de.softpro.signware.SPTeller Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for de.softpro.signware.SPTeller:

Detailed Description
Representation of a SignBase® Teller interface objectThe interface allows for accessing SignBase® functionality within SignWare®.
- Operating Systems:
- Windows (Win32)
Public Member Functions | |
void | clearWorkspace () throws SPSignwareException |
Clear the workspace of the SignBase® client. | |
void | displayAccount () throws SPSignwareException |
Diplay the account in a SignBase® client. | |
void | displayCustomer () throws SPSignwareException |
Diplay the customer in a SignBase® client. | |
void | displayVDBForm () throws SPSignwareException |
Diplay the VDB formular in a SignBase® client. | |
void | displayVDBFormWithResult () throws SPSignwareException |
Diplay the VDB formular in a SignBase® client. | |
void | displayVDBReference () throws SPSignwareException |
Diplay the VDBReference in a SignBase® client. | |
void | displayVDBReferenceWithResult () throws SPSignwareException |
Diplay the VDBReference in a SignBase® client. | |
void | end () throws SPSignwareException |
Terminate a SignBase® client. | |
void | enroll () throws SPSignwareException |
Enroll into a SignBase® client. | |
String | getAccount () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the account for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getAccountName () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the account name for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
long | getAmount () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the amount for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
int | getAPSVResult () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the APSV result of a previous SignBase® request. | |
String | getBankCode () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the BankCode for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getBirthDate () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the birth date for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getBNO () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the BNO for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getCountry () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the country for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getCurrency () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the Currency for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getCustomer () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the Customer for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getCustomerName () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the customer name for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getDocRefNo () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the document reference id for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
int | getFinalResult () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the final result of a previous SignBase® request. | |
String | getFirstname () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the firstname for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getIndexInPrimaNota () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the document index within a prima nota for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getLastname () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the lastname for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
int | getMatchDynamic () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the dynamic match rate of a previous SignBase® request. | |
int | getMatchStatic () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the static match rate of a previous SignBase® request. | |
String | getMiddlename () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the middlename for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getPosition () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the position for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getPrimaNota () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the prima nota for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
int | getResult () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the result of a previous SignBase® request. | |
char | getReturnImage () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the image type for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getScanDate () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the scan date for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
int | getSigno () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the signo of a previous SignBase® request. | |
char | getSignoRole () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the signo role for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
char | getSignoStyle () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the signo style for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
char | getSignoType () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the signo type for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
SPTellerImage | getTellerImage () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the Image for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getTitle () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the title for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
String | getTransaction () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the transaction for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
boolean | getVPSV () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the VPSV enable flag for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | getXMLSigno () throws SPSignwareException |
Query a signatory from a SignBase® client. | |
String | getXMLString () throws SPSignwareException |
Query the XML data for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | resize () throws SPSignwareException |
Resize the SignBase® client window. | |
void | setAccount (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Account for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setAccountName (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the AccountName for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setAmount (long lAmount) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Amount for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setBankCode (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the BankCode for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setBirthDate (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the BirthDate for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setBNO (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the BNO for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setCountry (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Country for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setCurrency (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Currency for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setCustomer (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Customer for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setCustomerName (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the customer name for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setDocRefNo (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the document reference id for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setFirstname (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Firstname for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setIndexInPrimaNota (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the document index within a prima nota for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setIniFile (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the name of the ini file for a SignBase® client process. | |
void | setLastname (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Lastname for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setMiddlename (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Middlename for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setPosition (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Position for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setPrimaNota (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the prima nota for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setReturnImage (char chPar) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the image type for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setScanDate (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the ScanDate for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setSignoRole (char chPar) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the signo role for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setSignoStyle (char chPar) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the signo style for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setSignoType (char chPar) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the signo type for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setTellerImage (SPTellerImage ti) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Image for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setTitle (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Title for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setTransaction (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the Transaction for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setVPSV (boolean bEnable) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the VPSV enable flag for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
void | setXMLString (String strName) throws SPSignwareException |
Set the XML data for a successive SignBase® client request. | |
SPTeller () throws SPSignwareException | |
Create a teller object. | |
void | start () throws SPSignwareException |
Start a SignBase® client. | |
void | verify () throws SPSignwareException |
Verify in a SignBase® client. | |
void | xmlCommand (char chAction) throws SPSignwareException |
Execute a XML command in SignBase®. | |
Package Functions | |
native final int | jniFree () |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Create a teller object.
Member Function Documentation
Clear the workspace of the SignBase® client.
Diplay the account in a SignBase® client. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
The detailed result is available with getResult.
Diplay the customer in a SignBase® client. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
The detailed result is available with getResult
Diplay the VDB formular in a SignBase® client. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
Please set the parameters before you call displayVDBForm. The detailed result is available with getResult.
Diplay the VDB formular in a SignBase® client. These parameters are actually passed to SignBase®:
Call getResult to obtain the result.
Diplay the VDBReference in a SignBase® client. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
The detailed result is available with getResult.
Diplay the VDBReference in a SignBase® client. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
Call getResult to obtain the result.
Terminate a SignBase® client.
Enroll into a SignBase® client. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
The detailed result is available with getFinalResult. Enroll will finally copy the returned data into this object. Use the parameter get functions to query the updated values.
Query the account for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the account name for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the amount for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the APSV result of a previous SignBase® request.
Query the BankCode for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the birth date for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the BNO for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the country for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the Currency for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the Customer for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the customer name for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the document reference id for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the final result of a previous SignBase® request.
Query the firstname for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the document index within a prima nota for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the lastname for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the dynamic match rate of a previous SignBase® request.
Query the static match rate of a previous SignBase® request.
Query the middlename for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the position for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the prima nota for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the result of a previous SignBase® request.
Query the image type for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the scan date for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the signo of a previous SignBase® request.
Query the signo role for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the signo style for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the signo type for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the Image for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the title for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the transaction for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query the VPSV enable flag for a successive SignBase® client request.
Query a signatory from a SignBase® client. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
The detailed result is available with getResult, the result string may be called via getXMLString
Query the XML data for a successive SignBase® client request.
Implements de.softpro.signware.SPSignwareObject. |
Resize the SignBase® client window.
Set the Account for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the AccountName for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Amount for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the BankCode for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the BirthDate for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the BNO for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Country for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Currency for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Customer for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the customer name for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the document reference id for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Firstname for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the document index within a prima nota for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the name of the ini file for a SignBase® client process.
Set the Lastname for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Middlename for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Position for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the prima nota for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the image type for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the ScanDate for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the signo role for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the signo style for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the signo type for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Image for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Title for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the Transaction for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the VPSV enable flag for a successive SignBase® client request.
Set the XML data for a successive SignBase® client request.
Start a SignBase® client.
Verify in a SignBase® client. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
The detailed results are available with getSigno. Verify will finally copy the returned data into this object. Use the parameter get functions to query the updated values.
Execute a XML command in SignBase®. These parameters are passed to SignBase®:
The detailed result is available with getResult.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: