Document Viewer Modes

In general, this window enables users to view documents, but this is a special window that can change its mode depending on its context, and from where is launched.

The Document Viewer has the following possible modes:

Document Viewer

This is the default mode for this window, and is displayed by double-clicking on a document. The toolbar options are restricted to viewing and testing a document. No modifications can be made to any locator or project configurations from this mode of the window.

Document Viewer (Zone Mode)

This mode is only displayed when configuring a zone for either the A2iA or an Advanced Zone Locator. Additional toolbar options specific to configuring and testing zones are available.

Document Viewer (Table Mode)

This mode is only displayed when configuring a Table Locator. Additional toolbar options specific to configuring and testing tables are available.`

If the Document Viewer in its default mode is open when you open a Table Locator properties, the Document Viewer window changes to the Document Viewer (Table Mode) mode for as long as those properties remain open.

Note When the Document Viewer window is opened, it is floated by default, regardless of its mode. You can dock it as desired or keep it floated and move it to another monitor if available.