ACTIVESWLib::ISPTeller Interface Reference
Detailed Description
SignWare Dynamic Development toolkit, ActiveX wrapper for SPTellerInterface ISPTeller.Representation of a Teller communication
Public Member Functions | |
HRESULT | ClearWorkspace ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Clear the workspace of a SignBase® client. | |
HRESULT | Create ([out, retval] long *result) |
Create the teller instance. | |
HRESULT | DisplayAccount ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Display a SignBase® account. | |
HRESULT | DisplayCustomer ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Display a SignBase® customer. | |
HRESULT | DisplayVDBForm ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Display a SignBase® VDB formular. | |
HRESULT | DisplayVDBFormWithResult ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Display a SignBase® VDB formular, return the result. | |
HRESULT | DisplayVDBReference ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Display a SignBase® VDB reference. | |
HRESULT | DisplayVDBReferenceWithResult ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Display a SignBase® VDB reference, return the result. | |
HRESULT | End ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Terminate a SignBase® client. | |
HRESULT | Enroll ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Execute a SignBase® client enrollment. | |
HRESULT | GetAccount ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the account for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetAccountName ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the account name for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetAmount ([out] __int64 *plAmount,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the amount for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetAPSVResult ([out] long *lAPSVResult,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the APSV result of the last SignBase® call. | |
HRESULT | GetBankCode ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the bank code for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetBirthDate ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the birth date for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetBNO ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the BNO for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetCountry ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the country for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetCurrency ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the currency for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetCustomer ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the customer for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetCustomerName ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the customer name for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetDocRefNo ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the document reference id for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetFinalResult ([out] long *lFinalResult,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the final result of the last SignBase® call. | |
HRESULT | GetFirstname ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the firstname for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetIndexInPrimaNota ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the document index within a prima nota for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetLastname ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the lastname for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetMatchDynamic ([out] long *lMatchDynamic,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the dynamic match result of the last SignBase® call. | |
HRESULT | GetMatchStatic ([out] long *lMatchStatic,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the static match result of the last SignBase® call. | |
HRESULT | GetMiddlename ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the middlename for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetPosition ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the position for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetPrimaNota ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the prima nota for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetResult ([out] long *lResult,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the result of the last SignBase® call. | |
HRESULT | GetReturnImage ([out] char *chType,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the returned image type for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetScanDate ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the scan date for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetSigno ([out] long *lSigno,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the signo for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetSignoRole ([out] char *chRole,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the signo role for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetSignoStyle ([out] char *chStyle,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the signo style for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetSignoType ([out] char *chType,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the signo type for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetTellerImage ([out] ISPTellerImage **ti,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the image for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetTitle ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the title for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetTransaction ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the transaction for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetVPSV ([out] long *pbEnable,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the VPSV enable flag for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | GetXMLSigno ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query a signatory from a SignBase® client. | |
HRESULT | GetXMLString ([out] BSTR *strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the XML data for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | Resize ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Resize a SignBase® client window. | |
HRESULT | SetAccount ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the account for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetAccountName ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the account name for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetAmount ([in] __int64 lAmount,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the amount for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetBankCode ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the bank code for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetBirthDate ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the birth date for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetBNO ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the BNO for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetCoordinates ([in] long lLeft,[in] long lBottom,[in] long lWidth,[in] long lHeight,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the SignBase® client window size. | |
HRESULT | SetCountry ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the country for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetCurrency ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the currency for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetCustomer ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the Customer for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetCustomerName ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the customer name for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetDocRefNo ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the document reference id for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetFirstname ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the firstname for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetIndexInPrimaNota ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the document index within a prima nota for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetIniFile ([in] BSTR bstrName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the configuration file for a SignBase® client. | |
HRESULT | SetLastname ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the lastname for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetMiddlename ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the middlename for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetPosition ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the position for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetPrimaNota ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the prima nota for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetReturnImage ([in] char chPar,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the returned image type for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetScanDate ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the scan date for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetSigno ([in] long lSigno,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the signo for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetSignoRole ([in] char chPar,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the signo role for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetSignoStyle ([in] char chPar,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the signo style for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetSignoType ([in] char chPar,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the signo type for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetTellerImage ([in] ISPTellerImage *ti,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the image for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetTitle ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the title for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetTransaction ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the transaction for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetVPSV ([in] long bEnable,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the VPSV enable flag for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | SetXMLString ([in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the XML data for successive SignBase® calls. | |
HRESULT | Start ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Start a SignBase® client. | |
HRESULT | Verify ([in]__int64 hwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
Execute a SignBase® client verify (STV, SignTellerVerification). | |
HRESULT | XMLCommand ([in]__int64 hwnd, char chAction,[out, retval] long *result) |
Execute a XML command in SignBase®. |
Member Function Documentation
Clear the workspace of a SignBase® client.
Create the teller instance.
Display a SignBase® account.
Display a SignBase® customer.
Display a SignBase® VDB formular.
Display a SignBase® VDB formular, return the result.
Display a SignBase® VDB reference.
Display a SignBase® VDB reference, return the result.
Terminate a SignBase® client.
Execute a SignBase® client enrollment.
Query the account for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the account name for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the amount for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the APSV result of the last SignBase® call.
Query the bank code for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the birth date for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the BNO for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the country for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the currency for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the customer for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the customer name for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the document reference id for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the final result of the last SignBase® call.
Query the firstname for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the document index within a prima nota for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the lastname for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the dynamic match result of the last SignBase® call.
Query the static match result of the last SignBase® call.
Query the middlename for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the position for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the prima nota for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the result of the last SignBase® call.
Query the returned image type for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the scan date for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the signo for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the signo role for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the signo style for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the signo type for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the image for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the title for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the transaction for successive SignBase® calls.
Query the VPSV enable flag for successive SignBase® calls.
Query a signatory from a SignBase® client.
Query the XML data for successive SignBase® calls.
Resize a SignBase® client window.
Set the account for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the account name for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the amount for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the bank code for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the birth date for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the BNO for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the SignBase® client window size.
Set the country for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the currency for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the Customer for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the customer name for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the document reference id for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the firstname for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the document index within a prima nota for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the configuration file for a SignBase® client.
Set the lastname for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the middlename for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the position for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the prima nota for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the returned image type for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the scan date for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the signo for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the signo role for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the signo style for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the signo type for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the image for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the title for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the transaction for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the VPSV enable flag for successive SignBase® calls.
Set the XML data for successive SignBase® calls.
Start a SignBase® client.
Execute a SignBase® client verify (STV, SignTellerVerification).
Execute a XML command in SignBase®.
The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: