements.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket represents a license for a specific action.
- ACTIVESWLib::ISPWeightedFrames is a container of weighted frames, that are returned from static cleaning.
- Instantiation of a SignWare COM object typically allocates resources within the COM framework, but does not instantiate the associated SignWare object. Call the according Create - method to create the SignWare object.
- Some environments either do not support SAFEARRAY's or implement SAFEARRAY access incomplete, the x-api Interfaces partly add methods to pass base64 encoded strings to replace SAFEARRAYS.
The ActiveX component is implemented in a file "ActiveSW.dll".- You must add a path to the C-API libraries (typically INSTALL-DIRECTORY-SIGNWARE\c-api\Win32) in your PATH environment variable.
- Register ACTIVESW classes
- run regsvr32 ActiveSW.dll.
- Please assure that the c-api libraries are accessible through the path variable from your application, else most functions will return an error SP_LINKLIBRARYERR.
- Import ActiveSW.dll in your source file where you want to access SignWare functionality. The compiler will create ActiveSW.tlb and ActiveSW.tlh files, that include the definitions required to call SignWare methods.
FAQs Frequently asked questions
Error handling and Debugging
All Signware methods return an error code as described in the method description.- Call SPSignwareGetErrorString to convert the error code to a string in English.
- More detailed information about errors is written into a logfile, if an environment variable SPDEBUG is set to a value in the range 0 .. 5, where 0 does not log any information, while 5 logs most information. The log file is defined by the environment variable SPDEBUGDIR, default is logfile.log. SPDEBUGDIR either points to a directory, in which case the logfile will be named %SPDEBUGDIR%\logfile.log, or points to a file, in which case the logfile will be named %SPDEBUGDIR%.
- No log information is written, if the file logfile.log cannot be created, e. g. if the specified path does not exist.
- Default trace level is 0.
- The logfile will be created, if it does not exist, all logs are appended.
- Always include a logfile with SPDEBUG set to 5, when sending a incident (bug) report to the SignWare contact address.