Classification Results Window

This window is not displayed within the main Transformation Designer window by default. If you want to view its contents, it needs to be opened.

By default, when this window is displayed, it spans the full width along the bottom of the Transformation Designer window. This window can share the same space as the Extraction Results window and you can switch between these windows using their respective tabs. Alternatively, you can float this window to any location within or outside of the main Transformation Designer window, or you can choose to dock this window in various positions within the main Transformation Designer window.

This window displays the classification results of the selected document set. From this window, you can compare your document set with a set of golden files for performing benchmarks.

The confidence values for each class and subclass are included in the classification results. Confidence is divided into layout classification confidence, that is shown under the image icon, and content classification confidence, that is shown under the text icon.

The following icons are available, many of which represent hierarchical evaluation rules:

Icon Description

Layout Classification Results icon

Image icon used for the layout classification confidence.

Content Classification Results icon

Text icon used for the content classification confidence.

Classification Result icon

Classification icon used for the final classification result.

Classification Local Not-Flag Rule Result icon

Classification icon used when the classification result is the result of the Local Not-Flag hierarchical rule.

Classification Alternative Result icon

Classification icon used for alternate classification results.

Classification Parent Represents Competing Child Result icon

Classification icon used when the classification result is the result of the Parent Represents Competing Child hierarchical rule.

Classification Propagated Not-Flag Rule Result icon

Classification icon used when the classification result is the result of the Propagated Not-Flag hierarchical rule.

Classification Child Wins over Parent Rule Result icon

Classification icon used when the classification result is the result of the Child Wins Over Parent hierarchical rule.

Classification Subtree Result icon

Classification icon used when the classification result is the result of Subtree Classification.

Reclassified via Script Result icon

Classification icon used when the classification result is reclassified in script.